Thoroughbred horse

Thoroughbred horse

1. Thoroughbred horse

Zeken Serikzhan 210

2. Plan

1. General characteristics of the breed
2. External signs of breed
3. Features of character and disposition
4. History of breed


General characteristics of the breed
Thoroughbred horse (Thoroughbred) - breed, bred
in England. Initially, these horses were called the
British race, but due to the fact that they started to
breed in most countries, it was decided to change
the name of the breed. Representatives of this
breed - the fastest horse in the world. For short and
medium distances, they reach speeds of over 60
km / h, and on long distances (more than 3 km) 55 km / h. The horses of other breeds do not take
part in the race along with the Thoroughbred they do not have any chance to take its rightful
place as running speed is incommensurable. The
record holder for speed among Thoroughbred Stallion Rekitu Beach, which has a top speed 69.69
km / h at a distance of 409.26 m.



Origin: England
Coat: all one color. The most common red, bay
and brown. Also frequent crows, gray and
Height at the withers: various. There are both
very low (less than 1 m 42 cm) and very high
(greater than 1 m 72 cm) Thoroughbred horses.



Exterior: It is also characterized by diversity. Top
representatives of the breed has become a great, dry
head, elegant neck and smart look of large eyes.
Shoulders set obliquely, body short, but powerful. The
chest is deep, muscular croup, solid smooth legs.
Minimum metacarpus (20 cm), powerful "hock" joints
are well set tail.
Use: in the equestrian sport, sport hunting,
steeplechase, eventing.
Features: the fastest and most expensive horses in the
world. They have a greater amount of light and a more
powerful heart, as compared with the other species.
But thoroughbred horse - not the most durable horses.
Stallions do not often live to 23, and a mare - up to 20
years. It is very demanding on the conditions of the
care, feeding and maintenance.


9. External signs of breed

Thoroughbred horses are thin skeleton with
projections sharply distinguished in the field of
attachment of muscles and tendons.
Representatives of this breed have a thin elastic
skin, relief and tight muscles.
His head Thoroughbred dry neck - long Withers High and long neck - straight, thin and long.
Croup oval, with well-developed muscles, the
chest is deep and slightly narrowed waist short
legs and long, dry, without brushes. The hind legs
are open hock and a long shank, front - congenital
Kozinets. The hooves are small but strong.



Under normal conditions of
Thoroughbred horses are
growing rapidly. Being born an
increase of 99-100 cm, to six
months foals grow to 134-136 cm
and to 1.5 years -. To 154-156 cm
4, representatives of this breed
complete growth. These figures
are averages.

12. Features of character and disposition

Thoroughbred horses are energetic, lively,
choleric temperament. They are characterized
by high reaction rate and the maximum return
force. Excellent fit to participate in the races.

13. History of breed

United Kingdom, since the time of Julius Caesar
was known for its mobile and sturdy horses. But
with the advent of firearms in combat in the first
place got the speed, endurance and agility. A
massive horses of that time did not meet these
requirements, prompting the British breeders to
the creation of a new, fast and maneuverable
porody.Chistokrovnye saddle horses appeared in
the XVII - XVIII centuries in England. Their
ancestors - the horse of the East. The selection was
made by the method of rigorous selection on the
basis of race. The British called the Thoroughbred
"bred to perfection."


As a master the basics
were taken, as a rule,
uterine royal factories
had admixture of
Spanish, Oriental and
Hungarian breeds. 50
mares were selected,
which laid the
foundation for a new
breed of thoroughbred
horses. For crossing
were also selected more
than 200 stallions,
mostly of Eastern origin.
But only three of them
became the ancestors of
the Thoroughbred
breed: Byerley Turk
(was in England in
1683), Darley Arabian
(brought in 1710) and
the Godolphin Barb
(used from 1730's).


In the XIX century in North America by crossing the Thoroughbred with
other breeds, were received many mongrel bree In the XIX century in
North America by crossing the Thoroughbred with other breeds, were
received many mongrel breed, used in the cavalry troops, and later - in
equestrian sport. d, used in the cavalry troops, and later - in equestrian


Russia - one of the first countries to import horses from England. At the
beginning of XIX century by crossing with Thoroughbred
rostopchinskaya and the Half-Blood Orlov breed were obtained. In
addition, bred in Russia and the Thoroughbred. From 1825 regular racing
have been held in the country.


Nowadays Thoroughbred horses continue to be
actively used in all kinds of equestrian sports, in
particular - in the race.
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