
Automated control systems (ACS)



1. The concept of automated control systems
2. ACS classes
3. Classification of automated control systems by
4. The structure of the automated control system


Automated control system is a man–machine
system designed to provide automated
collection and processing of information
necessary to optimize the management process.
Unlike automatic systems, where a person is
completely excluded from the control loop, the
automated control system assumes active
human participation in the control loop, which
provides the necessary flexibility and
adaptability of the automated control system.


A complex of hardware and software, as well as
personnel, designed to manage various processes
within the technological process, production,
enterprise. Automated control systems are used in
various industries, energy, transport, etc.


Automated process control system or automated
process control system — solves the tasks of
operational management and control of technical
facilities in industry, energy, transport
2. The automated enterprise management system
(ASUP) is a complex of software, technical,
informational, linguistic, organizational and
technological means and actions of qualified
personnel designed to solve the tasks of planning and
managing various types of enterprise activities.


Information support (IO) is a set of tools and
methods for building the information fund of the
Technical support (TO) is a complex of technical
means of collecting, registering, transmitting and
processing information
Software (software) is a set of programs for
processing and transmitting data to AIS, as well as
documentation on their application.


Depending on the role of a person in the
management process, the forms of
communication and functioning of the "manmachine" link, the operator and the computer,
between the computer and the means of control
and management, all systems can be divided
into two classes:


1) Информационные системы, обеспечивающие
сбор и выдачу в удобном виде информацию о ходе
технологического или производственного процесса.
В результате соответствующих расчётов
определяют, какие управляющие воздействия
следует произвести, чтобы управляемый процесс
протекал наилучшим образом. Основная роль
принадлежит человеку, а машина играет
вспомогательную роль, выдавая для него
необходимую информацию.


2) Control systems that provide, along with the
collection of information, the issuance of
commands directly to performers or executive
mechanisms. Control systems usually operate in
real time, i.e. at the pace of technological or
production operations. In control systems, the
most important role belongs to the machine, and a
person controls and solves the most complex
issues that, for one reason or another, the
computing means of the system cannot solve.


ACS are very diverse and can be classified
according to various criteria.


Automated control system of industry;
Automated control system of transport;
Automated control system for military
Automated control systems, etc.




1) automated control systems of organizational
management (production and economic, socioeconomic functional processes implemented at
the levels of economic management - banking,
financial, insurance, tax, automated control
systems of the customs service; automated
control systems of industrial enterprises and
organizations, etc.)


2) Automated process control systems (APCS) are
human–machine systems that provide control
of technological processes, machine tools,
automatic lines;


3) Automated control systems of organizational
and technological management are multi-level
systems that combine automated control
systems of an enterprise and automated control
systems of technological processes (automated
process control systems).;
4) ACS of scientific research;
5) Training automated control systems.


The automated control system includes the following types
of security:
1) Information support (IO) is a set of tools and methods for
building the information fund of the system, the
organization of its functioning and use.
2) Technical support (TO) is a complex of technical means of
collecting, registering, transmitting and processing
information, as well as office equipment that provide AIS
information technologies.
3) Mathematical software (MO) is a set of mathematical tools
used in the description of algorithms for solving
problems, as well as models of presentation and
interpretation of information used in AIS software.


4) Software (software) is a set of programs for
processing and transmitting data to AIS, as
well as documentation on their application.
5) Linguistic support (LO) is a system of artificial
languages, terms and definitions used in the
development and operation of AIS.
6) Organizational support (OO) is a set of tools
and methods that regulate the interaction of
employees with technical means, software and
among themselves in the process of creating
and functioning of AIS.


7) Legal support (PRO) is a set of legal norms
regulating legal relations- during the creation and
functioning of AIS.
8) Methodological support (MtO) is a set of
legislative, regulatory acts and instructions on
accounting, financial and investment analysis, as
well as other areas of knowledge that allow
developing algorithms for processing economic
information and providing legal support for
9) Ergonomic support (EO) is a set of tools and
methods designed to create optimal conditions for
highly efficient and error-free activity of specialists
in the process of creating and functioning of AIS
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