
Первое сентября


н о м ера
Cод D
дост ной
и к ктрон
к элеверсии
Журнал для тех,
кто преподает
и изучает английский язык
eng.1september.ru Учебно-методический журнал Английский язык
They talk of the dignity of work.
The diggnity is in leisure.
Herman Melviille
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК подписка Роcпечать: 32025 (бумажная версия), 26103 (электронная), Почта России: 79002 (бумажная версия), 12630 (электронная)


Gove Sets Out 'Core Knowledge'
Curriculum Plans.............................................. 3
London's Newest Attraction and Symbol
of Confidence ................................................... 4
Actions Not Planned, Filling the Vacancy ........ 40
Mistakes: “Let’s do grammar!” .......................... 5
Творческий подход к формированию
лингвистических компетентностей учащихся ... 6
Вчера – PEN PALS, сегодня – E-PALS ...... 8
Креативный подход
к обучению английской грамматике ................ 11
English Club ...................................................14
Don't Say "Yes"/"No" ................................... 16
Hobbies Differ Like Tastes...............................15
Prepositions of Movement ................................17
Crossword "Hobbies" ..................................... 39
Test Your Knowledge .......................................18
April Fool's Day – All Fools Day ....................18
Hobbies ..........................................................19
Hobby in My Life .......................................... 20
Modern Hobbies ............................................ 24
Hobbies and Leisure....................................... 27
The Little Prince ............................................ 42
My Hobbies .................................................. 47
Exercises for Exams ........................................ 50
Pearson Test of English General.......................51
Five-Minute Tests .......................................... 47
Primary School Olympiad. Form 3 .................. 52
English Access Microscholarship Program ....... 53
Solnechny camp is really the best! .................... 54
Between the Continents:
American Reality with Russian Eyes ................ 56
My Hobby. Student Stories ........................... 58
This sign indicates additional materials on CD.
Cover: Claude Monet. Jean Monet on his hobby horse, 1872
Unless otherwise indicated images in this issue are from shutterstock.com
1 раз в месяц
Издание основано в 1992 г.
Главный редактор: Алёна Громушкина
Консультанты: Stephen Lapeyrouse, Erin Bouma
Научный редактор: Г.Гумовская
Корректура: Е.Никитенко
Дизайн: И.Лукьянов
Набор, верстка: Г.Струкова
Главный редактор
А.Соловейчик (генеральный директор)
Коммерческая деятельность
К.Шмарковский (финансовый директор)
Развитие, IT и координация проектов
С.Островский (исполнительный директор)
Реклама, конференции и техническое обеспечение
Административно-хозяйственное обеспечение
Педагогический университет
В.Арсланьян (ректор)
Первое сентября – Е.Бирюкова
Английский язык – А.Громушкина,
Библиотека в школе – О.Громова,
Биология – Н.Иванова,
География – О.Коротова,
Дошкольное образование – Д.Тюттерин,
Здоровье детей – Н.Сёмина,
Информатика – С.Островский,
Искусство – М.Сартан,
История – А.Савельев,
Классное руководство
и воспитание школьников – М.Битянова,
Литература – С.Волков,
Математика – Л.Рослова,
Начальная школа – М.Соловейчик,
Немецкий язык – М.Бузоева,
Русский язык – Л.Гончар,
Спорт в школе – О.Леонтьева,
Технология – А.Митрофанов,
Управление школой – Е.Рачевский,
Физика – Н.Козлова,
Французский язык – Г.Чесновицкая,
Химия – О.Блохина,
Школьный психолог – И.Вачков
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and Fisherman
An American businessman took a vacation to a small
coastal Mexican village on doctor’s orders. Unable to
sleep after an urgent phone call from the office the first
morning, he walked out to the pier to clear his head.
A small boat with just one fisherman had docked, and
inside the boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The
American complimented the Mexican on the quality of
his fish.
“How long did it take you to catch them?” the American asked.
“Only a little while,” the Mexican replied in surprisingly good English.
“Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?”
the American then asked.
“I have enough to support my family and give a few
to friends,” the Mexican said as he unloaded them into
a basket.
“But… What do you do with the rest of your time?”
The Mexican looked up and smiled. “I sleep late, fish
a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife,
Julia, and stroll into the village each evening, where I sip
wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and
busy life, senor.”
The American laughed and stood tall. “Sir, I’m a
Harvard M.B.A. and can help you. You should spend
more time fishing, and with the proceeds, buy a bigger
boat. In no time, you could buy several boats with the
increased haul. Eventually, you would have a fleet of
fishing boats.”
He continued, “Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you would sell directly to the consumers, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the
product, processing, and distribution. You would need
to leave this small coastal fishing village, of course, and
move to Mexico City, then to Los Angeles, and eventually to New York City, where you could run your expanded
enterprise with proper management.
The Mexican fisherman asked, “But, senor, how long
will all this take?”
To which the American replied, “15-20 years, 25
“But what then, senor?”
The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part.
When the time is right, you would announce an IPO and
sell your company stock to the public and become very
rich. You would make millions.”
“Millions senor? Then what?”
“Then you would retire and move to a small coastal
fishing village, where you would sleep late, fish a little,
play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, and
stroll in to the village in the evenings where you could
sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”
Pigeon racing has been introduced to the curriculum at a secondary school in Staffordshire.
For the next five years, Kingsmead Technology College in Hednesford will be running a pilot scheme to teach
pupils about the traditional sport.
Teachers said they believed pigeon racing could also
help with lessons in maths, physics, geography and
As part of the project, pupils will enter pigeon races
and other competitions.
Teacher and loft manager Richard Chambers said
the benefits pigeon racing could give students at the
1,300-pupil school were “endless”.
Contours of the earth
Mr Chambers, who is a fourth-generation pigeon fancier, said: “I’ve been flying pigeons since I was about five
years old and I know that value of it to me as a child.
“The benefits are absolutely endless - you go from
maths, where they have to work out who’s going to win
the race by calculating the velocities, to geography with
looking at how the birds are going to travel home by using
the contours of the earth.”
The birds have been donated to the school from pigeon
fanciers from across England.
The Midlands National Flying Club has also backed the
move to introduce racing at the school, saying it would
help make the pastime more popular.
As part of the project, pupils from nearby primary
schools also come to the secondary school to learn about
the basics of pigeons and the sport of racing.
By Sean Coughlan,
BBC News
April 2013


