
Termometers. Mercury

1. TErmometers

What they are
Zolotuhin Sergey 10 «B»

2. 1. Mercury

Mercury standard thermometer A
medical thermometer familiar from
childhood, consisting of a glass tube
with a capillary filled with mercury and a
scale of 34 to 42 ° C. Its advantages are
indisputable: very cheap, easy to use,
does not require any additional
maintenance, while the accuracy of its
measurement is one-tenth of a degree

3. 2. Electronic thermometers

Suitable for measuring temperature in
any way: oral, rectal, under the arm, in
the elbow, in the inguinal crease. Some
models have special soft and flexible
tips for oral and rectal temperature
measurement in children. Electronic
thermometers measure temperature not
only to children, but also to parents.

4. 3. Digital oral thermometer

The nipple thermometer measures the temperature
with an accuracy of 0.1 ° C, displays data on the
display, gives a musical signal in case of deviations,
has an auto power off function. Measurement takes
less than 5 minutes. At the same time it contributes
to the proper development of the teeth, since it
orthodontically corresponds to the structure of the
infant’s mouth. For safety and durability, the
thermometer is built into the nipples and is a single
design. Nipples can be both latex and silicone.

5. 4. Electronic ear thermometer

The principle of operation of this thermometer is
based on the measurement of infrared heat, which
radiates the eardrum and surrounding tissues. To
ensure proper accuracy, the thermometer performs a
“scan”, at which (depending on the model) 8-16
measurements are taken in just one second and the
highest temperature is displayed. The thermometer
has a shape that prevents it from being inserted too
deeply into the ear canal and damage the eardrum.

6. 5.Electronic frontal thermometer

Based on the latest infrared technology.
Measures temperature in a non-contact,
safe and hygienic way. Reads forehead
temperature value for 1-2 seconds.
Gently slide the thermometer across the
forehead near the temples, and almost
instantly the signal will alert you that the
temperature has been determined.

7. Thanks for watching!

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