Labor Upbringing and Their Pedagogical Nature

Labor Upbringing and Their Pedagogical Nature

1. Labor Upbringing and Their Pedagogical Nature


experience of forming labor lifestyle of
the younger generations, to prepare
them for work activities that in the future
will form the basis of their existence.
Formation of labor lifestyle involves not
only the production of skills and training
to specific types of work, but also moral
and psychological preparation for
working life.


Labour as a factor of national upbringing
Labour education - education of people to actively work,
persistence, hard-working, through a conscious commitment
to ideology, labour is considered to be basic necessities of
Work - useful for human activities to meet its needs and the
changing nature of the species, the foundation of society, the
eternal natural condition for the existence of mankind.
Profession - the main type of work, requiring specific
knowledge and skills that developed as a result of training
and experience.
Entrepreneur - a person engaged in entrepreneurial
activities, going on business risk by raising funds to build
their businesses.


In Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is
written: "Caring for children and their education
is a natural right and duties of parents,"
"Kazakhstan - 2030"
Family plays an important role in labor
education. It can not be replaced by any branch of
public education. Because the goal of the family
is not only the birth of a child, but instilling the
values ​of traditional labor in the socio-cultural
environment, thoughts and sage advice on labor
education, training as useful citizen to society.


National way of life of kazakhs based on the hunting, agriculture,
manual and domestic labour.
a) Manual labour - kazakh nation from ancient times in their daily
work, developed the art. The kazakhs prepared the most necessary
things of tribe, family, individual, respectively, of artistic tastes and
requirements. Wool, leather, bone and horn, animal husbandry
products used materials for manufacturing works of art.
Life of the kazakh people took to nomadic, semi-nomadic and
sedentary environment. And so were peculiar features of their
household furnishings and utensils/dishes made of wood. Home
furniture were made of wood are the wooden legs to stand on the
bedding in the yurt, whisk to kumys, wooden dish, a wooden bowl,
wooden bowl for kumys, tostagan - a small round cup made of wood,
wooden bailer (ozhau) wooden spoon, kubi (high wooden vessel
with a whisk for stirring kumys and shubat), a wooden bucket and
other products.



b) Domestic labour – the kazakh people with long history, in their
social life made a construction of the home, sewing clothes,
manufacture of products for subsistence, and used them
appropriately in their daily lives. Any type of folk life was closely
linked with life, social history, crafts of people.
In the domestic equipment of people is composed tools and
equipments, needed for hunting, cattle breeding and farming.
Adults weaved carpet, alasha (coarse homespun striped rug without
pile), chii, baskur (woolen band), twisted arkan, a thread, cut strips
of leather, webbing of dressed skins and leather tanning, with their
hands were made of different dishes, the cradle, household goods,
fabric yurts, wooden bed, kebezhe (a wooden box for storing food
and utensils), chest and other supplies, while showing an example
of the younger generation. And the younger generation, having seen
all this in the future, too, turned them into their crafts.


Parenting (or child rearing) is the process of
promoting and supporting the physical, emotional,
social, and intellectual development of a child from
infancy to adulthood.
Work experience is an exemplary example of the
older generation, unquestioning performance of their
duties - a large school of labor education.
Labor recognized by people as a purposeful,
conscious, physical or intellectual human activities
aimed at the satisfaction of his material and spiritual
needs, to develop his physical and spiritual strength.


Tasks of Labor education:
1) Formation and increasing in human love to work as
its natural needs, and its needs for active life;
2) ensuring social and psychological conditions for
the maintenance and development of physical and
mental stress personality, in order to keep members
of the public at a reasonable level of efficiency;
3) formation of the students ability and skills in
certain types of productive labor;
4) The development of respect for working people and
thrift to the results of work


Principles based on labor education:
1) unity of labor education and overall development moral, intellectual, aesthetic, physical;
2) disclosure, identification, development of individuality
in the work;
3) High morality labor, its socially useful orientation;
4) early introduction to productivity;
5) variety of work;
6) permanence, continuity;
7) creative nature of the work, bring together the mind and
8) the continuity of work content and skills;
9) the general nature of productive labor;
1o) labor unity and stronger employment;


