
Айтмуканов презентация


Animal Extinction:
The Crisis of our Nature


Over the past few decades,
humanity has faced a
massive and accelerating
crisis in the animal world.
Experts analyzed data on
endangered animals and
found that the fate of 515
species of mammals, birds,
reptiles and amphibians
hangs in the balance. This
means that less than a
thousand individuals of each
of them have been preserved
in the wild.


Habitat loss
One of the main
causes of animal
extinction is the
destruction of
natural habitats and
the processing of
land for agriculture,
industry and


Climate change
Global warming and
changes in weather
conditions have an
impact on access to
food and water,
migration and
reproduction of
animals. Extreme
weather conditions
and floods can also
destroy habitats and
cause large losses in
animal populations.


Environmental pollution
Environmental pollution
by chemicals, plastics
and emissions of
harmful substances.
Pollution of the seas
and oceans, for
example, threatens
many species of marine
life, which can get stuck
in plastic or die by
absorbing it.


Hunting and illegal
Many species of
animals are hunted
and trafficked. In
addition, the trade
in wild animal
species and their
parts (for example,
elephant tusks) is
an extremely
profitable business.
This poses a threat
to many species
such as rhinos,
tigers and gorillas.


The wingless loon is a large flightless bird. The wingless loon, which lived in the cold
coastal waters of the North Atlantic, reached 85 centimeters in length and weighed
about 5 kilograms. Due to people hunting the bird for its meat, fluff and use as bait, its
numbers had greatly decreased by the 16th century. The last time a wingless loon was
seen was in the mid-1800s. She became the first European and American bird to be
completely destroyed by man.


The Mauritian dodo, or dodo, lived only on the island of
Mauritius. The remains of the bird show that the Mauritian
dodo was about 1 meter tall and could weigh up to 18
kilograms. With the advent of man on the island, the bird
often became a victim of humans and domestic animals. The
last time the dodo was seen alive was in 1662.


Orange toad
This small toad, which lived in a limited area
of the tropical forests of Costa Rica, was first
described in 1966, but no one has seen it
since 1989. The main causes of extinction
are deforestation and an epidemic of fungal


The Syrian kulan.
Previously, this animal was found on the
territory of modern Syria, Israel, Jordan, Saudi
Arabia and Iraq. The extinction of the species is
associated with overfishing. The last
representative of the Syrian kulan died in 1927
at the Vienna zoo.


Take care of nature
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