Похожие презентации:
My volunteer experience
1. My volunteer experience
Completed: MarkitanovaOlesya
The group 5321
Each person corresponds to a certain kind ofactivity, which makes it useful for the society and at
the same time brings him happiness.
Morris Barres
3. The volunteer – who is he?
• Volunteer (the volunteer) – a person involved (completely free) invarious socially significant campaigns: the dissemination of
necessary information, preparing and conducting public campaigns,
training and more.
• If you look in dictionaries, in French, a volunteer is a person-a
volunteer. The person who has the habit to take care of loved ones,
helping them completely voluntarily and without any profit (gain).
And the reward is gratitude and appreciation to people who
provided significant assistance.
4. Volunteer altruist humanist citizen patriot
PEOPLE5. As a volunteer I was relatively recent, because in my village, where I come from, I have not had the opportunity to do
volunteer work. Now, when I live and study here, in Kazan,in the first year, I got a huge amount of new features,
including the number and classes volunteering, so I try as
much as possible and often participate in various forums
and events, both in sports and in science, because
everything is new to me and interesting, I get real pleasure
from helping others.
6. Volunteering helps me to realize myself as a very cheerful and positive person. I like to communicate with interesting people,
makenew friends, find new gay
friends. From each event,
which I participated in as a
volunteer, there will be a
pleasant experience,
memories, new knowledge,
experience and a lot of new
7. The first time I tried myself as a volunteer at the national student military-Patriotic forum "Zarnitsa. Ready for labor and
The first time I tried myselfas a volunteer at the
national student militaryPatriotic forum "Zarnitsa.
Ready for labor and
defense", which took place
in our city of Kazan in
October. The forum lasted
five days and during that
time I realized that being a
volunteer is not so easy as
it seems at first glance.
The first day of
the forum…
8. On the forum we came to the city, many students from all over Russia. For five days they showed all their knowledge and skills
on military subjects.• ш
9. And so I volunteered on Zarnitsa
And so I volunteered on Zarnitsa10. My second experience was volunteering at a football match of the Europa League, a win in this match fought by two strong teams:
Rubin and Liverpool. Thegame was very interesting and
11. In November as a volunteer I participated in one of the most important events in the life of each student: Freshman Day.
• рIn November as a
volunteer I
participated in one
of the most
important events in
the life of each
student: Freshman
12. Most recently I worked as a volunteer in a beautiful and bright student event this fall – “The Beauty of students of Tatarstan
• р
13. I am proud to be a volunteer. I believe that volunteer – people are very necessary in today's society. I don't get paid for
their work commercial help, but monetaryreward is not for me, the main motive in this case. The
main thing I get is the sense of its usefulness in society.
I work to gain experience, special skills and
knowledge, establishment of personal contacts.
Often volunteering is a direct way to gainful
employment. Volunteers always have the
opportunity to demonstrate and prove itself from
the best side, to try themselves in different
spheres of activity and to choose the path of life. It
is for these reasons I decided to do volunteer work
when I had the chance to do it and not how much I
regret my choice made, because being a volunteer
is interesting and very cool!