Basic Data sheet
Basic Data sheet
Basic Data sheet
Basic Data sheet
Basic Data sheet
Basic Data sheet
Basic Data sheet
Daily data sheet
Daily data sheet
Application Counts
Error # reported by Embassy/ Post
Internal Accuracy
Turn Around Time
CCRP Sheet
CCRP Sheet
CCRP Sheet
VAS Entry sheet
Monthly Data
Monthly Data
Quarterly Data
Quarterly Data
Thank You
Категория: ПолитикаПолитика

Project ONE-DIR. VFS Global


Project ONE - DIR
22nd June 2015

2. Instructions

All Global contracts such as UKVI, DIBP, CIC, Ireland, Swiss, South
Africa, INZ are out of scope for this DIR roll out
This DIR will be should be updated and shared on daily basis by
operations. Status will be tracked on weekly and monthly basis
Completed DIRs to be sent to below email ids:
To: (mandatory)
MISDIR - CIS [email protected]
Finance CIS [email protected]
CC: (optional)
Any other email id as advised by your manager
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3. Summary

This sheet is auto formulated and hence should not be amended.
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4. Basic Data sheet

The Basic data sheet contains, the details of Month, Region, Mission and others details of VAC .
Step 1:- Select the desired month & Application center type from the given dropdown( the one to
which the data belongs to).
Step 2:- Select the Region from the dropdown based on which the VACs in those region will be
available in the “Application Center Name “dropdown.
Step 3:-if this DIR is applicable for single mission then select single mission otherwise select
multiple mission for Schengen VAC’s.
Based on the above options selected the File name cell will auto populate .
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5. Basic Data sheet

Based on the options selected, the date, mission, VAC name that is “Application Center name”
and “Application center type” will get auto populated in Daily data sheet.
In Mission - if you selected multiple mission in Basic data sheet the same will be auto
populated in daily data sheet one by one.
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6. Basic Data sheet

The Staff Details section in Basic data sheet explains the staff details in a VAC for the month and
should be updated manually.
Total Permanent staff:- Indicates the number of Permanent staff present in the VAC.
Total Contractual staff:- Indicates the number of employees recruited on contractual basis.
3.Total New Hires Count:- Indicates the number of newly recruited employees in a VAC (both on
permanent and Contractual basis.
4.Total attrition count:- Indicates the number of employees that have left the organization,
includes all three:•.
Employees that have resigned.
Employees whose contract has expired (those hired on contract basis).
Employees that have been terminated.
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7. Basic Data sheet

The other Details section indicates the TAT details in VAC:
Target Service Time:- Update the target for service time at Submission Counter (i.e. except
Target waiting time:- Update the target for waiting time at Application center (i.e. including SO
wait time as well as BIO wait time, if applicable)
Target Bio Time:- Update the target for service time at Biometrics Counter (please note VACs
having no Biometrics' should leave this blank.)
Currency in which you collect VAS fee:- Update the currency in which the VAS fees are
collected in the center. Eg. USD / GBP / INR / ZAR / AED / RUB / etc.
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8. Basic Data sheet

In Basic data sheet also update the below details only once at the beginning of the month
ISO champion name –update the ISO champion name as on 1st of the month.
ISO Champion Email Address –update the ISO champion email address.
Trained Internal Auditor Name –update the trained internal auditor name
Internal Auditor Email Address –update the email address of Internal auditor
Environmental Officer Name –update the name of Environmental officer.
EO's Email Address - update the Email address of Environmental officer.
ISO Champion Name
ISO Champion Email Address
Trained Internal Auditor Name
Internal Auditor Email Address
Environmental Officer Name
EO's Email Address
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9. Basic Data sheet

Also update the VAC address in Basic data sheet : Address Line 1 & 2– update the VAC address in line 1 & 2
City – Update the city name.
State – Update the State name
Country – Update the country name
Zip Code – Update the zip code
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10. Basic Data sheet

The sheet also has Macro enabled in it.
Sender’s Name & Signature:- Update the name and signature of the sender
To:- Update the email address of one to whom mail is to be sent
CC:- Update the email address of those who should be copied in this email
BCC: - This cell is formulated and hence should not be amended
Email Body:- This cell is formulated and hence should not be amended
Extra lines in Email Body:- This cell is for adding any extra sentences in the mail body
Submit button:- This icon will send a mail directly to recipient
Clear All sheet:- This icon will clear all the sheets. i.e. it will delete all the data in all the sheets in
DIR so that the file is ready for updating the data for next month. The file will also get renamed to
“DIR Template” and saved in My Documents folder
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11. Daily data sheet

