Категория: ГеографияГеография

Nature. Seas, lakes and oceans of the world


Nature. Seas, lakes and oceans of the


In the Republic Kazakhstan there are 48 262 lakes from which
45 248 have the area less than 1 km ². Large lakes with an area
more than 100 km ² — 21. Kazakhstan is washed by such large
lakes, as the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea. Besides, in the
republic there is one of the biggest lakes of the world —


On the territory of Kazakhstan lakes are located unevenly. 45% of all lakes
are the share of northern Kazakhstan, on central together with southern —
36%, in other regions there are only 19%.
Lakes of Kazakhstan.


The Caspian Sea – the largest drainless lake in the world. The main reason for which the Caspian Sea after all is
considered the sea, will be that its bed consists of crust of oceanic type.
The Caspian Sea settles down on border of Europe and Asia. The total area of a reservoir makes 371 thousand km ²,
coastline length – 7 000 km, the maximum depth - 1025 m. Waters of the Caspian Sea wash coast of 5 states –
Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan. The Volga Rivers, the Urals, Terek, the Chicken, Emba, Samur
and Atrek flow into the sea.
In the summer water in the Caspian Sea gets warm to 24 – 26, and places and 32 °C. In the winter this indicator
depending on the region fluctuates ranging from 0 to 10 °C.
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