April 2013
High rise: a spectacular new
bird’s eye view of London is
now available to visitors.
The View from The Shard
A major new landmark building on the London
skyline – on the south bank of the River Thames –
hosts the capital’s latest must-see visitor attraction:
The View from The Shard.
The elegant tower was designed by master
architect Renzo Piano. At a height of 310 metres
(1,016 feet) it will be a dynamic symbol of London,
recognisable throughout the world. Known simply
as The Shard, it earned its name from an early description by the architect as looking as “a shard of
The Shard is the tallest building in western Europe and contains the highest viewing galleries in
London – on the 69th to 72nd floors – that opened
to the public on 1 February 2013 and form the only
place from which it is possible to see the whole of the
United Kingdom capital.
The Shard is owned by LBQ Limited, comprising
the State of Qatar (the majority shareholder) and
Sellar Property Group, with non-equity funding by
Qatar National Bank.
The State of Qatar has a strong commitment to
invest and build in the UK as part of Qatar’s 2030
Vision, the country’s strategy to achieving a sustainable diversified economy. The Shard forms part of
this portfolio.
His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah Bin Saoud Al
Thani is governor of Qatar Central Bank and chairman of the board of directors of Shard Funding Limited and London Bridge Quarter. He said: “The Shard
is the newest London landmark and a beacon of the
city of London’s resilience and expansion, even during tough economic times. It is a symbol of Qatar’s
belief and commitment to London both today and in
the future.
“We have a long heritage and continued commitment to invest and build in the UK for a long term
and The Shard highlights this close relationship,” he
Located in the historic London Bridge quarter in
the heart of London, The Shard sits centrally between the West End, Westminster, the South Bank,
the City (financial quarter) and Canary Wharf.
The Shard (http://www.the-shard.com) will become a vertical city with high-quality offices, international restaurants, the five-star Shangri-La hotel and spa, exclusive residences that include the
highest homes in Europe, a swimming pool on level
52, as well as the visitor attraction, The View from
The Shard that will provide exhilarating 360-degree
sights for about 64km (40 miles) across London and
Landmarks visible include to the east, the Olympic Stadium, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf and the Thames Barrier. In the west, St
Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace; to the south, Battersea
Power Station and The Oval cricket ground; and to
the north, Wembley Stadium and Alexandra Palace.
The Shard contains 11,000 glass panels over an
area equivalent to 8 football pitches and has 306
flights of staircases and 44 lifts.
The man responsible for the development and
operation of The View from The Shard, the new
visitor experience, is Anders Nyberg, highly experienced in this field with more than 20 years in visitor
attraction management, and expertise in launching
public viewing galleries in tall buildings.
He was previously a director at the world’s tallest
building, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, where he helped develop and operate its successful viewing attraction,
At The Top (from 2009–2010).
From 2005–2008, he was director of operations
of one of the world’s most visited observatories, The
Skydeck at the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower)
in Chicago that attracted more than one million visitors a year.
After tickets went on sale, thousands of people
have snapped up them up to experience the unique
views over London from 244 metres (800 feet) above
the city.
Mr Nyberg, chief executive officer of The View
from The Shard, said: “The opportunity to enjoy The
View from The Shard is anticipated to be one of the
most in-demand tickets of 2013. We were delighted
to have sold out our first day of opening and anticipate that sales will remain high.”
“It is interesting to see special dates and certain
times of day proving most popular – such as 14
February [Valentine’s Day] and sunrise and sunset
times. Watching the sun rise or set over London is a
remarkable experience from 244m above the city.”
By Dick Meredith


continued from No. 3
In this section, we shall look at Lower-Intermediate –
Intermediate level; the appropriate age level is “the inbetweeners”, that is students aged 11 and up. In terms
of language skills and fluency, pre-teens and early teens
are usually quite alert and confident. They can communicate well in their own language; they are familiar with the
basics of such diverse subjects as literature, history and
mathematics; they are also beginning to study science as
a subject, and to realize that it is a field of knowledge unlike any other. An ideal student, according to any national
standards of education, has the ability and the desire to
master all those skills, and to use the new information as
a tool of self-development on their way to becoming a
full-fledged valuable member of society.
In real life, as any teacher knows, the situation is
slightly different. “For every person wishing to teach,
there are thirty not wanting to be taught”. This anonymous quote1 is a rather apt description of any middleschool class. Psychologically, this is the age when
children rebel for the sake of rebelling, trying to show
us adults that they “know better” or “don’t care”. This is
the age when the opinion of their peers matters more
than anybody else’s. Physically, this is the age of huge
hormonal changes, which produce emotional mood
swings, uncontrolled outbursts of temper, or in some
cases, a penchant to stay calm and cease to react to
the surroundings.
And here we EL teachers come, with our new grammar theme, which is supposed to fascinate the whole
class and make them work enthusiastically, even if they
come to our English lesson straight after an algebra
test, which they all flunked. Is it even remotely possible
that we can conduct a good fulfilling lesson, and help
our students feel much better about the whole wide
world afterwards, as a positive side-effect of tackling a
complicated grammar theme?
Yes. Not only that; when they achieve success in
one subject, they may become much better in all the
other subjects, including algebra. If there is only one
teacher=adult who keeps telling children that they can
succeed, they eventually will. I have observed it many
times: “hopeless” students began to get good grades
in most or all the subjects, after they received a good
grade in English, and a word of encouragement from
their EL teacher. It does not matter which teacher undertakes this task; what matters is the fact that there is
such an adult in a child’s life.
No matter how boisterous a group may seem at first;
no matter how disruptive a few children are when we
begin our lessons, we should not despair. It is a wellknown fact that children like order, that they prefer
some rules and restrictions; they have to have certain
boundaries specified by a responsible adult. When my
students groaned at some new grammar task again, I
introduced The Golden Rules concept. They would use
multicolored markers to highlight the Rules, and write
diligently, for example:
Conditional 1. If you give me this, I will give you
that. If you do not give me this, I won’t give you that.
The Golden Rule: ANY VERB can be used in such
a sentence in place of “give”.
I consider myself fortunate in that some fifteen years
ago, when I first started working at school, I inherited
three classes, over thirty eleven-year-olds each, from
another teacher. She had managed to instill such a horror of English into her students, that they greeted me
with loud protests, in their native tongue, against the
subject. When I mentioned grammar, there were even
gagging sounds. Having spoken to their parents, I went
around town in search of some good attractive textbook.
When I found Grammar Four by Jennifer Seidl2, I leafed
through it, and ordered over a hundred copies on the
spot. It includes all the basic grammar themes; it has a
very clear easily understandable structure; every unit is
presented in a different way, with texts, pictures, exercises, fact-boxes. It starts with simple, easy-to-do exercises, and gradually becomes more and more complex.
When I first brought it into class, the children reacted
cautiously, rather like cats circling a suspicious object.
We have done Unit 1; an exercise remained to be finished, but I said nothing about homework. Next lesson,
all the students rushed into the classroom, hugging
Grammar Four to them. “Let’s do Grammar!” became
a catch-phrase, somewhat to my astonishment. Since it
was such a success, I decided to change my whole plan
and build it around those grammar lessons. Amazingly,
all the students kept referring to this beloved textbook
even when they were in their final year at school.
The most important lesson I extracted from this experience was simple: if your students cannot or will not
accept a textbook, a topic, any aspect of teaching, look
at your own plans, evaluate the materials you use again.
Try to find out what is interesting, fascinating and attractive for your students. Naturally one cannot go on and
on teaching grammar only, and using just one textbook.
Times change, and the requirements change with them.
Jennifer Seidl has taught me how to use a new, totally
different approach to any problem which needed to be
solved. When ICT became an integral part of a lesson,
I began to create my own teaching aids – PPT presentations, e-lessons, web research manuals. Gradually, I
built up a whole e-Grammar of my own, which includes
all the major themes. I used pictures from MSW office;
<freegifs> sites, and inserted movements and sounds
into my PPT’s. I also worked out a number of interactive
exercises and tests. Having learned the comparisons of
long adjectives, for example, with the help of a simple
funny presentation, the students never made mistakes
in them again3.
My own impression was that e-Grammar was mostly
to be used in primary and middle school. But when I
shared it with my colleagues, they told me that senior
students loved it too.
It is very important to realize that students are never
uniform. What works with one class or group may not
be good for another group. The age may be the same,
but the level or the goals may differ greatly. Conversely,
the level may be the same, but the age may differ. I
have consistently used my e-Grammar with one senior
class, with very good results; and I have never used it
with another senior class. One was a general education
class; most students were not going to continue their
education, but were looking for some short courses or a
job right after school. The other class had extra hours of
mathematics and physics; all of them intended to enter
a university or college after school. They enjoyed playing with e-Grammar during one lesson, and then went
back to the usual plain textbooks.
Naturally with children, even with very sophisticated
teenagers of the “seventeen-going-on-forty” variety, there
are no rules! I would say that modern teachers need to
have a lot of materials at their disposal. Traditional textbooks, ICT, the Internet are all our tools today.
By Nina M. Koptyug, Ph.D., Novosibirsk
to be continued
April 2013
The Penguin Dictionary of
Modern Humorous Quotations compiled by Fred
Metcalf. Penguin Books,
Grammar Four by Jennifer
Seidl. OUP, 1997
e-Grammar example:


