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The algorithm of checkpoints operation at the airports of civil aviation
Presentation on the topicTHE ALGORITHM OF CHECKPOINTS
Polina Ustimenko, FLA 607, NATIONAL AVIATION
2. Aviation is the transport mode of choice for terrorist attacks
Ongoing challenges to improvingupon screening functions include:
• optimizing screening efficiency;
• minimizing passenger wait times;
• improving the capability to detect explosives
at passenger checkpoints;
• optimizing inline explosives detection systems
for checked baggage;
• developing strategic plans for addressing
screening technology.
3. Layered Approach to Aviation Security
Multilevel system of baggage inspectionLevel 1 - tomography of the baggage
Level 2 - monitoring centers to control baggage from remote workstations.
Level 3 - detection of explosive items
Level 4 - the system of localization and removal of detected dangerous
objects and substances
Checkpoint OperationsScreening technology capabilities have expanded considerably and currently include:
Explosive Trace Detection
Imaging Technology
Advanced X-Ray
Walk Through Metal Detector
Bottle Liquids Scanners
Real-time technology(RTT) is a groundbreaking aviation security technology.
‘Deployed next generation’ detection
technologies can provide the level of
threat assessment enhancement
required but require human factors
integration to ensure optomised
innovative stationary gantry design
detailed 3-D images
items are scanned at speeds from 1500 to 1800 bags per hour
best possible security at a lower overall cost
full volumetric continuous scanning;
fast advanced baggage reconstruction and explosives detection algorithms
easily integrated into any baggage handling system;
operates at both 0,25 m/s and 0,50 m/s
6. Checkpoint modeling enables to perform analysis on all of its components to drive acquisitions and deployment decisions. It gives the ability to measure changes in checkpoint performance, at the airport and system level.
7. Inspection times as a function of the rate of carry-on items cleared and those not-cleared
Inspection times as a function of the rate of carryon items cleared and those not-clearedFormula
where T – total time spent in checkpoint screening;
TP – time spent in the primary inspection process;
TS – time spent in the secondary inspection process;
λ1 – initial arrival rate;
λ2 – secondary arrival rate, which is directly related to the
rejection rate β;
μ1 – primary inspection service rate;
μ2 – secondary inspection service rate.
8. SIOC curves
Fig.1 Large hub SIOC curveFig.2 Large hub SIOC curve with limit points
9. SIOC curves
Fig. 3 SIOC curve with limit points for all types of airportsThe data shows that for medium airport hubs the limits are similar to
large airports, while for small airport hubs rates above 15 carry-on items
per minute result in too few being cleared along with high rejection rates.
10. Biometric Passenger Process
Passengers making a reservation are required to provide their full name, date of birth, and gender. AAmatches this information against government watch lists to:
• Prevent individuals on the No Fly List from boarding an aircraft.
• Identify individuals on the Selectee List for enhanced screening.
• Facilitate passenger air travel.
• Protect individuals' privacy.
After matching passenger information against government watch lists, Secure Flight transmits the matching
results back to airlines.
12. CONCLUSION Time for change: leading practices can have direct relevance for aviation
Problem/Issuelong security lines
long waiting time of the arriving enteties
the complexity of rules for passengers
short timeframe for immigration to
anticipate on possible threats
low security level
low screening efficiency and effectiveness
baggage screening systems generate more
detailed images but are relatively slow (X-ray)
baggage screening systems are either fast
but do not generate detailed images of the object being scanned (CT)
implementation of biometric technology
introduction of innovative methods
the deployment of new technologies
introduction of RTT security technology
applying intelligence-driven,
risk-based screening procedures
SSCPs must be included in design,
and engineering phases of the
project from its conception
13. Thank You for attention
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