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Human computer interaction (topic № 3)
Human Computer InteractionTopic№3:
Project methodology
Tiamanova Margarita
Reviakin Egor
Gorduna Nikita
Alkhazov Slava
Marshchonok Nikita
• Simplify the issue reporting process.
• Make onboarding new staff smoother.
Current Challenges:
•Manual processes are slow and prone to errors.
•New staff may find onboarding difficult using
PPDIOO methodThe PPDIOO method is a structured approach used in
project management and system development[3,4,8]
The Telegram application was chosen because this
application is free, lightweight and multiplatform.
Telegram also has a Bot API that is quite complete and
growing, making it possible to create smart bots that
can respond to messages
from the public[2,4,6].
Telegram Bot can be created using
two methods: lengthy polling and
webhook. The long-polling
method involves the server
periodically checking the bot for
incoming messages. When a
message arrives, the server
executes according to the user's
request. If there are no messages,
the server is idle. The Long-Polling
technique runs the bot directly
through the server, but the
Webhook method requires "https"
for hosting[4].
Onboarding and Notifications(Example)5.
References1. https://developers.notion.com/ Le N. Automated Jira backlog prosess using Python. – 2022. (Notion API)
2. https://core.telegram.org/bots/api Batskihh J. DevOps approach in Software Development using Atlassian Jira Software. –
2023(Telegram Bot API)
3. Purwanto A., Soewito B. Optimization problem of computer network using ppdioo //ICIC Express Lett. – 2021. – С. 56-67.
4. Idhom M. et al. Implementation system telegram bot for monitoring Linux server //International conference on science and
technology (ICST 2018). – Atlantis Press, 2018. – С. 1089-1093.
5. Deriyanto S. P., Santoso H. A. Development of Bot for Microservices Server Monitoring Using Life Cycle Approach to Network
Design Method //JUITA: Jurnal Informatika. – 2020. – Т. 8. – №. 2. – С. 141-147.
6. Parlika R., Pratama A. Realtime Student Information Center Application Based on Telegram Bot Case Study at the Faculty of
Computer Science, UPN “Veteran” East Java //Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings. – 2018. – С. 135-143.
7. Moharil A. et al. Between JIRA and GitHub: ASFBot and its influence on human comments in issue trackers //Proceedings of the
19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories. – 2022. – С. 112-116.
8. https://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=1697888&seqNum=2