April 2013
к формированию лингвистических компетентностей учащихся
Keep in mind: knowing another language is a tremendous
asset, it gives you a completely different view of the world,
you see things in a different light!
Vladimir Posner
… я тороплюсь. Я хочу. Я хочу быть жадным до знаний, впечатлений, событий, до всего передового. Хочу
смотреть на мир широко раскрытыми глазами.
И я учусь. Мой девиз: “Творчество – ищи в новом старое, в старом – старое, в новом – новое”.
Творческий подход к формированию лингвистических
компетентностей учащихся выходит на первый план, поскольку работа учителя иностранного языка в условиях
современной школы предполагает развитие лингвистических и коммуникативных компетентностей учащихся путем поиска эффективных приемов и методов преподавания. Особенно актуальной эта проблема стала в
настоящее время – в период модернизации российского
Формирование условий для межкультурной коммуникации определяется тенденциями развития современного общества и образования.
Одной из главных трудностей в преподавании иностранных языков является отсутствие языковой среды.
Оптимальный вариант овладения иностранным языком – это обучение в естественной языковой среде. А
языковая среда – это основное средство и условие для
коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения и, как
следствие, для формирования лингвистических компетентностей учащихся.
В отсутствии естественной языковой среды нам необходимо самим моделировать эту языковую среду всеми
доступными средствами.
Компетентностный подход – один из подходов, который противопоставляется “знаниевому” в понимании
накопления учеником и трансляции преподавателем готового знания, т.е. информации, сведений.
Мы понимаем под термином “лингвистическая
компетенция” способность конструировать грамматически правильные формы и синтаксические построения, а также понимать смысловые отрезки в речи, организованные в соответствии с существующими нормами
иностранного языка, и использовать их в том значении,
в котором они употребляются носителями языка в изолированной позиции. Лингвистическая компетенция
является основным компонентом коммуникативной
Социолингвистическая компетенция заключается
в умении выбрать нужную лингвистическую форму,
способ выражения, в зависимости от условий коммуникативного акта: ситуации, коммуникативной цели и
намерения говорящего, социальной и функциональной роли коммуникантов, взаимоотношений между
ними и т.п.
Социокультурная компетенция подразумевает знакомство с национально-культурной спецификой речевого поведения носителей языка, с теми элементами
социокультурного контекста, которые релевантны для
порождения и восприятия речи с точки зрения носителей языка: обычаи, правила, нормы, социальные условности, ритуалы, страноведческие знания и т.д.
Далее мы рассмотрим более подробно методы, которые применяются на наших занятиях для формирования
социокультурных и лингвострановедческих компетентностей учащихся, в частности, по аудированию на примере аутентичных аудиоматериалов.
19 октября 1959 года. Голос Америки выпустил в эфир
первую новостную программу Special English. Это был
эксперимент. На протяжении многих лет Special English
является одним из самых популярных инновационных
инструментом для обучения английскому языку.
Мы считаем, что новости на иностранном языке VOA
эффективным способом развития социокультурной и
лингвострановедческой компетентности учащихся. Небольшие предложения, вокабуляр в 1500 слов и замедленный темп говорения носителей языка делает данную
методику легкой для усвоения учениками. Это дает
возможность учить иностранный язык творческим, нетрадиционным способом. Новости на английском и немецком языке знакомят обучаемых с культурой страны
изучаемого языка, что позволяет эффективно осуществлять две важнейшие задачи: обучение языку и обучение
Аутентичные аудиотексты на иностранном языке вызывают не меньшую заинтересованность в дальнейшей
разработке поднятых в тексте проблем в форме проектов. Очень важна ситуативность.
Мы бы рекомендовали учителям иностранного языка английский радиосериал “The Flatmates”, который
был признан Британским Советом одной из лучших
инноваций в области обучения английскому языку. Используя соответствующие материалы, наши ученики
могут почувствовать преимущество творческого подхода к Интернет-образованию (www.bbclearnenglish.
Вот некоторые творческие методы работы с этим курсом, которые мы позволили себе представить для наших
1. Предсказание. Показать ученикам изображение
для определенного эпизода, используя функцию “Спрячь
текст!” и предложить им предсказать возможный сюжет
эпизода. Затем проиграть эпизод и обсудить сходство/
различия в предсказаниях.
2. Голосуем? Ученики читают/слушают текст и предсказывают исход голосования по вопросу к эпизоду в режиме он-лайн.


