Student Self-Government

Student Self-Government

1. Student Self-Government

Manap Gulshahar


The programs and activities of our student self-government, was designed to
connect the university's strategic development, mission and objectives, with the student´s
needs and their education and experience background. We will try to share with you our
vision, which is the student government for the implementation of the objectives and
activities of the authority.
First of all, we want to introduce in general, what the student government objectives are:
within its authority, and to protect the rights and legitimate interests of students,
both inside the university and outside.
within its powers to encourage the students in the practical realization of human
rights and freedoms.
to assist the students in the study period, and the acquisition of professional skills
to become a professional competitive.
to create optimal conditions for the students' summer vacation, labor activities or
other needs. Diversify students' life.


We will try to create a real vision of our
program, and not be based on arbitrary promises.
Our experience will help us in our goals and the
necessary relationships. We will do our best that
all undertakings will become exciting initiative
and that the university administration will support
our activities if the project obtains material and
financial support. It is necessary for the university
to actually function to be active in student
government and student life.


Our cooperation will enable each of you a chance of
doing the minimum to the maximum. University of primary
importance for academic knowledge, which will contribute to
the increasing interest of the student government. (Since there
will be a professional contests, intellectual games, and so on),
and all the factors to emphasize theoretical knowledge. In
addition, members of the academic performance of student
self-assessments are phased monitoring under consideration.
There are four faculty, student self-governance in
accordance with the definition of delegates from each faculty
will have to assist the faculty and be responsible for its frame.


Student self-government is
structured into the following groups:
Education and Science


Education and Science, the group will organize
debates, discussions, intellectual games, conferences and
other educational events. The group will carry out the
theatrical culture, cultural, creative and different types
of events.
Sports Group will carry out competitions,
championships in different fields, will cooperate with the
Sports Department and some sports federations.
Tourism Group plans hiking, excursions, rest and
relaxation for the students to various events.


Student Government will be set up within the
professional career development centre, which will help
each student to professional and social championship. In
particular, there will be different types of training: PR,
presentation, stress management, support for creating CV´s,
cover letter writing, Leadership, etc. In addition, the career
centre will combine sections made after the stating: legal
clinic, health clinic, Admission.
Students and creative realization of their involvement
preferably monthly, published in the newspaper on behalf of
the university, which will be laid out, the measures that have
been implemented for years at the university and published
all the information related to the University student
community. The student government will cooperate with the
various governments and higher education institutions for
students to carry out joint projects with them.


We are to have a university
degree how competitive we intercept
their hands after graduation. We think
this competition is to raise the lion
contributed largely to the students. We
will fulfill our responsibility to the end.
The implementation of all the
above, we have your support.


Student government's action program for the academic year:
Student days;
Sporting events;
Intellectual games;
Round Table;
Cultural events;
Public figures and celebrities;
Excursions, hikes and other similar events;
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