The cells that are colored are formulated and so should not be updated.
Enter data in non colored cells ,those with white fill.
In case any section/field is not applicable to that VAC it should be updated as “NA” in that
The below “Mandatory Information” will get auto populated on selecting the options in
Basic Data sheet.
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12. Daily data sheet

The working day field should be updated as “Y” or “N” by selecting the same from the
drop down list that is “Y” day is a working day for VAC an “N” if it is a non working day or
The total working days in a month will be updated in same filed at the end of column
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13. Application Counts

Application Counts:This section has the details of number applications accepted at VAC bifurcated as per the
below fields:
Total Service Fee Counts :- Update only the count of applications from whom service
fee was collected
Total Individual count:- Count of individual applications.
Total Travel Agent counts:- Count of applications submitted by Travel agents
Resubmission counts:- Count of resubmission application.
Postal /Mail in Counts:-Count of postal or mail in applications.
Total Online counts:-Count of Online applications.
Total application counts:- sum of all the 5 types of application counts, please note, this
filed being formulated will get auto populated.
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14. Biometrics

Biometric section:This section has the details of Biometrics taken in the VAC and the Exceptions and exemptions
to it. This can be updated as NA or left blank if VAC has no Biometrics.
Total Biometric count:- Update the total biometrics processed in a day.
Total Biometric Exemptions:- Update the count of Biometric applicants who have been
exempted by law.
Total Biometric Exceptions:- Update the counts of Biometric exceptional applicants.
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15. Error # reported by Embassy/ Post

This section indicates the errors that have been occurred while taking Biometrics:
Critical DES:- Update the critical data entry errors reported by Embassy
Non Critical DES:- Update the non critical data entry errors reported by Embassy.
Incorrect Biometrics Linkage:-Update the biometric linkage errors reported by Embassy
Biometric cases not recorded (Footage missing):-Update the number of missing biometric footage
reported by Embassy
Error with photo specification during bio:-Update the photo specification errors reported by Embassy
Error with fingerprint specification during bio:-Update the fingerprint specification errors reported by
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16. Internal Accuracy

This section indicates the how many applications have been processed accurately without
any errors
Equation for calculating accuracy% Total no of 100% accurate applications / Total no of applications audited for the day
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17. Turn Around Time

TAT section indicates the details of applications processed within the specified turnaround time in the VAC at each counter
Total number of applications within 0 mins (today):-This column header shall get updated with the target
turnaround time updated in Basic Data sheet
Please update total no of applications which were processed within the specified target
Average Applicant service time:-Update the average applicant service time at submission counter
Average Applicant wait time:-Update the average applicant wait time in the application center
Average Applicant BIO time:-Update the average applicant service time at biometric counter
Max. time for a single application processed today:-Update the maximum time taken by a single applicant today
Reason for Max. time taken for a single application:-Update the reason due to which the single application took so
long to process
Please note the Average Applicant BIO time should be updated only if there is a biometrics counter in the VAC, if not it should
be left blank or updated as NA. The data should be updated in the format only.
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18. Complaints

Complaints section indicates the total number of complaints received and the count of
complaints pertaining to staff and also the count of Complaints whose status is still open.
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19. CCRP Sheet

This sheet details the complaints received by the VAC for the mission. The columns colored in
blue are formulated one and so should not be amended, on entering the other fields that are not
in blue fill, these columns will get auto populated.
Below mentioned fields are have a dropdown validation.
Date of receipt of complaint
Mode of Receipt of complaint
Language of the Complaint
Primary Complaints Category
Secondary Complaints Category
Tertiary Complaints Category
Controllable / Uncontrollable
Repeat Complaint?
Responsible Entity
10. If VFS then Name of the Department
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20. CCRP Sheet

On selecting the date of receipt of complaint the Application center and mission will get
The mode of receipt of complaint states the source of complaint that is from where the
complaint has been received. This has to be updated from the options in the dropdown list
Language of complaint and complaint description are free cells ad should be updated
The primary , Secondary and Tertiary Complaint Category has to updated from the avaible
options in the dropdown list
On selecting the category , the category description column will get updated
Staff name column should be updated only if the complaint is against the staff
The complaint received is controllable or not and whether it’s a repeat complaint should be
updated accordingly from the available options in the dropdown list
In case of Responsible entity, if it is POST then the name of the department should be
“Embassy or post”, however if its VFS then the name of the department should be updated
from the available options
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21. CCRP Sheet