April 2013
3. Восстанови диалог. Ученикам раздаётся текст эпизода в разрезанном виде. После прослушивания им надо
восстановить ход событий и ход реплик героев.
На наш взгляд, песни обладают высокой реактивностью, т.е. всегда вызывают ту или иную реакцию в форме эмоционального, мыслительного и речевого отклика.
Данный эффект достигается разными средствами:
наличием в тексте песен восклицательных предложений (Gosh! Bad Luck!), междометий (Wow!), риторических вопросов (What do you do in your free time? –
Free time?), усилительных конструкций (It does take a
lot of time!), оценочных слов (great, terrible, brilliant).
Поэтому песни на иностранных языках стимулируют
учащихся на проектную деятельность. Учащиеся сначала формулируют проблему проекта, а затем решают
эту проблему.
Слушать музыку можно и через сотовые телефоны с
выходом на транскрипт в Интернете и, делая перевод содержания песни прямо на уроке, а “аська” нам в этом
Метод проектов в развитии социокультурной и лингвострановедческой компетентности учащихся, в свою
очередь, позволяет включить учащихся в активный диалог культур на основе применения на практике полученных социокультурных и лингвострановедческих знаний.
А это уже способствует достижению интегративной
цели обучения иностранным языкам – формирование у
учащихся способности и готовности осуществлять межкультурное взаимодействие с носителями иноязычной
Нам бы хотелось поделиться успехом наших старшеклассников, которые приняли участие в Федеральном
конкурсе проектов учителей, применяющих новые информационные технологии в учебной работе, который
был организован в 2010–2011 гг. в ознаменование 25 летней годовщины начала информатизации отечественной
школы. Учебный проект “Интерлингвистика. Эсперанто.
Заговорит ли человечество на одном языке?”, который
был разработан под нашим руководством, прошёл в Финал конкурса и оказался единственным представителем
Ставропольского края в номинации “Иностранный язык”
Очевидно, что для создания проектов и для реализации творческого подхода к формированию лингвистических компетентностей учащихся в целом учителю необходимо обладать высоким уровнем предметных, методических и информационно-коммуникационной знаний.
Поэтому хорошо иметь широкую переписку со многими зарубежными представительствами для получения
оригинального и аутентичного материала. Я горжусь
посланиями от имени Её Величества Королевы Великобритании Елизаветы II и от Их Королевских Высочеств –
Принца Уэльского и Герцогини Корнуэльской с тёплыми
словами благодарности за профессиональный интерес и
с наилучшими пожеланиями на будущее в качестве преподавателя иностранных языков; с Германским посольством в Москве – журнал “Deutschland”, издаваемый
Германским правительством и Министерством иностранных дел ФРГ; с Монетным двором Австрии – журнал “Die Munze”; с посольством Швейцарии в Москве; с
музеями и другими культурными представительствами в
Ирландии, Англии, Швейцарии, Австрии, Люксембурга,
Одним из важных аспектов в обучении иностранным
языкам является, конечно, письмо. Конечным результатом при обучении письменной речи является формирование у учащихся способности практически пользоваться иноязычным письмом для дальнейшего общения, познания и творчества. Письменная речевая деятельность
есть целенаправленное и творческое совершение мысли
в письменном слове, а письменная речь – способ формирования и формулирования мысли в письменных языковых знаках.
И опять же трудно требовать что-либо от учеников,
если сам преподаватель не может и строчки написать на
иностранном языке: ни личное письмо, ни эссе (сочинение). Всем любителям писем мы рекомендуем стать членами Международного клуба, которому в 2007 году исполнилось 10 лет. Это уникальный проект, который был
начат в Европейском Союзе для привлечения молодежи
с целью обмена своими посланиями не через Интернет,
а посредством самых обычных писем. Глобальная сеть
“Letternet” объединяет уже более 600 000 человек по всему Миру (www.letternet.de).
Говоря о творческом подходе к формированию лингвистических компетентностей учащихся, мы бы хотели
сделать следующие вывод: успех на этом пути трудно
представить без:
1. Выбора заданий, которые адекватны возможностям
учащихся и способствуют их личностному росту;
2. Рационального отбора учебного материала, подразумевающего занимательность, проблемность и актуальность;
3. Осознания важности и необходимости проявления
развития субъективных способностей учащихся, их
жизненного опыта;
4. Готовности и способности учащихся систематизировать, рефлексировать и презентовать свой опыт;
5. Подхода к учебным занятиям с учетом индивидуальных способностей учащихся и специфики конкретной
учебной ситуации (“ситуации выбора”);
6. Создания благоприятного эмоционально-психологического микроклимата при обучении.
Денис Борисович Валяев,
МОУ СОШ № 5,
г. Будённовск, Ставропольский край


April 2013
или как эффективно организовать
переписку школьников из разных стран мира
В настоящее время главная цель обучения иностранному
языку в основной школе направлена на развитие иноязычной
коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих
(речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной и учебнопознавательной), иными словами, во главу угла ставится практическое овладение иностранным языком. Свободное владение
иностранным языком в устной и письменной форме стало очень
актуальным, так как современное общество и развитие сотрудничества с другими странами во всех сферах жизни, искусства,
науки, культуры и бизнеса обусловливают реальную необходимость того, чтобы российский специалист владел иностранным
языком на высоком уровне.
Учителя иностранного языка еще в СССР много лет вели
работу в так называемых Клубах интернациональной дружбы,
всеми силами пытаясь организовать общение своих учеников с
их зарубежными сверстниками. Но из-за политической ситуации
в нашей стране переписка, как правило, была налажена только
с дружественными социалистическими государствами. После
реформ, произошедших в нашей стране в 90-е годы, учителяэнтузиасты стали разыскивать партнеров в Англии, США и Канаде, т.е. в ранее “закрытых” для общения странах. Мне повезло,
поскольку я училась именно у такого увлеченного своим делом
учителя Пагис Н.А., которая смогла установить контакты с учителем американской школы и организовать переписку своих
учащихся. Одним из самых ярких впечатлений моей школьный
жизни до сих пор остается 2-х летнее общение с американской
школьницей Николь из такого далекого штата Пенсильвания. Обмен письмами, фотографиями, посылками, а также рассказами
о повседневной жизни, праздниках, неудачах и радостях помог
нам стереть границы и изменить стереотипные представления
о наших странах.
Реальное общение школьников разных стран помогает учителям лучше обучить иностранному языку с помощью зарубежных
сверстников, способствует взаимопроникновению культур и развитию толерантности. Одна из самых важных целей переписки
заключается в том, что дети разных стран получают возможность убедиться в том, что за несколько тысяч километров живут
ребята со схожими проблемами, интересами и мечтами.
Интерес к переписке со сверстниками из других стран обусловлен психологическими особенностями учеников средней школы,
ведь “ведущей деятельностью подростков является интимноличностное общение со сверстниками. Именно оно играет особую роль в формировании специфической для данного возраста
формы самосознания – чувства взрослости. Интимно-личностное
общение со сверстниками – качественно новая форма общения, основным содержанием которой выступает установление и
поддержание отношений с другим человеком как личностью на
основе морально-этических норм уважения, равноправия, ответственности.” Таким образом, организовывая переписку школьников, учитель иностранного языка не только прививает интерес к
стране изучаемого языка, активизирует и совершенствует лингвистические знания, умения и навыки своих учеников, но и способствует становлению гармонично развитой личности.
На современном этапе развития общества в руках у преподавателей появилось мощное средство – всемирная сеть.
Умелое использование сети Интернет в учебном процессе дает
возможность учителям организовывать переписку школьников
на качественно новом, современном уровне, отвечающем интересам подростков. Занимаясь организацией переписки школьников с сентября 2004 года, мною были проведены некоторые
сравнения использования услуг обычной и электронной почты.
Если мы прибегаем к услугам традиционной почтовой связи, нам
приходится оплачивать дорогостоящие конверты, в то время как
интернет-трафик становится все дешевле, соответственно финансово более выгодным для данного вида общения. К недостаткам почтовой связи также можно отнести и время, затраченное
на ожидание ответа. (Зачастую интерес школьников к обмену
сообщениями угасал только из-за того, что приходилось ждать
более месяца для того, чтобы получить ответ.) В свою очередь,
отправка и получение письма занимает несколько секунд, если
мы пользуемся ресурсами Интернет, что делает общение более
интенсивным и захватывающим. Однако и у Интернет-сервисов
есть свои недостатки, главным из которых является невозможность гарантировать безопасность детей в сети из-за хакерских
атак, сайтов не предназначенных для детской психики и т.п. Приятно отметить, что последний недостаток был устранен путем
создания специальных Интернет-площадок для детей!
В 2007 году мой коллега из США предложил мне воспользоваться услугами, предоставляемыми на сайте www.epals.com
для организации эффективной переписки школьников. Данный
англоязычный ресурс объединяет школьников и их учителей
всех стран и континентов. Использование данного сайта делает переписку безопасной, открытой для преподавателя и очень
удобной как для учащихся, так и для учителей.
Как видно из названия сайта, ePals – электронные друзья,
своеобразное подобие КИДов, но только на современном, более
высоком уровне, с применением современных технологий и технических возможностей. Учителя и студенты используют ePals
абсолютно бесплатно.
В сервисах ePals предлагается различные услуги и сервисы:
от блогов для учителей и учеников до использования электронной почты. Давайте рассмотрим, с чего необходимо начать работу на данном сайте.
Для использования ресурсов www.epals.com необходимо зарегистрироваться.
После регистрации учитель создает свой профайл:


