Категория: БизнесБизнес

Successful businessman


Successful businessman

2. Nick D Aloisio, 16 years old


Nick D Aloisio, 16 years old
It was invented an applicaNick D Aloisio, 19 years oldtion
for smartphones, including a particularly tabunan teenager
seriously interested investors. The content of the materials
according to the requirements of readers of the present,
Nick is a very short text of any page on the Internet (at the
request of the user 140 to 1000 characters) invented the
algorithm that generates. Based on this algorithm, and 15year-old Nick jOS-application to record, and after 2 years,
the Corporation Yahoo has called it Summly for $30 million
sold. This application of the website news daily signature
investors to consider seriously hurt, but believes that
world events would not be effective without a trace
Tunisian for users.


The value of Nick D Aloisio and Marissa Mayer (Yahoo), as
a person, completely changing the process of content
distribution in the Internet, perhaps in the coming years.
By the way, Habarana press, these words the algorithm is
very long Nick came up with a set of complex texts as
short as possible spin. The value of this application is not in
the Corporation, where the young talents of the
programmer and applied technological solutions may not
be interested in his request. Currently Yahoo Nick is the
youngest inventor works
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