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Slides with pictures about the heeling effect of the aloe vera
Slides with picturesabout the heeling effect of the
aloe vera
2. Folie 2
Psoriasis vulgaris3. Folie 3
Psoriasis vulgaris4. Folie 4
ITRF: 3,62 g/l
Imunogloubuliny: IgG: 11,95 g/l
IgA: 2,06 g/l
IgM: 0,92 g/l
IgE: 8 228 klU/l
3,18 g/l v normě
8,34 g/l
1,67 g/l
1,14 g/l
5 351 klU/l
5. Folie 5
Burnings because of raidotherapy27.03.2004