Control: operators, loops, conditions
Calculate Pi
Calculate Pi
Prime number
Prime number
Prime number
Prime number
Read from command line
Read from command line
Extra Task
Категория: ПрограммированиеПрограммирование

Control: operators, loops, conditions

1. Control: operators, loops, conditions

Kamill Gusmanov

2. Calculate Pi

Leibniz formula

3. Calculate Pi

Leibniz formula

4. Prime number

What is prime number?

5. Prime number

What is prime number?
How can we check it?

6. Prime number

What is prime number?
How can we check it?
What kind of loop we can use for finding first 1000 prime number?

7. Prime number

What is prime number?
How can we check it?
What kind of loop we can use for finding first 1000 prime number?
Write the code that calculated first 1000 prime numbers

8. Read from command line

Scanner -

9. Read from command line

Scanner -
write 2 numbers:>
enter operation:>
result: 0
write 2 numbers:>...

10. Extra Task

Write password generator on a given alphabet for the given password length
(recursive, or better recursiveless).
Result: {“aa”, “ab”, “ba”, “bb” }
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