April 2013
И профайл для своего класса, рассказывая о количестве учащихся, их возрасте, интересах, целях использования ресурса и
Данный классный профайл можно периодически обновлять.
Далее необходимо подтвердить автоматически созданные
персональные аккаунты учеников, ввести их дату рождения.
После успешной регистрации от сервисной службы в личный
электронный почтовый ящик приходит сообщение учителю с
данными участников (account details), в которых содержатся имя
и фамилия ученика, его электронный адрес на данном ресурсе
и персональный логин. Пароль каждый учитель может выбрать
После оформления профайла можно приступить к регистрации участников клуба по переписке.
Шаг 1. Так как данным ресурсом могут пользоваться не только учителя, но и родители, сначала Вам предложат выбрать нужную информацию (Выбираем “teacher” и нажимаем “continue”).
Шаг 2. Составляем список учащихся. Если ребятам меньше
13 лет, то от родителей требуется собрать письменное разрешение на участие их ребенка в проекте.
В данном сервисе в личном почтовом ящике учителя имеется
две вкладки – “Личная почта”, “Контролируемая почта участников”. Работу в данной системе легко освоить. Остановлюсь на
контролируемой почте.
Самыми главными, на мой взгляд, являются разделы “Входящие” и “Исходящие”. В разделе “Входящие” учитель видит все
сообщения для всех учеников проекта, которых он зарегистрировал, и главная задача учителя проследить переписку, проверить сообщения на предмет безопасности содержания. Таким
образом, ребенок не может получить угрожающие ему письма
или спам. В папке “Входящие” видно кому, когда и какое письмо
пришло. Для того чтобы письмо дошло до своего адресата, учитель должен его “одобрить”, т.е. поставить галочку в квадратике
напротив конкретного сообщения.


April 2013
Также “одобрить” послание можно сразу же после прочтения
письма, нажав на соответствующую клавишу, что облегчает работу учителя и ускоряет процесс.
ГИА и ЕГЭ, а также ряда зарубежных тестов, поскольку написание личного письма является одним из заданий экзаменов);
• учащиеся более активно прибегают к использованию словарей, справочников (несмотря на то, что на сайте www.epals.
com действует услуга компьютерного перевода (в том числе
с русского на английский и с английского на русский), ребята
убеждаются в бесполезности ее использования);
• осуществляется изучение новых ЛЕ и РО;
• изучение традиций, культуры и реалий страны изучаемого
языка происходит в живой и непринужденной атмосфере;
• совершенствуются навыки использования ПК и сети Интернет;
• развиваются творческие способности и критическое мышление школьников.
Немаловажно, что и для учителя данный ресурс очень удобен: ранее мне приходилось в школе давать многочисленные
консультации, многократно исправлять ошибки в текстах, что занимало огромное количество времени. Применяя в своей работе
e-pals, проверять письма и одобрять их можно в любое удобное
время. Таким образом, экономится личное время учителя и улучшается качество обучения, последнее происходит благодаря индивидуальному подходу к каждому ученику.
Возможности сайта www.epals.com велики, они не ограничиваются только услугами электронной почты. В схеме приведенной
ниже представлен ряд направлений ресурса, которые постоянно
В таблице описаны примеры приведенных выше направлений.
Точно так же учитель “одобряет” и исходящие сообщения, т.е.
письма уже своих учеников, в папке “Исходящие”. Таким образом, учитель управляет всеми сообщениями, отслеживает переписку, удаляет подозрительные материалы. Поскольку такую
процедуру выполняют все учителя-участники проекта, то процесс детской переписки налажен и безопасен.
Учащиеся ГОУ “Центр Образования № 825” использовали
ресурсы e-pals в рамках участия в международном проекте “Глобальная коалиция”, в котором принимают участие ребята из разных стран и для того, чтобы обеспечить эффективное общение
дети распределяются по мини-группам. Было создано 19 групп
по 11 человек в каждой группе. Дальнейшее общение ребят
происходит в этих мини-группах. При этом важно ответить, что
каждый участник мини-группы мог отправлять письмо всем ребятам своей группы или выбирать одного конкретного собеседника. Отмечу, что в данном учебном году к работе в проекте мною
были привлечены пятиклассники в рамках элективного курса. За
период сентябрь 2010 г. – май 2011 г. оборот корреспонденции
участников нашего проекта составил 1534 письма! В почтовый
ящик каждого из моих учащихся пришло порядка 30–45 писем!
Тематика писем была самой разнообразной, начиная с рассказов о себе и своих увлечениях, культуре, праздниках и обычаях
Родины, заканчивая глобальными проблемами современности.
Анализируя работу с учащимися в данной области, хочется
отметить, что данная деятельность имеет ряд положительных
• повышается мотивация к изучению предмета “Английский язык”;
• происходит развитие навыков понимания прочитанного аутентичного текста;
• совершенствуются навыки письменной речи и развивается
культура переписки (что в дальнейшем может помочь при сдаче
В 2010 году в профессиональном конкурсе
Педагогические “Учитель-посол” победил Билл Рейли – осноконкурсы
ватель и идейный вдохновитель проекта
“Глобальная коалиция”.
Ресурс постоянно предлагает размещать
видео-сюжеты и проекты по различным теи творческих
мам. Например, исследование, посвященное
изучению воды, было выполнено учащимися
под руководством учителя из г. Злотоуст
В.Тукбаева и получило высокую оценку.
В блогах учителей постоянно обновляется
Международинформация о различных проектах, проводиные проекты
мых среди школьников. Учитель из Америки
предложила участвовать в международной
рассылке открыток среди школьников.
www.epals.com сотрудничает с различными
организациями, представителями бизнеса
и музеями. Так, на сайте участники сообщемероприятия
ства могут присоединиться к мероприятиям,
организованным музеями “Smithsonian” и
Рекомендую всем преподавателям, заинтересованным в проектной деятельности и организации международной переписки со
школьниками использовать ресурсы www.epals.com.
Если мы обучаем детей иностранному языку, мы даем им ключ,
которым они смогут открыть тысячи городов, десятки стран и все
континенты. Если мы организовываем переписку школьников,
они получают возможность узнать и понять миллионы людей. Кто
знает, может в этом понимании и нуждается наша планета?
Наталья Маслова, ГБОУ ЦО № 825, г. Москва
См. Приложение на CD.


