Defender of the Fatherland Day. Russian President Vladimir Putin laying a wreath? At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The 23 of Faburary. Defender of the Fatherland Day


The 23 of Faburary


In February 1995, the Federal Law of
the Russian Federation "On the days of
military glory (victorious days) of
Russia" was adopted, which was
established a list of these dates. Days of
Russian military glory are the days of
victories of Russian arms, which played
a crucial role in Russian history.

3. Defender of the Fatherland Day. Russian President Vladimir Putin laying a wreath? At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


In all ages the heroism and courage of Russian soldiers, the
power and glory of Russian weapons were an integral part of
the greatness of the Russian state.


For decades, we are faithful to the tradition is
widely and publicly celebrate Defender of the
Fatherland holiday and celebrate it with great
solemnity and warmth.


23 February is the day of military glory of Russia that Russian
troops have earned themselves on the battlefield. Initially,
the high point was laid in this day - to love their country and,
if necessary, be able to defend it, and to defend the
homeland Russian soldiers had repeatedly and always
Russian soldiers honorably fulfilled their duty.


In 1922, this date has
been officially declared
the Day of the Red Army.
Later on February 23 is
celebrated annually in
the Soviet Union as a
national holiday - Day of
the Soviet Army and
Navy. After the collapse of
the Soviet Union, the
date was renamed the
Day of Defender of the


For some people, the feast day of February 23 was the men who serve in
the army or any security agencies. Nevertheless, the majority of citizens
of Russia and the former Soviet Union tend to view Fatherland
Defender's Day is not so much, as the anniversary of the great victory of
the Red Army Day or birthday, as, as the Day of real men. Defenders in
the broadest sense of the word.


Holiday February 23 is the
day of our respect for all the
soldiers, from ancient times
until today, bravely defended
invaders. In this "male" day
representatives of the male,
from boys to old men, accept
congratulations and gifts,
soldiers. Women have a
happy opportunity to say to
your loved ones the most
gentle and kind words, make
them happy with signs of
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