
Проект «Экскурсия по родному городу». Экскурсионный маршрут по г. Зарайску


Филиал государственного образовательного учреждения высшего образования
Московской области
«Государственный социально-гуманитарный университет»
в городе Зарайске – Зарайский педагогический колледж
Проект «Экскурсия по родному городу»
Экскурсионный маршрут по г. Зарайску
по дисциплине ОУД.02 Иностранный язык
Студент 1 "Ф" курса
Масимов Эмиль
Руководитель проекта
Коновалова А. А.


Цель проекта: создание маршрута виртуальной экскурсии по
родному городу на английском языке
Задачи проекта:
1. Изучить истории родного города
2. Определить объектов в родном городе, которые могут быть
интересны иностранным туристам с точки зрения культуры,
истории и традиций родного города.
3. Перевести собранную информацию на английский язык
4. Оформить материла с помощью программы Power Point
Собранный нами материал может быть использован при
проведении экскурсий иностранным гостям, при
представлении информации о родном городе в Интернете, при
работе на уроках английского языка и теми, кто изучает
английский язык самостоятельно.


В последнее время в нашей стране стал необычайно актуален вопрос туризма. Связано
это с улучшением благосостояния граждан, открытыми границами и стремительным
развитием российских курортов.
Помимо этого в России много городов с богатой историей их происхождения, которая
сыграла немало важную роль в жизни государства. По этой причине в настоящее
время иностранные туристы стремятся побывать в древних русских городах, узнать
основные события прошлого, окунуться и прочувствовать все поражения и победы
того времени. Одним из таких городов России является Коломна. Кроме того, что у
города красивая история происхождения его названия, в Коломне есть немало
объектов культуры, которых не найти в других уголках света, например кремль,
немного разрушенные стены которого свидетельствуют о пережитых им войнах и
нашествиях, также среди них очень много памятников, музеев, выставок.
Всем желающим посетить наш город не составит труда заказать себе путёвку и отлично
провести культурный отдых, так как туризм в настоящее время развит очень хорошо и
является одной из ведущих отраслей экономики.
Наша работа направлена на изучение города Коломна!


Kolomna Kremlin
Kolomna Kremlin is one of the largest and most powerful fortresses of its time, which was
built in 1525-1531 in Kolomna, during the reign of Basil III. The Moscow kingdom by that
time had already annexed the Novgorod Republic and Pskov and sought to strengthen the
southern borders in the struggle against the Tatars - the Kazan and Crimean Khanates.
In addition, the defeat of Kolomna by the Crimean Khan Mehmed I Girey in 1521
accelerated the replacement of wooden city fortifications with stone, conceived after the
fire of 1483, devastated the city.
Resisted in the battles, the Kremlin could not stand the attacks of time and civilians,
dismantled the building material of a significant part of the walls and towers


in the XVIII - early XIX century. It is known that only the decree of
Nicholas I in 1826 ceased similar in Kolomna and other cities, but
many monuments have already been lost, sometimes completely.
Kolomna was lucky a little more, because in part the fortress was
preserved, restored and accessible.
Kolomna Kremlin was repeatedly destroyed during the Tatars' raids
on Rus. Virtually no one campaign of the khans of the Golden
Horde did not do without the capture of Kolomna.
In the sixteenth century, after the construction of stone walls, the
enemies never failed to seize the Kolomna Kremlin. And during the
Time of Troubles, the Polish interventionists and detachments of
the "Tushino thief" found themselves in Kolomna not as a result of
storming the fortress, but because of the indecisiveness and
treacherous mood of the temporary workers, who finally became
entangled in the change of the tsar's people.
He is the winner of the popular vote of the project "Russia 10",
organized by the TV channel "Russia 1" and the Russian
Geographical Society.


Pyatnitskiye Vorota
The Pyatnitsky Gates are the main, ceremonial, gates of the Kolomna Kremlin. The year of
construction was 1525-1531. The Pyatnitskie gates were located on the eastern side of the
Kremlin, between Zastenochnaya and Pogorela towers, overlooking the Vladimir-Kashira road
(now Zaitsev Street). This is one of the six gates of the Kolomna Kremlin (including the piercing
ones) and the only tower tower that has survived to this day (there were four in total). Through
the gate is Lazareva street.
The Pyatnitskaya Tower probably received its name from a wooden church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa,
which was considered to be the patroness of trade, standing by the Kremlin wall near the gate of
the wooden church of Paraskeva.
A small renovation of the tower was carried out in 1826. In 1886-1906 the first restoration of the
tower was conducted under the leadership of AM Pavlinov. The next was conducted in the 1960s.
The last restoration took place in the late 1990's - early 2000's.