continued from No. 3
(на примере The Past Simple Tense)
Морской бой/The Sea Battle
Учащиеся играют попарно. Каждый игрок рисует на своем поле 1 пятипалубный корабль, 2 четырехпалубных и 2
трехпалубных корабля (всего 5). Далее они по очереди атакуют “вражеские корабли”, задавая вопросы в Past Simple
(при этом они должны использовать имена детей и глаголы,
указанные в таблице). Если на пересечении этих граф нет
“корабля”, участник говорит ‘miss’ (“мимо”) и оба рисуют
‘x’ в соответствующей ячейке, после чего ход переходит к
партнеру. Если же оказывается “попадание в корабль противника”, тот отвечает ‘wound’ (“ранен”) и оба рисуют
‘o’ в соответствующей клеточке, после чего первый участник продолжает свои вопросы, пока не услышит ‘miss’
или ‘hit’ - (“убит”). Побеждает тот игрок, которому первым
удастся сбить / потопить все корабли противника. При этом
учащиеся самостоятельно выбирают лексическое наполнение фразы (e.g. play football or tennis or the violin; yesterday
or last week or three hours ago). Главное – использовать имя
ребенка и смысловой глагол, указанный в одной из ячеек.
При этом парам можно предложить разный набор глаголов,
чтобы избежать повтора смысловых глаголов. Играть можно на нескольких уроках, где отрабатывается порядок слов
в вопросах (меняясь карточками).
– 5 spaces
– 3 spaces
б) соотнести первую и вторую форму глагола. Назвать
три формы оставшихся глаголов (они выделены жирным
1. be
a) rang
2. can
b) taught
3. fall
c) gave
4. find
d) bought
5. know
e) came
6. ring
f) found
7. choose
g) drank
8. sleep
h) fell
9. buy
i) chose
10. give
j) ate
в) Сложить из маленьких квадратиков или прямоугольников
один большой прямоугольник, соединяя первую и вторую
форму каждого глагола, указанного на ребрах маленьких прямоугольников.
Примечание: Большой прямоугольник (заготовка) заранее
разрезается на маленькие квадратики или прямоугольники, которые перемешиваются и раздаются учащимся по 9–12 штук
(не больше – чтобы не затягивать игру). Побеждает ученик, которому удастся первому соединить все фрагменты в один прямоугольник.
Пример заготовки:
play watch read listen like study go cook make
Задания на дешифровку (Decoding tasks or puzzles)
Подобного рода задания можно предлагать отдельным учащимся на карточках, или у доски на уроке, или как конкурсные
задания на внеклассных мероприятиях.
• Упражнения на подбор (matching)
Учащимся предлагается:
а) соединить части шести разрезанных глаголов:
go cook make
ocean play watch read listen
P1: Did Sara watch TV yesterday? P2: Yes, she did. She watched
TV yesterday.
P1: Did she play the piano? P2: No, she didn’t.
April 2013
– 4 spaces
• Анаграммы
а) буквы в глаголах перепутаны в произвольном порядке:
б) буквы выстроены в алфавитном порядке:
в) глаголы написаны в обратном порядке – слева направо):
• Puzzles
Учащимся предлагается:
а) найти глаголы в магическом квадрате (Word Square):
– по вертикали, горизонтали, диагонали, справа налево, слева
направо, снизу вверх


с т о и т ь
л о м а т ь
April 2013
– по типу филворда (по направлению стрелок)
б) найти глаголы в цепочке слов (letter line):
– глаголы идут друг за другом
– между глаголами вставлены другие буквы (произвольно),
поэтому их труднее найти
При этом учащиеся:
– подчеркивают глаголы в каждой строчке, называют три их
формы и переводят на русский язык;
– или составляют предложения с каждым глаголом.
в) расшифровать глаголы (цифры соответствуют порядковому номеру буквы в английском алфавите):
a b c d e f g h i
l m n o p q
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Примечание: Если учитель предлагает выполнить это
задание разным командам учащихся (на уроке или на внеклассном мероприятии), надо следить за тем, чтобы глаголы состояли из одинакового количества букв, например:
а) для первой команды
б) для второй команды
1, 14, 19, 23, 5, 18, 5, 4 = answered 2, 5, 12, 15, 14, 7, 5, 4 = belonged
5, 14, 10, 15, 25, 5, 4 = enjoyed 3, 18, 5, 1, 20, 5, 4 = created
6, 15, 21, 7, 8, 20 = fought
3, 1, 21, 7, 8, 20 = caught
4, 18, 5, 23 = drew
11, 14, 5, 23 = knew
3, 21, 20 = cut
12, 5, 20 = let
г) вписать глаголы, у которых вторая и третья формы
пишутся одинаково, а из букв, помеченных цифрами, составить слово (например, в данном случае, название дня недели).
п р и н о с и т ь
д у м а т ь




= Monday
д) вписать три формы неправильных глаголов, а сложив подчёркнутые буквы, прочитать слово (например, название популярного праздника в англоговорящих странах)



т е р я т ь

р и с о в а т ь



– _

7_ 8_

_ 6_


в с т р е ч а т ь
б ы т
д а в а т ь
с т р е л я т ь

= Christmas
е) вписать 10 неправильных глаголов, которые начинаются на букву ‘f’.
1. f______________-___________-____________ чувствовать
2. f______________-___________-____________ драться
3. f______________-___________-____________ забывать
4. f______________-___________-____________ прощать
5. f______________-___________-____________ кормить
6. f______________-___________-____________ падать
7. f______________-___________-____________ находить
8. f______________-___________-____________ летать
9. f______________-___________-____________ замерзать
10. f______________-___________-____________ запрещать
ж) подобрать рифму к следующим глаголам. В скобках написан перевод рифмующегося глагола.
1. give – gave – given _________________________ (прощать)
2. sing – sang – sung _____________________________ (пить)
3. smell – smelt – smelt _____________________ (чувствовать)
4. catch – caught – caught ____________________ (приносить)
5. eat – ate – eaten _____________________________ (писать)
6. blow – blew – blown ____________________________ (знать)
Четвертый лишний/Odd Man Out
Учащиеся должны прочитать цепочку глаголов, найти в
каждой строчке один глагол, который по какому-то признаку отличается от всех остальных глаголов в данной
строке, и объяснить свой выбор. Например:
• added, wanted, asked, needed (во всех остальных глаголах
окончание читается как [i:d])
• walked, washed, pushed, watched (все остальные глаголы
начинаются со звука [w] или глагол watched – в нем 7 букв,
а не 6, как в остальных глаголах)
• opened, climbed, cleaned, looked (во всех остальных глаголах окончание –ed читается как [d])
• thought, wrote, caught, bought (во всех остальных глаголах
есть долгий звук [о:])
• booked, created, cooked, danced (во всех остальных глаголах
есть звук [k])
• ate, slept, kept, met (все остальные глаголы рифмуются одинаково)
• learnt, listened, skied, pulled (этот глагол может иметь и
окончание правильного глагола)
• played, stayed, studied, delayed (буква ‘y’ меняется на ‘i’ перед окончанием ‘-ed’)
Телефонный шифр/Mobile Phone Codes
Учащиеся работают в парах. На доске висит макет / картинка
мобильного телефона. Один из учеников загадывает какойнибудь глагол, смотрит на кнопки мобильного телефона
и записывает загаданное слово цифрами (например, 6,3, 8 =
met). Второй ученик выписывает все буквы, соответствующие
цифрам (6=mno, 3=def, 8=tuv) и пытается отгадать загаданное слово. Если ученик отгадывает, он получает очко. Если
возможны варианты, нужно отгадать, какое именно слово загадал партнер. Потом ученики меняются ролями.
Возможные варианты:
2, 6, 8, 4, 4, 8 = bought
3, 7, 3, 9 = drew
9, 7, 6, 8, 3 = wrote
7, 5, 3, 7, 8 = slept
2, 3, 4, 2, 6 = began
7, 6, 5, 3 = sold
9, 3, 6, 8 = went
7, 4, 6, 6, 5 = shook


