Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT) path Institute , construction and structures The department " Quality Management "

Uniwersytet Warszawski

1. Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT) path Institute , construction and structures The department " Quality Management "

Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)
path Institute , construction and structures
The department " Quality Management "
Presentation by Vitali Belozerov
Moscow 2016

2. Uniwersytet Warszawski


University of Warsaw was established by an
edict of Alexander I, issued November 19,
1816 on. The university consisted of five
faculties: Law and Administration, Medicine,
Philosophy, Theology, Science and Arts. A
few years later, studied here for about 800
students, professors and Lectures have
been given 40-50.

4. The University offers more than 36 doctoral programs - also known as third degree studies - that people with a Bachelor give a chance to improve knowledge and skills, and enable collaboration with reputable Polish and foreign scholars.

Interdisciplinary programs
The candidates, in addition to traditional doctoral studies can also
select custom, eg. International studies, interdisciplinary or inter.

5. International doctoral programs International doctoral programs launched thanks largely to the funds obtained by the university in the "International PhD Projects", which was organized by the Foundation for Polish Science. Doctoral students funded direct

International doctoral programs
International doctoral programs launched thanks largely to the
funds obtained by the university in the "International PhD
Projects", which was organized by the Foundation for Polish
Science. Doctoral students funded directions receive high
scholarships and grants to conduct their own research. Each of
them also spend 6 months to 2 years on probation in foreign
scientific institution. University obtained to conduct this kind of
studies nearly 30 million zł. An important role in the development
of international programs are also scientists who are winners of
grants awarded, among others, by the European Council.
Research (European Research Council - ERC).

6. The number of doctoral students at UW from year to year increases - now has more than 3 200 people. Wide choice of doctoral programs makes the number of PhD students is increasing. Also increased the number of foreigners who study at the third cycle. In

The number of doctoral students at UW from year to year
increases - now has more than 3 200 people.
Wide choice of doctoral programs makes the number of PhD
students is increasing. Also increased the number of foreigners
who study at the third cycle. In 2014 it amounted to 244, or 37
more than the year before. Most of the foreign students of the
third degree from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Iraq. The increase
in the number of doctoral students is for the University to
strengthen the scientific potential of the university. Students of
these studies are actively involved in research projects. Thanks to
the numerous grants obtained by experienced scientists, the
youngest scientists can participate in the work of research teams
and receive an additional scholarship. These conditions, among
others creates award of the European Council. Research (ERC).
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