Категория: ПедагогикаПедагогика

I have fond childhood drawing and always liked to create something new and transform it into reality


I have fond childhood drawing and
always liked to create something
new and transform it into reality.
Such as forgery of wood or other


• And now I like to do drawing work. I think this
is a very exciting experience. Even if you have
lost a particular item which you did the
drawing, we can according drawing to make the
same item that you lost


• The building belongs to the
most ancient types of human
activity, and that means that
many thousands of years ago
laid the basis of the further
development of architecture.
Individual buildings and their
ensembles, squares and
avenues, parks and stadiums,
settlements and entire cities their beauty is able to cause the
audience certain feelings and
moods. That's what makes
architecture an Art - the art of
creating buildings and
structures according to the laws
of beauty.


• Unfortunately, at the
moment, architects are not as
popular as it is now, so you
should try to be better than
• And now the most interesting.
What do they get paid? So
Moscow architects earn an
average of 80 thousand rubles
per 1 drawing. And this is not
the limit! There are those,
who are looking for work, but
less than 200 thousand rubles
to work disagree


• So I think this is a very
interesting profession and
also suggest you and your
children to learn to be an


• I also want to get a
second job gamer.

7. ESports – what it is??

• Computer games became not just a hobby,
but a profession. All I know about this sport,
how eSports. That is not just entertainment, is
also understood by many. E-sport is very
similar to the familiar every person, only the
competition takes place on the playing field
involving computer technology: all kinds of
consoles and personal computers.

8. ESports – what it means in Russia?

• Even in Russia not so is developed the sport as,
say, in America or Europe, but here too there are
the teams and their tournaments. It all began
with the opening of the Moscow computer club
"Orcs", a favourite place of the future elite. It was
here that originated the first Russian E-athletes.
They gained experience and fought among
themselves. As a result, they began to form new
teams eSports, clans of players. All this, of course,
was only on a primitive level. The win in the first
editions of progamers was meager and served,
except that a symbolic prize.

9. папа

• Yes I know what you think as about me and about my ideas.
Such as "It's just a game as it can you earn?" or "Why are you
doing that you're not qualified!" or "It's all a complete
divorce!". Yes, I heard it in my life many times and I was told in
my whole life. And you really think that experienced players
are different from us, or helped them managers? Nothing of
the sort! They were the same as me. ESports like other
profession requires experience. And to gain experience, as you
know, you need to work hard and have the desire


• So before you tell the
child "Better be
studying!" and "Come
on already your toys!",
think about whether
you do, whether you
need it to do? Who
knows, maybe he sees
his future is better than
you and will be able to
realize his dream into
reality. First, and this
should help you
because you're parents
to push their child to
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