
Lecture 1 - 2


Lecture 1.
Peculiarities of Foreign Language
Teaching at the Senior Stage of
Secondary School
Normative Regulations in the Sphere of General
Secondary Education and Learner Differences
Almaty, 2024


Normative regulations in the sphere of
general secondary education
Problems for discussion:
The content of State Obligatory Standard for General
Secondary Education.
The position of Foreign Language within the frame of
State Obligatory Standard for General Secondary


State obligatory standard of general secondary
education in Republic of Kazakhstan
State obligatory standard of general secondary education
№ 348 from August 3rd, 2022 (App. 4):
improving the quality of education through the system
expected learning outcomes;
implementation of the policy of trilingual education by
creating the necessary conditions for organizing the
educational process in Kazakh, Russian and foreign
combination of academic and practical orientation of
general secondary education,


ensuring a gradual deepening of subject knowledge and skills;
of the principle of unity of teaching and
upbringing, based on the interconnectedness and
interdependence of educational values and the system of
expected learning outcomes,
ensuring the protection of children’s health, creating favorable
conditions to meet the special educational needs of students
and the need for additional educational services;
support and development of innovative practices in
educational organizations;
organizing an objective assessment of the activities of
educational organizations to ensure the quality of education.


Content of compulsory subjects for all areas of profile
education - grades 10-11
with teaching compulsory academic subjects,
students are provided with a choice of profile core
subjects at advanced and standard levels of training in the
invariant component.
Profile training is carried out on the basis of individual
interests and needs of students. A larger number of hours
is allocated for advanced level of profile core subjects
than for standard level academic subjects.


Content of compulsory subjects for all areas of profile education grades 10-11
Foreign language.
The content of the subject "Foreign language" should be aimed at the formation of
a multilingual, multicultural personality. It is aimed to improve communicative
competence by enriching the vocabulary through the content of authentic texts of
different styles, which promotes the sociocultural enrichment of worldview in the
process of developing foreign language communicative competence; to develop
research skills and a creative approach to solving various educational problems.
The content of the subject "Foreign Language" develops skills to analyze, generalize,
classify professionally significant information, to effectively use foreign language for
communication in scientific and professional activities, as well as the skills of
personal and business correspondence, writing CV, essays on a given topic, which in
total contribute to increasing motivation to learn a foreign language.
Students get an opportunity to integrate the subject "Foreign Language" with other
subjects through inter subject communications to develop the ability to establish
cause-and-effect relationships between facts, work with information, extracting the
main and fragmentary parts from foreign sources. "Foreign Language" should help to
develop spiritual and moral values, a patriotic attitude to Motherland, a tolerant
attitude to representatives of another culture.


Expected learning outcomes upon completion of general
secondary education through compulsory subjects
The student understands the main content of authentic texts of various genres,
dialogues on familiar and partially familiar topics; extracts the most functionally
significant semantic information, including detailed and specific ones. Students
understand the meaning of terms and key units of texts from various educational
fields, as well as other areas of communication; distinguish between fact and opinion;
extracts and compares inconsistencies in texts of the average volume of different
genres and styles within the framework of the studied topics, guesses the meaning
of unfamiliar words from the context.
The student conducts a dialogue in situations of official and informal
communication. He correctly draws up his own statements, using the lexical and
grammatical means of the language. He expresses an emotional and evaluative
attitude to the surrounding reality, implementing the previously proposed tactics of
verbal communication; analyzes and compares texts, arguing his point of view; gives
an assessment of events, opinions and problems; draws conclusions and offers own
ways to solve a given problem.


Expected learning outcomes upon completion of general
secondary education through compulsory subjects
The student understands the main content of journalistic, popular science,
artistic texts of a certain complexity; uses different reading strategies;
determines the temporal and causal relationship of events and phenomena;
analyzes and compares the meanings of words using book and electronic
resources; critically evaluates the content of texts of different genres and
The student draws up a plan, theses of a written message, edits and
corrects texts of different genres and styles; observes grammatical, spelling,
punctuation and stylistic norms; writes a text based on media information;
writes texts of a problematic nature, expressing his own attitude to the
problem; creates business letters and documents; writes essays on various
topics (150-200 words).


Expected results upon completion of general secondary education
trough academic subjects of an advanced level of education in the
social and humanitarian direction
The subject "Foreign language" is aimed at developing the
language skills of students in four types of speech activity
(listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Upon
completion of general secondary education, students
must reach the language level B1 (B1.2) in accordance
with the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR).