а) ответы на кроссворд – вторая форма указанных (на русском или англ. языках) глаголов.
1. get или ‘получил’
11. do
19. speak
4. make или ’сделал’ и т. д.
13. sleep
20. ring
5. win
15. know
21. have
8. be
16. read
22. go
9. break
17. shake
23. eat
10. take
18. sell
1. give
6. begin
14. think
2. come
7. tell
15. kill
3. feel
9. blow
19. see
5. write
12. drink
20. run
April 2013
1. > Yesterday the weather ………………..
very cold.(3)
1. ∨ I ………………………. them a letter. (5)
2. ∨ He ……………………. for eight hours last
night. (5)
3. > I ………………… up at 7.00 this morning.
4. > She ……………….. the party early and
went home. (4)
1 2
1. > He ……….. the ball over the wall. (5)
2.∨ I ………a bath before I got dressed this
morning. (3)
3. ∨ I ………… out last night. (4)
4. > They ……………. some mineral water with
their meal. (5)
б) вставьте недостающие буквы, чтобы получились неправильные глаголы. Помогут вам следующие предложения:
1. I ____________ all the exercises without my brother’s help.
2. Many years ago children ____________ school uniforms.
3. We ____________ this poem by heart last month.
4. They ____________ all the details of that accident.
5. The cat ____________ a big mouse last night.
6. The boy __________ his left foot while swimming in the lake.
7. His parents ____________ to Paris two weeks ago.
8. He ____________ a professional footballer.
9. The girl ____________ a nice picture for the competition.
10. Mother ____________ us wise advice.
11. We ____________ each other at the exhibition.
12. Pupils ____________ a word dictation at the previous lesson.
13. She ___________ her career as a nurse at the local hospital.
14. We _________ them a telegram but they didn’t meet us at the
Неправильные квадраты/Irregular Squares
Вставьте вторую форму неправильных глаголов. (В
скобках указано количество букв в каждом глаголе). Помогут
вам следующие предложения:
1. ∨ She jumped off the boat and …………… to
shore. (4)
2. > I liked them. They ………….. very nice.
3. ∨ He …………………. his bicycle to the
shops. (4)
4. > She ……………………. a phone call. (4)
1. ∨ She ………….. a new car six months ago.
2. ∨ He ……………. me a telegram. (4)
3. > I ……………... a suit to the wedding (4)
4. ∨ She …………. me a record for my birthday.
5. > The cat ………… a mouse, and brought it to
show me. (6)
6. > After taking the medicine I ………. much
better. (4)
Исправление ошибок/Error Correction
а) В написании каждого глагола (одной или нескольких из его
форм) допущена ошибка. Найдите её, зачеркните и напишите рядом эту форму глагола правильно.
fil – felt – felt ……………………
smell – smalt – smelt ………..
teach – tot – tought ……………..
see – so – seen ……………….
eat – at – iten …………………...
rite – wrote – writen ……………
read – red – ret …………………
fight – fout – fought …………….
forget – fogot – forgot …………
give – gav – guven …………….
braik – brok – broken …………
make – made – mad …………
spik – spok – spoken …………
have – hed – head ……………
luse – lost – losted ……………
slip – sleept – slept ……………
dreme – dreamt – dremt ………
bring – brot – brut ……………
б) В каждом из предложений есть грамматическая ошибка. За каждую верно исправленную фразу ученики (или игроки
команды) получают по одному баллу. Чтобы победить, нужно (а)
первым выполнить все задание; (б) найти и исправить большее
количество ошибок за ограниченное время.
1. He receive the letter yesterday.
2. Our friends invited us to the party next week.
3. Peter the First found St. Petersburg more than 3 hundred years
4. The teacher didn’t gave students the dictionary during the last
5. They meet me at the corner of the street when they were walking
to school.
6. The librarian putted the book on the upper shelf.
7. Was you at the circus 3 days ago?
8. My brother was played tennis the day before yesterday.
9. In last month we moved to a new flat.
10. Mother bought sweets and chocolate for my birthday, didn’t she
11. Mark finded a relative at the railway station.
12. Robin tooked my pencil and didn’t brought it back.
Е.А. Павлова,
Нижневартовский государственный
гуманитарный университет
to be continued


April 2013
1) Introduction
The teacher greets the students and introduces the topic of the club.
2 min.
2) Ice-Breaker
Students stand up and the teacher gives them a task:
“Line up according to your shoe-size.”
Line up variations:
a. Line up alphabetically (the first letter of your nickname)
b. Line up according to your birth month.
c. Line up alphabetically, but you look at the last letter of your nickname. (Look at the last letter of you
nickname – if your nick is Liza – you’re the first, and if your nick is Arbuz – you’re the last.)
d. Line up according to the date of birth.
The last time:
The teacher divides the students into 2 groups and gives them separate tasks:
Group 1: Line up according to hair colour of the hair – from the lightest to the darkest.
Group 2: Line up according to the length of the nickname – from the longest to the shortest.
The teams arrange themselves according to the given criteria and the other team should guess what the
criteria is.
10 min.
в группе.
3) Warming-Up Vocabulary Block. Gender Puzzle
Page 1 in Student Handouts.
The question to the students:
Do you think there are differences in gender in the English language? There are! Solve this gender puzzle
and find the different names for ladies and gentlemen in the animal world.
The students are divided into pairs and solve the puzzle. Check all together.
10 min.
в парах.
4) Listening
Page 2 in Student Handouts.
Students scan the questions, ask the teacher if they have any difficulties understanding the questions; listen
to the text and answer the questions.
They also pay attention to the figures in the text and explain what they signify.
Check the answers all together.
20 min.
работа +
в круг.
5) Creativity Project
Page 3 in Student Handouts.
Students are divided into 4 groups. The task is to continue the phrase
A True Man should know how to… in 10 ways.
Combine 2 groups together and the other 2 groups together so that they create one list each new group,
containing just 6 ways to finish the phrase.
Check with both groups (the teacher fixes the answers in a spidergram on the flipchart)
30 min.
в группах.
6) Vocabulary Block. Crossword Puzzle
Page 4 in Student Handouts.
In pairs the students should solve the puzzle.
15 min.
в парах.
7) Grammar Block
Page 5-6 in Student Handouts.
It is said that… + He is said to… Explain the theory.
Have the students do the exercises (possibly in pairs)
Coming back to the puzzle in task 6, ask every student to say one sentence about what men are like: “Men
are supposed to be good drivers.”
25 min.
в группе.
8) Walkie-Talkie Game
Every student gets a name of some famous male character on his back.
The task is to go around the class and ask questions to guess who you are.
(cards are in the section ‘Materials and Keys”)
15 min.
Коллективная работа.
9) Song
Page 7 in Student Handouts.
ABBA: “Honey, Honey”.
10 min.
Сплачивающая работа.
10) Summing-Up
Question/Answer time.
5 min.
By Alyona Pavlova,
Moscow State University of Printing Arts
See Teaching Materials and Handouts on CD.


