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Privacy on the edge of technology
Privacy on the edge oftechnology.
Student: Berseneva Maria
Academic Group: Ft -260017
emergence - появлениеdisunity - разобщенность
harm - вред
led - светодиод
monitored - контролируемый
eavesdropping - подслушивание
сybercrime - киберпреступление
previous - предыдущий
commodity - товар
livestock - домашний скот
“Political, social and economic changes require the recognition of new guarantees."Private law, as an eternally young living organism, grows and develops with the
demands of society. from the physical encroachment on life and property, from
causing harm with the use of force.In those ancient times, the "right to life" served
only to protect the subject from various types of beatings, "freedom" meant freedom
from physical coercion, and the right of ownership provided the individual with his land
and livestock, and later the recognition of man's spiritual nature, his feelings and
American jurists Samuel Warren and Louis D.
Brendais wrote at the end of the 19th century
Our century....The development of new technologies, remote
monitoring, listening and tracking systems, the
emergence of computers and programs for
automatic processing and systematization of
information, the emergence and development of
the Internet led to the "globalization and
informatization of public life," which finally
shifted the emphasis in the sphere of
information protection.
The physical aspects of private life - inviolability
of the home, physical integrity became
sufficiently protected, and are no longer so
important and relevant as information integrity.
What is more important - security or privacy?Now the question is especially acute: what is more important - the personal life of each person or
the security of an entire nation?
Examples...In the era of the Cold War, the US special services (just then the CIA and the NSA were
formed) monitored the negotiations and correspondence of Soviet diplomats (the Venona
project is widely known), as well as US citizens suspected of communist sympathies.
For the first time, the FBI, which fought with criminal gangs that traded alcohol, organized the
conversation in the United States during the "dry law". Sometimes such operations were
carried out on the territory of the states that forbade eavesdropping.
Opinion of specialistsAccording to modern scientists, the transition to a new
type of society, the information society, is accompanied
by social disunity and weakening social ties, including
family ties, affirming the value of individualism and
personal autonomy, rejecting everything that restricts
freedom of choice. A society based on information
increasingly contributes to the growth of freedom and
equality. Freedom of choice becomes more and more
unlimited. The main features of the new society is the
priority of activities related to data processing,
management and information. The transition to a way of
life that is increasingly reduced to "the interaction of
people with each other." Evidently, the role of the
human factor, the person as a person, individuality and
subject of activity.
21st century is the age of information technology.The present time is strikingly different from
the previous one: the technique is ruled
here and the information acts as a
commodity. No wonder they say that the
21st century is the age of information
Problems of Information SocietyInformation wars
Penetration into personal space
ConclusionsIn our age of high technology, the lack of personal space is becoming one of the main problems. On the
one hand, with the help of modern devices and technology, we have been able to prevent a multitude of
ills. But on the other hand, we gradually lose the possibility of unprincipledness of our private life. Now
almost every action can be tracked, any of our purchases, trips or plans are stored in the memory of our
devices, computer or mobile phone. It's good or bad will only show time.
Thank youfor attention