Expected results upon completion of general secondary
education trough academic subjects of an advanced level of
education in the social and humanitarian direction
understands the main meaning of clearly uttered statements within the literary
norm on well-known topics, simple informational messages about ordinary everyday
issues and topics related to study and future professional activities; follows the main
points of a long discussion in general terms. He understands a lecture or
conversation on educational and professional topics, if the subject of the speech is
familiar, and the speech itself is simple and has a clear structure; understands
detailed technical instructions; most television programs on topics of interest, for
example, interviews, short lectures, reports, when they sound slow and clear.
Student is able to describe something or tell in the form of consecutive statements.
He retells l the plot of a book or film and describe your reaction to it. He makes
short, rehearsed announcements on a topic as part of a learning activity. He makes a
report on familiar topics, which will be so clear that throughout its entire length
you can follow the thought, and the main provisions of which are clearly explained.
He answers and asks questions; describes your experience, formulating your feelings
and reactions to it in a complex coherent text.


Expected results upon completion of general secondary education
trough academic subjects of an advanced level of education in the
social and humanitarian direction
Students understands in detail simple texts containing information on a
topic of interest, descriptions of events, feelings and desires in personal
letters. He is able to read long texts of fiction and non-fiction within the
framework of certain unfamiliar general and educational topics; identifies
the main points of different types of newspaper articles, uses unfamiliar
paper and digital resources to test the meaning and increase understanding.
Writing: students are able to write simple coherent texts on a wide range
of familiar and interesting issues, linking together a number of individual
short elements, summarize and communicate quite freely his opinion on
the collected factual information on familiar everyday and social issues
within the field of activity; write personal letters, talking about news and
your thoughts on abstract topics or topics related to culture: music, films;
make notes in the form of a list of key points during a simple lecture,
provided that the topic is familiar, the speech is simple and pronounced
clearly, in a standard dialect; retell the story in writing.


Questions to discuss:
How do you understand the concept of «Study program»?
Why do we take into account the content of State obligatory
standard of general secondary education when the position of
Foreign Language in the sphere general secondary education is
What basic normative documents are taken into account for
compiling of study program for general secondary education?
Compare learning outcomes in the sphere of Foreign Language
acquisition upon completion of general secondary education
through compulsory and advanced levels.
List of sources:


Learner Differences








On the young person's search for identity, see the work
of E H Erikson reported in M Williams and R Burden
The idea that adolescents present an ideal teaching and
learning age is put forward in P Ur (1996: 286) and R Ellis
(1994: 484-494). See also C Damim et al (2002).
S Lindstromberg (2004) has edited a book of language
activities for teenagers.
A Leiguarda (2004) discusses the teenage brain. See also P
Prowse and J Garton-Sprenger (2005) on 'teen power'.
C Fowle (2002) advances the learning benefits of
vocabulary notebooks for adolescents.


The aim of lecture 2:
To define diversification the profiles of education in the secondary school
Problems of discussion:
1.1 Profile schools in the system of education of Kazakhstan
1.2 Conditions of the organization of profile school
1.3 Types of profile schools


Profile schools in education system of
ensure modern quality of education
reduction of all components of an
education system in compliance with
relevant and perspective needs of the
personality, society and states
Main aim of modernization of
education system of the Republic
realization of profile training on
senior to step 12-years schools, the
labor market focused on socialization
of students taking into account
requirements, on
work off flexible interrelations of
school with the organizations of
professional education


The objectives of profile education in Republic of
develop students'
thinking that
allows them to
critically and
creatively process
give students a
deep and solid
knowledge of
have own opinion
and be able to
defend it in any
develop students'
motivation for
research and
develop students'
skills of independent
cognitive activity,
prepare them for
solving problems of
different levels of
to orient students
in a wide range of
problems related to
a particular field of


The factors determines the development of
the profile education system in Kazakhstan
the transition of the school
to a 12-year model of
tendencies in the
organization of training in
senior classes in foreign
the requirements of the
labor market for the training
of school graduates
the need for continuity with
subsequent levels of


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been recognized as an
important tool in increasing public awareness and understanding of
sustainable development. Unlike most educational movements, the
inception of ESD did not originate from the educational community.
The concept has subsequently been defined differently by different
authors. Some definitions are presented in Table 1.
Hopkins and McKeown
• “The development of
human capacity and
creativity to participate in
determining the future,
encourage technical
progress as well as foster
the cultural conditions
favoring social and
economic change to
improve the quality of life
and more equitable
economic growth”.
• “A combination of
existing and yet to be
identified guiding
principles, knowledge,
skills, perspectives, and
values that are organized
around sustainability
concepts and issues.”
• “It is about equipping
individuals, communities
and governments to live
and act sustainably and an
understanding of the
environmental, social and
economic issues


