Сафарньязова Зухра Тахировна. Нефтекумский региональный политехнический колледж. Отделение: Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных
Категория: ЛитератураЛитература

Great English writers

1. Сафарньязова Зухра Тахировна. Нефтекумский региональный политехнический колледж. Отделение: Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных


1. Cover sheet.
2. The table of contents.
3. Presentation about writers (poets) of the target language, their creativity and contribution to the
culture of the country.
4. The list of the used sources of information.


Speaking about English literature, we remember
British writers. We begin to study English literature
and get acquainted with culture and traditions of
England at school. It helps us to live in today's world,
distracting us from the problems and taking somewher
far away, bringing up a personality in us.

4. Great English writers

Almost everyone likes to read books. It is a positive hobby,
instilled in us in childhood by our parents. At school we have
known Daniel Defoe, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Gordon
Byron, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Walter Scott, and others.
English books help us to feel the spirit of English life.

5. William Shakespeare

(1564 — 1616) – great English poet, playwright,
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.
At the age of 20 in his biography of Shakespeare left his hometown,
moved to London.
Besides plays Shakespeare wrote a graceful, sensual poems. Written
by Shakespeare “Hamlet", "Macbeth", "King Lear", "Othello" date
from 1601 — 1608 years.

6. Agatha Christie

Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie (1890-1976) was a British writer.
Books by Agatha Christie had been translated into more than 100
languages of the world.
She is a recorder for the maximum number of theatrical
productions of the work. The play is Agatha Christie's “The
Mousetrap" was first staged in 1952 on the stage of London.

7. Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O Flahertie Wills Wilde, ( 1854-1900) Irish poet,
playwright, writer, essayist, Freemason. One of the most famous
playwrights of the late Victorian period, the brightest celebrity of
that time. Best known for his numerous plays, winged words and
sayings, as well as the novel “The picture of Dorian Gray“.

8. Jane Austen

(1775-1817) — English novelist, the founder
of realism in British literature and of the family, "ladies '
novel". Her books are recognized masterpieces of
sincerity and simplicity of the story against the deep
psychological penetration into the souls of characters
and ironic, soft, truly "English" humor.

9. Arthur Conan Doyle

Conan Doyle is an English writer, author of numerous
adventure, historical, journalistic, fantastic and
humorous writings. The Creator of the classic characters
of detective, science fiction and historical adventure
literature - the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes, an
eccentric Professor Challenger, a brave cavalry officer

10. James Aldridge

(1918-2015) is an English writer and
public figure.
James Aldridge came in English literature in the early
40's, in a short time he made significant creative
evolution. His ideological growth are closely associated
with the liberation struggle of the peoples during the
second world war.

11. English writers are virtuosos of English literature

Reading English literature is not just a hobby, it is also
necessary training cell for English language learners.
English literature is for those people who want to be
educated, who know not only the classics of Russian
literature, but also overseas.

12. Список использованной литературы:

1.Аникст А. Шекспир. М.: Мол. гвардия, 1964. — 367 с. («Жизнь замечательных
Акройд, Питер. Шекспир: Биография. — Лондон: Винтаж, 2006.
2.Кеттл А. Введение в историю английского романа. — М., 1966;
Бельский А.А. Английский роман 1800—1810-х годов. — Пермь, 1968.
3.Чертанов, М. Конан Дойл. — Молодая гвардия, 2008. — 592 с. — (Жизнь
замечательных людей).
4. Корнилова Е. В., Дж. Олдридж, М., 1957;
Стуков О. В., Романы Дж. Олдриджа, М., 1961;
Ивашева В. В., Английский роман последнего десятилетия (1950—1960), М.,
5. Аникст А.А. Уайльд // Литературная энциклопедия: В 8 т. Т.7. — М.: Сов.
энциклопедия, 1972. — С. 715—718.
Горбунов А. М. Оскар Уайльд // Горбунов А. М. Поэтические голоса столетия.
1871—1971. — М.: Книга, 1978. — С. 73-76.
6. Агата Кристи. Автобиография. — М.: Эксмо, 2009. — С. 622.
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