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Journey of Hazard and Hope. Risks and Coping Strategies of Syrian Women Seeking Asylum in Austria
1. Journey of Hazard and Hope Risks and Coping Strategies of Syrian Women Seeking Asylum in Austria
Training the next generation of internationalistJourney of Hazard and Hope
Risks and Coping Strategies of Syrian Women
Seeking Asylum in Austria
Anna Dimitrova
Mariia Kostetckaia
Outline of the presentationMotivation
Research question
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3. Motivation I
• Nearly 5.5 million registered Syrian refugeesworldwide.
• Almost 1 million Syrian asylum applications in Europe
starting from 2011.
• More than 40,000 recognised Syrian refugees in
Austria, around 40% of which are women.
Top countries of destination in Europe
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4. Motivation II
Vulnerabilities of Syrian women seeking asylum:General risks of fleeing from conflict zones
Exposure to gender-based violence
Structural inequalities
Call by international organisation (UNHCR, Council of
Europe, Amnesty International etc.) for urgent actions to
be taken for the protection of female refugees.
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5. Research Question
What risks do Syrian women face during their forcedmigration to Europe and which strategies do they use to
reduce these risks?
Stages of migration:
• Home country
• Journey
• Destination
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6. Methodology
Literature review and data analysisSemi-structured interviews
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7. Findings I
Women are exposed to higher risks than men during allthree stages of migration.
and loss
Violence in
reception centre
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8. Findings II
In Syria: risk of violence and psychological traumaRisk of sexual violence in the conflict zones, especially for
female headed households.
„We stayed in a crossfire of several regimes for three
years. My daughter was hiding whenever the military
people entered the house as she was afraid of being
sexually abused.“
Trauma from loss of family members, friends, and property.
„I interrupted my studies in the University of Damascus
after a close friend was killed by a bomb.“
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9. Findings III
During the journey safety is a majour issueLack of safe legal route to Europe.
Lack of safety in refugee camps, e.g. no gender separtaed
facilities, and risk of sexual harassment.
„I felt safer sleeping on the street than in a refugee camp
in Greece.“
Violence from authorities.
„I was raped by a policeman in Lebanon.“
Limited access to reproductive and health care.
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10. Findings IV
In Austria: limited support for vulnerable womenInadequate facilities for women with special needs.
„I was provided with an old wheel-chair, which I fell from
and broke my leg.“
Lack of psychological support.
Lack of training for authorities in dealing with women in
vulnerable position.
„In the reception centre, I was put in a room with a man.
He threatened to assault me. When I complained to a
police officer, he only replied: Why are you crying, you
are so beautiful?“
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11. Findings V
Coping Strategies:• Marriage
• Family reunification
• Travelling in a group of family and/or friends
• Avoiding sleeping in gender mixed facilities in camps
• Taking off headscarves once in Europe
• Relying on networks and connections
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12. Findings VI
Women become victims of individual perpetrators butalso of structural violence and inequalities
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13. Recommendations
General recommendations:• Create safe routes and/or allow asylum applications to be
filed from abroad.
• States should be encouraged to apply 1951 Refugee
Convention in a gender-sensitive way.
In refugee camps and reception centres:
• Provide special training to police officers and staff members
working with refugees.
• Provide information regarding the legal rights of women and
encourage the reporting of gender-based violence.
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14. Recommendations
• Employ more female staff.• Provide gender-separated facilities. Where possible,
separate shelters for refugee women should be available.
• Ensure access to sexual and reproductive health-care
In Austria:
• Provide more psychological support, especially to women
victims of violence.
• Provide additional support, in particular regarding job
search, housing, education and integration.
• Create safe environment for refugee women in order to
empower them and help them integrate faster in society.
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