Zhytomyr State University Tehnoholohichnyy
Категория: ОбразованиеОбразование

Zhytomyr state university tehnologic

1. Zhytomyr State University Tehnoholohichnyy

History of origins.

2. 1960-1974 years

• Late 50's and early 60's. In the former Soviet Union was marked by the
rapid development of the industry, opening new enterprises with modern
technological equipment, which in turn required a significant increase in
training engineers. This is largely concerned and Ukraine, where industrial
development was accelerated. Regarding Zhytomyr, it is in this period
began to run enterprises subordinate to the Union: "Elektrovymiryuvach"
"Schytavtomatyka" (hereinafter - "Promavtomatika"), "Factory of
automatic machines"; reconstructed old factories and factories. To
overcome the shortage of engineering personnel Ministry of Higher and
Secondary Education of the USSR March 11, 1960 issued a decree №84
"On organization of General faculties" in the country. Order of the USSR
Council of Ministers of 11 May 1960 obliges local authorities to create the
necessary conditions for training engineers at the evening and
correspondence education.


In general engineering departments relied organization of
educational process by distance learning in the first stage (I-III
courses) of general and general engineering disciplines and by
evening the form of a complete cycle of study.
• Continuing Education at the second stage (IV-VI courses) occurred in other
educational institutions of the USSR under the target shifted according to
the chosen specialty. Creating extra-base units as components of leading
universities guarantee high quality training and research contributed to
solving many social problems at the local and regional levels


5. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

6. Faculty of ICT

7. Faculty of Economics and Management

8. Hirnycho-Ecological Faculty

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