Positive and negative in the experience of innovative schools in
Kazakhstan on the implementation of profile differentiation of
Formation of the legal framework for profile Overload for students as a consequence of
for the introduction of a large volume of
normative implementation of differentiation additional educational programs
Academic freedom of innovative schools in Intervention of local education authorities in
selecting a variable part of the curriculum
the preparation of the variable part of the
Creating additional educational programs on When creating and implementing additional
educational programs, national and regional
features are often not taken into account.
Accumulation of experience in the conduct The lack of real technologies for forming
of additional educational programs
The division of special attention to personal- Inattention to innovative implementation of
oriented learning as basis of differentiation differentiation at the state level to the
of teaching
experience of schools in profile education
Scientific and methodological foundations of Absence of monitoring of results of profile
profile differentiation of education
differentiation of training


Conditions of the organization of profile school
Profile education is the system of organization of the educational process,
which ensures the differentiation and individualization of the training of
senior pupils whose structure and content are aimed at satisfying the
interests and inclinations of the students, as well as creating conditions
for their orientation in choosing future professional activity.
The objectives of the organization of profile training
To contribute to the
achievement of the
national goals of the
education system in the
form of basic
competences as
constructive roles of a
citizen of Kazakhstan,
to expand the
possibility of student
Create a regulatory,
organizational and
pedagogical conditions
for the differentiation of
the training content of
students 11-12 classes,
opportunities design
and implementation of
individual educational
plans for secondary
Facilitate students'
access to quality
education in
accordance with their
abilities, interests and


The use of ICT
• increases the needs of high
school students in obtaining
• conditions are created to
maximize the individual
educational opportunities
• disclose their creative
building the content of
ICT capabilities • intraining
• in the implementation of
are used
elective courses
• an in-depth study of the
main profile subjects
• the intraspecific
specialization of


The integration of Education for Sustainable
Development into the curriculum
• commented briefly on the importance of an
interdisciplinary approach in that it can lead
to improvements in the teaching of other
subjects and overall, improve the whole
educational system.
• agrees by saying that an interdisciplinary
approach sensitizes more than one subject
and creates team teaching and learning.
This is believed to expand learners’
understanding and achievement in all
school subjects, enhance communication
and enrich the overall educational
& Peyton
• introducing ESD as a subject requires
teachers with in-depth training that may
demand time and money, and possibly
overload the curriculum


Types of profile schools
Types of profile
General educational
organizations: 11-12
profile classes (natural mathematical, social humanitarian,
technological directions)
1) they are created on
the basis of existing
comprehensive schools
2) training is carried out
in 2 or 3 directions:
natural - mathematical,
social - humanitarian and
technological directions
Single-profile schools in
cities (lyceums - NMD,
gymnasiums - SHD, etc.)
1) They are created on
the basis of acting
lyceums and gymnasiums
(by transforming them
into specialized schools)
or new constructed
2) training is carried out
in 1 of the directions:
- natural - mathematical
- social - humanitarian
Support schools
("resource centers") in
large rural settlements
1) they are created on
the basis of new
constructed boarding
schools or operating
schools with additional
construction of hostels
2) training is carried
out in 2 or 3 directions:
natural - mathematical,
social - humanitarian
and technological


Problem questions:
What is Profile training? What is the main aim of
modernization of education system of the Republic
What are the pros and cons of profile differentiation
in innovative schools in Kazakhstan?
Types of profile schools and main direction of
Ways of realization of the main ideas of the Concept
of the development of profile training in the
Republic of Kazakhstan
The objectives of the organization of profile training
development of the profile education system in


The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,
The Concept of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2015, Astana,
Concept of 12-year secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 2005, p.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About Education». The State Program for
Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011–2020, Astana, 2010.
Omarova R.S. Features of the learning process in a 12-year-old school: Methodical
manual, Almaty, 2003, p.
Smagulova T., Tulebayeva H.T., Orazbayeva Z.E. Features health of the preserving
technology of training of younger school students at lessons: Methodical
recommendations, Astana, 2002, 102 p.
Zhadrina M. Pedagogics, 2002, 3, p.
Problems of improving the structure and content of 12-year education in the Republic of
Kazakhstan: Collection of scientific methodological articles, Astana, 2002, p.
Akhutina T.V. Health School, Moscow: MSU publ., 1995, p. 160–170.
Omarova S. Features of process of training in the conditions of 12-year school:
Methodical manual, Almaty: Gylym, 2003, p. 40.
Pavlenko V.K. To a problem of improvement of the content of training in 1-4 classes of
12-summer school: Methodical manual, Astana: Foliant, 2004, 38 p.
Sadykova T.S., Abylkasymova A.E. Methodology of 12-year education, Almaty: Gylym,
2003, p.
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