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1. BookTrailer

Киселева Ксения
Мамедова Айла


The story of a young sailor whose life was changed by
a chance meeting. What will this unexpected turn of
events lead to? Who and how will change his life? Will
Martin be able to achieve his goal?
"...In the course of getting acquainted with a
varied world, whirling on through the ever
changing phases of it, he had learned a rule of
conduct which was to the effect that when one
played a strange game, he should let the other
fellow play first..."


"...It was love that had worked the revolution in him,
changing him from an uncouth sailor to a student and an
artist; therefore, to him, the finest and greatest of the
three, greater than learning and artistry, was love..."


"...Sensation invested itself in form and color and
radiance, and what his imagination dared, it objectified
in some sublimated and magic way. Past, present, and
future mingled; and he went on oscillating across the
broad, warm world ..."
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