There is much instructions in Kazakh family
experience which could provide children‘s sensible
outlook for labor. In Kazakh family boys were taught
to look after lambs and goats, prepare firewood, also
taught the blacksmith's art and jewelry, and girls
brought up to clean the house, wash dishes, cook,
sew lace weave patterns, care for children, to serve
guests. Such early labor participation of children
fostered their human qualities, improving artistic and
aesthetic inclinations of their physical development,
respect for the cultural values ​of the people


This is evidenced by such proverbs as "good
child - support, bad child - a shame," "rain
field greens, gratitude man flourishes", "A
good word – half happiness.“
Kazakh people transmits from generation to
generation the important idea that work - a
source of moral satisfaction, the source of life
on earth: "Without hard there is no light, life is
not easy"


Our folk expressed it in the following proverbs
and sayings, claiming that only the labor process
produced such moral qualities as human dignity,
diligence, perseverance, sense of duty and
responsibility for the completion of the business
started: "Three things make a man honor: well dug in the desert; bridge - laid across the river, a
tree - planted beside the road“
“Hard work gains achievement, feat - the


Just the opposite attitude of the Kazakh people to
manifest idleness, laziness: "Laziness - a nasty disease“,
"Did not work - do not blame people, for not sow - do
not be angry“, "Hardworking waiting luck every day,
slacker - once a year.“
Thus, in proverbs and sayings of the Kazakh people
correctly formulated the idea that labor is a major factor
in physical, mental and moral development of the
younger generation.


In his line of the poem "Kutadgu bilig" Yusup Balasaguni
poet reveals ancient Eastern wisdom of educational
thought. Labour education of the younger generation can
serve as a reliable guide in the subsequent course of life of
the child.
V.A.Sukhomlinsky pointed out the power of labor: "If a child
has invested part of his soul to work for people and found
personal joy from this work, he can not become evil, an
unkind man“
A.S.Makarenko talked about the importance of creative work:
“Teach creative work is a particular task of educator”.
Creative work is possible only when a person refers to the
work with love, when he consciously sees it joy,
understands the benefits and necessity of labor when work
is his main form of manifestation of personality and talent.


Swiss pedagogue John Pestalozzi proved the idea of combining
learning with labour and developed recommendations for the
system of family upbringing.
German enlighter Wilhem Disterwrg developed many points of
the theory of pedagogical labour, the ties between the
upbringing and intellectual education, the overcoming of
formalism in education


According to A.S.Makarenko
Reflection of the experience of labor education
Emperical art Theoretical methodical insrtructive


Thus, the national pride of the kazakh people - the
traditional forms of artistic work (decoration and
manufacturing of clothes everyday use ranging from
chapan and komzol, internal and external things of yurt,
blankets, pillows, embroidery, carpets, koshma, felt bags
and other products and gifts, and also hats, decorated with
national patterns).
Some view that work is good for the character-building and
skill development of children. In many cultures, particular
where the informal economy and small household businesses
thrive, the cultural tradition is that children follow in their
parents' footsteps; child labour then is a means to learn and
practice that trade from a very early age


Pedagogical technologies are classified as learning,
training, development, and diagnostics components.
Content Components
Training, training objectives: the knowledge about the
teaching subject content; to learn the principles of
learning, learning technologies, and pupils; to do
teaching and educational sessions
It combines far purposes (prospects), operations, tools
A set of operations to prepare for the next workshop
Organization of trainings to prepare a set of
Operations will take place during the process of
interaction with the pupils for communicative action


Tasks and Questions for Seminar
1) Ideas about labor education - functions, roles and importance
2) Labor traditions of the people and their pedagogical nature
3) Customs and traditions as a means of involving the younger
generation to work
4) Upbringing and educational value of folk crafts
5) What is the educational value and role of the agricultural labour?
6) Describe the means and methods of children familiarizing to work
in national pedagogy
7) Ways of using labor traditions in educational work of the school
8) Contents of labour upbringing in the creative heritage of the
kazakh thinkers


Themes of independent work
1. Make a table of types of labour of folk pedagogy species
peculiar for girls.
2. Make a table of types of labour of folk pedagogy species
peculiar for boys.
3. Make a comparative analysis of traditional work in the kazakh
families and families of other nationalities.
Themes of reports
1. Traditional means of labour upbringing of the younger
2. Features of labour upbringing of children in the kazakh family.
3. Aims and objectives of labour upbringing in traditional
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