Root Cause field in CCRP sheet indicates the main cause of the complaint and so it’s a free
Evidence of Resolution with details of complaint closure:- this field can be updated same
as the Root cause details or can attach the mail conversation explaining the closure of the
Status ,Days Taken to Close the Complaint, Ageing in Days fields are formulated which
indicates the status of complaint whether it open or closed based on the Date of receipt of
complaint and date of Complaint closure
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22. VAS Entry sheet

This sheet details the counts of VAS and the revenue generated from VAS by the VAC
The date , Country, Mission, AC name and Day, will be updated automatically based on
the options selected in BASIC data sheet
Individual application counts field is formulated one will be indicate the numbers of
individual application counts in Daily data sheet
The name of the VAS service offered at VAC is already mentioned and the price of that
VAS should be updated in row just above that VAS cell, based on which that total revenue
will be calculated
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23. Monthly Data

Please update the data in this sheet end of the working month.
Cells “C3” to “V3” are formulated and hence should not be amended
Update the total no of SLAs applicable to your VAC in this month - Update the
total no of SLAs counts
Update the total no of SLAs complied in this month - Update the total no of SLAs
complied counts
SLA Compliance % - This cell is formulated and hence should not be amended
Update the total no of corporate security incidents occurred this month –
Update the total no of corporate security incidents counts
Update the total no of health & safety incidents occurred this month – Update
the total no of health & safety incidents counts
Electricity - Update the total no. of units consumed this month - Update the total
no of electricity units consumed counts
Water - Update the total no. of liters consumed this month - Update the total no
of water consumed this month
Fuel - Update the total no. of litres / kgs consumed this month – update the total
no of fuel consumed this month
Paper - Update the total no. of paper reams consumed this month – update the
total no of paper reams counts consumed this month
Paper - Update the total no. of paper rolls consumed this month - update the
total no of paper rolls counts consumed this month
Update the total no. of items generated as E-waste this month - update the total
no of E-waste counts
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24. Monthly Data

Update the total no. of items generated as hazardous waste this month - update the total no of
hazardous waste counts
Update the total no. of items generated as wet waste this month - update the total no of wet waste
Update the total no. of items generated as dry waste this month - update the total no of dry waste
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25. Quarterly Data

This sheet need to be updated on quarterly basis. i.e. Jan / Apr / Jul / Oct only
Cells “C3” to “V3” are formulated and hence should not be amended
Update the total no. of legal requirements applicable to your VAC - Update
the total no of legal requirements counts.
Update the total no. of legal requirements complied in the last quarter Update the total no of legal requirements complied counts.
Legal Compliance % - This cell is formulated and hence should not be amended
Update the total no. of statutory requirements applicable to your VAC –
Update the total no of statutory requirements counts.
Update the total no. of statutory requirements complied in the last quarter
– Update the total no of statutory requirements complied counts in the last quarter.
Statutory Compliance % - This cell is formulated and hence should not be amended
Update the total no. of regulatory requirements applicable to your VAC Update the total no of regulatory requirements counts in the last quarter.
Update the total no. of regulatory requirements complied in the last
quarter - Update the total no of regulatory requirements complied counts in the last
Regulatory Compliance % - This cell is formulated and hence should not be
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26. Quarterly Data

Update the total no. of contractual requirements applicable to your VAC - Update the
total no of contractual requirements counts.
Update the total no. of contractual requirements complied in the last quarter - Update
the total no of contractual requirements complied counts in the last quarter.
Contractual Compliance % - This cell is formulated and hence should not be amended
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27. Thank You

Copyright Warning: VFS Global is the owner of the copyright of the contents of this document.
Any form of reproduction or transmission without the consent of VFS Global will amount to an
infringement of VFS Global copyright.
Disclaimer: All Trademarks, Logos, etc. pertaining to third parties have been used for illustration
purpose only and remain the exclusive property of their respective owners.
For more details contact:
[email protected]
This material was prepared and used by VFS Global during an oral presentation; it is not a complete
record of the discussion.
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