Cathedral Square Kolomna
The main street of the Kolomna Kremlin leads from the Pyatnitsky Gate past the Holy Cross Church
directly to Cathedral Square. The first buildings appeared here in the 14th century, including the Nikola
Gostiny Church, built in 1501 especially for Kolomna's "sales guests". The architectural dominant of the
square is the Assumption Cathedral built in the late 18th century in memory of Dmitry Donskoy's
victories in the battles on the Kulikovo field and the Vozhe river. It holds the Don icon of the Mother of
God, who accompanied the prince in battle with Mamai.
To the right of the temple there is a tent roof of the bell tower of the 17th century, and immediately
behind it is a five-headed temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God built in the pseudo-Russian
style. In 2007, a monument to the educators Cyril and Methodius, the authors of the Slavic alphabet,
was erected nearby.
To the left of the church stands the largest in the Russian Federation female Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin
monastery. Among 80 women there are not only


Russians, but also representatives of Orthodox communities
in Poland, Finland, Holland, Hungary. On the territory of the
monastery preserved Pokrovskaya and Trinity churches,
belfry and ancient stone chambers.
From the northeast, the Cathedral Square is surrounded by
the temple of the Resurrection of the Speaker. He was
rebuilt from the Resurrection Church, where in 1366 Dmitry
Donskoi was married to Evdokia Suzdal. The architectural
ensemble of the square took several centuries. But after the
revolution, the temples were closed and looted. Their
revival is not yet complete, but everywhere there are
services, bell bells have been returned to the belfries,
iconostases have been restored. Cathedral Square - an
unusually atmospheric place, here reign peace and


Museum "Kolomna Pasteur"
Under the roof of a small mansion, located next to the Kolomna
Kremlin and the church of St. Nicholas on Posada, in the 19th
century there was a confectionery shop for merchants Suranovs.
Today, its "sweet" tradition continues the museum, or more
precisely, the museum factory of the pastille. It is an attempt (and
very successful) to revive almost lost traditions, having seasoned
them with fashionable interactuals and interest in industrial


The staff of the museum in a playful manner demonstrate to the
guests the process of preparing the famous Kolomna food. And,
sweetness is made according to age-old technology, which was
restored only recently.
During the excursion, the guests will learn that only acidic apples antonovki and titovki - were used to produce the pastille. Fruits
baked, relieved of the skin and bones and turned into mashed
potatoes. The resulting mass was mixed with proteins and honey
and whipped. Then spread on a special frame and sent to the
dryer, after which the sweet plates were laid in layers and loaded
into the oven. All the dessert was just cut into strips and sent with
powdered sugar. Approximately the same way passes and pastila
from the Kolomna museum.
After getting acquainted with the basics of production, guests pass
into the living room and sit down at the table - the most delicious
part of the excursion begins, the tasting of the pastille with tea.
There is a small shop at the museum. Delicious Kolomna souvenir
in a beautiful box for sure will please loved ones!


The Epiphany Old-Golutvin Monastery
The Epiphany Old-Golutvin Monastery is one of the most visited religious
sites in Kolomna. The construction of the monastery is associated with the
name of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who, according to chronicles, directed the
construction of the future monastery. The exact date of the appearance of
the Epiphany Staro-Golutvin monastery scientists can not name until now,
but it is believed that the monastery counts down its history from the 14th
century. During this time, the monastery buildings were renovated and now
represent a beautiful architectural ensemble.
Now the monastery is functioning and invites to itself both pilgrims and
ordinary travelers.


Museum of Military Glory
Kolomna Museum of Military Glory, opened in 2010, is dedicated to the courage of local residents who participated in
wars of different years from the Middle Ages to the present day - both at the front and in the rear. Previously, the
museum was occupied by the church of Peter and Paul, located at the other end of the park, but after the return of the
church, the believers moved to a new building in a futuristic style. The exposition was made up of the funds of the
Museum of Local Lore and objects handed over by local residents.
The facade of red glass resembles a red flag - a symbol of heroic deeds. In front of him there is an arch with an alarm
bell and a machine gun on the pedestal. On the ground floor is the Hall of Fame with a multimedia book of memory. It
collects information about all the Kolomians: when and in what military actions they participated. The database
continues to be replenished by the forces of activists and local residents. On the walls of the hall hang portraits of
heroes, awarded the highest awards in the last century.
The main exposition is in the second hall. Here is stored medieval weapons, found during archaeological excavations.
Uniforms of soldiers of different years are represented on the growth dummies. The natural corners with the machines
reproduce the situation of the factory workshops, supplying the front with projectiles and details for the tanks. There
are several models of real military equipment made on factory drawings. A unique exhibit - a mortar shovel, developed
by Kolomna's design bureau for mechanical engineering (KBM), but not widely used. You can see here and the real cold,
firearms. Interesting collection of copies of campaign posters, military banners. A separate exhibition is devoted to the
war in Afghanistan.


Skating center "Kolomna"
Along with historical and architectural monuments in Kolomna there is no less
interesting attraction, worthy of that here to glance. This is a modern skating center
Kolomna. The sports complex can be visited not only on the days of competitions
(in the Kolomensky center there are often competitions, including the most
prestigious ones), and then to rest and remember about the HLS.
The skating center "Kolomna", except for the ice arena, has its own swimming pool,
gym, sports grounds and a wellness center. All the facilities of the complex are open
for both city dwellers and tourists. In addition, the skating center Kolomna regularly
and at any time of the year arranges mass skating.
In the sports complex, you will certainly visit the museums of skating and speed
skating, as well as a winter garden. To refresh yourself after the excursion and active
pastime in the skating center "Kolomna" you can work in cafes and bars working


В Коломне достаточно много интересный
достопремечателтностей, как для русских, так для
иностранных туристов. Есть места для активного и
пасивного отдыха.
Приглашаем всех посетить наш старейший город России!
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