Bahmut Industrial Technical School holds documents for full-time and part-time studies. Students can be trained on a budget and
On a budgetary basis, specialties are open: 1."Branch machinery" ("Maintenance and repair of equipment of metallurgical
On a contract basis, a set for a specialty: 1. "Economy" ("Enterprise Economics") - the training period is 3 years; 2."Finance,
On the correspondence department on the first three specialties the reception is held on a budgetary basis. The term of study
After graduating from the technical school, the students can continue their studies at the Donetsk National Technical
Bakhmut Industrial Technical School DonNTU is a regional basic educational institution among the universities of the first
It has become traditional to hold student scientific and practical conferences of cyclic training with commissions of
 At the regional level for the third year the conference "My first professional experience", organized by the teachers of
A special feature of the technical school is a serious educational work. Students participate in traditional creative
Категория: ОбразованиеОбразование

Bahmut Industrial Technical School of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donetsk National Technical University"


Bahmut Industrial Technical
School of the State Higher
Educational Institution
"Donetsk National Technical

2. Bahmut Industrial Technical School holds documents for full-time and part-time studies. Students can be trained on a budget and

Bahmut Industrial Technical School
holds documents for full-time and parttime studies.
Students can be trained on a budget and
on a contract basis. Students receive

3. On a budgetary basis, specialties are open: 1."Branch machinery" ("Maintenance and repair of equipment of metallurgical

On a budgetary basis, specialties are open:
1."Branch machinery" ("Maintenance and repair of
equipment of metallurgical enterprises") - training
period - 3 years 10 months
2."Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and
electromechanics" ("Installation and operation of
electrical equipment of enterprises and civil
structures") - training period - 3 years 10 months
3. "Chemical technology and engineering" ("Production of
refractory non-metallic and silicate materials and
products") - training period - 3 years 6 months

4. On a contract basis, a set for a specialty: 1. "Economy" ("Enterprise Economics") - the training period is 3 years; 2."Finance,

On a contract basis, a set for a specialty:
1. "Economy" ("Enterprise Economics") - the
training period is 3 years;
2."Finance, banking and insurance"
("Finance and Credit") - the term of study
is 3 years.

5. On the correspondence department on the first three specialties the reception is held on a budgetary basis. The term of study

is 2 years 8

6. After graduating from the technical school, the students can continue their studies at the Donetsk National Technical

University and
other universities in the country without
passing the USE, in the interview for the
second and third courses.

7. Bakhmut Industrial Technical School DonNTU is a regional basic educational institution among the universities of the first

equation of accreditation
of the Bahmut region.

8. It has become traditional to hold student scientific and practical conferences of cyclic training with commissions of

mechanical, technological and socialeconomic disciplines.

9.  At the regional level for the third year the conference "My first professional experience", organized by the teachers of

At the regional level for the
third year the conference "My first
professional experience", organized
by the teachers of electrical
engineering disciplines, has been

10. A special feature of the technical school is a serious educational work. Students participate in traditional creative

"Miss BIT", "Knight's Tournament",
"Star Duet" and sports days.
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