Some hobbies are rather common and widespread (e.g.
sport, photography, dancing), others are quite unusual. Whatever your hobby may be, your insights and experience are
invaluable, because you are more knowledgeable in this field
than the uninitiated. The following writing tasks are meant
to encourage students to share their expertise in the area that
they excel in or would like to discover for themselves.
1. Wacky Hobbies
Do some research and find out more about these unusual
hobbies that people are into.
For example:
• storm chasing;
• UFO spotting;
• ghost hunting;
• geocaching;
• cryptozoology;
• carving egg shells etc.
Choose one and explain why you might consider taking
it up.
2. Internet Presence
Suppose you were to set up a website or a group on some
social network site devoted to your hobby. How would you
design it? What information would you include? How would
you make it stand out and attract visitors? Describe this site
in as much detail as possible.
Alternatively, make a large-scale project, involving all
group members. You have to design a site that would introduce all of you through your hobbies. What would be your
hobby-related profile on such a site? Mind that hobbies are
divided into four large classes: doing things, making things,
collecting things, and learning things. Make sure all of these
categories are represented on your site.
3. Interview a Hobbyist
Choose some unusual hobby (see task #1 above) and interview a person who pursues it. You may start with the questions suggested below and develop your own questionnaire:
April 2013
How did you get into this hobby?
How time- and money-consuming is it?
How does your family feel about your hobby?
Are you a member of a community of like-minded people
who share the same interests?
• How do you promote this hobby?
• Have you got your own website and, if so, what has the
response to it been?
4.“How-to” Article
Maybe you’re a beginner in some hobby; maybe you’re
quite an expert. Either way, you have something that you’re
good at. Anyone who has been involved in a hobby for more
than a few months has a great deal to share. Perhaps you
have some particular knack that others would benefit from
Write a “how-to” article, giving detailed instructions and
sharing your know-how. Subjects may range from baking an
apple pie to filmmaking.
5. Wordsmiths
Writing itself is among very popular hobbies. If you feel
the itch to put pen to paper, writing might be the perfect
outlet for your creative passion. While professional writers
struggle to cope with the stress of impending deadlines and
writer’s block, people who write as a hobby are free to simply enjoy their work, be it writing poetry, songs, letters or
If you are an amateur wordsmith, write an essay explaining what started you off and what you like most about writing. If this is not your cup of tea, write about your favourite
words in the English language (about 5 of them) explaining
why you find them fascinating/striking/significant. This may
have to do with your personal associations or the concepts
behind these words. In a way, all those studying a foreign
language are collectors of words, so this is a hobby that
unites us.
By Yulia Klimenova,


April 2013
1. A teacher asks questions very quickly.
2. The pupil who says “yes” or “no” is out of the game.
The last pupil (or several pupils) in the game is a winner.
Have you ever eaten snakes?
Have you ever spoken tarrabar language?
Have you ever put your mother’s skirt (father’s jeans)?
Have you ever cooked dinner, barbecue, breakfast?
Have you ever played cards?
Have you ever played the guitar, violin, piano?
Have you ever drunk champagne (vodka, hot chocolate,
Have you ever earned any money?
Have you been to Siberia (Australia, Tundra, and Antarctica)?
Have you ever jumped from the mountains, from parachute, from the 10th floor?
Have you ever worn a dress, a skirt?
Have you prepared soup with rat’s tail?
Have you eaten frogs?
Have you ever slept on a ceiling?
Have you ever played cricket, rugby, leap-frog, baseball,
and billiard?
Have you ever flown in the clouds?
Have you ever bought sausages in a clothes shop?
Has a crocodile lived in your flat?
Have you ever danced walse, lezginka, and polka?
Have you ever lost your keys?
Have you ever seen Easter rabbit?
Have you ever made a snowman in summer?
Have you ever kissed a spider?
Have you ever drawn with foot?
Have you ever put a bucket on your head?
Have you ever lost your head?
Have you ever sung folk songs, English songs?
Have you ever ridden a tortoise, camel?
Have you ever ridden a snail?
Have you ever seen an aborigine, a witch?
Have you ever bought a dog, a cat?
Have you ever bought a TV-set?
Have you ever spoken to a President?
Have you ever spoken to a blind man?
Have you ever swum in the ocean, in the lake?
Have you ever swum in the puddle?
Have you ever broken your leg?
Have you ever put on clown’s costumes?
Have you ever put on wigs?
Have you ever ridden an elephant?
Have you ever fallen from the trees?
Have you ever fallen in love?
Have you ever written music, a poem, a story?
Have you ever found treasures?
Have you ever found money?
Have you ever made spaghetti, pizza?
Have you ever been in a helicopter?
Have you ever found a secret door?
Have you ever met Indians?
Have you ever lived in a hut?
Have you ever lived in a wigwam?
Have you ever eaten a horse?
Have you ever knitted or sawed clown’s suit?
Have you ever washed your TV?
Have you ever eaten dust?
Have you ever seen a shark?
Have you ever visited Disneyland in Paris?
Have you ever seen a star?
Have you ever been to the Wild West?
Have you ever come back in time?
Have you ever seen famous writers?
Have you ever put a needle on your teacher’s chair?
Have you ever hunted in the jungle?
Have you ever walked while sleeping?
Have you ever flown to the Universe?
By Natalya Gevorkyan,
School No. 1900, Moscow
The main objective of the game is to practise the Present
Perfect tense.


• “Towards” means in the general direction of something.
For example: “The cat ran towards the box.”
• “Away from” is for movement in the opposite direction.
For example: “The cat is going away from the box.”
• We use “to” for movement in the direction of something.
For example: “The cat is going to the box.”
• We can use “from” and “to” to describe movement from one point
to another.
For example: “The cat went from the box to the chair.”
• “Out of” is for movement from inside to outside.
For example: “The cat jumped out of the box.”
• “Up to” refers to movement as far as a specific point, or “until”
that point.
For example: “The cat walked up to the box and sat down.”
• And “into” is for movement from outside to inside.
For example: “The cat jumped into the box.”
• And “onto” for movement to a surface and on top of it.
For example: “The cat jumped onto the box.”
• We can use “off” for movement away from a surface.
For example: “The cat jumped off the box.”
• “Past” is used to indicate movement that passes a point or object.
For example: “The cat ran past the box.”
• We can use “down/up” to describe movement along the whole
length of something.
For example: “The cat walked down the road, then jumped onto the
• We use “across” for movement that involves going from one side
of something to another side of it. Such as: going across a river,
field, park or city square (often by walking/riding/driving on the
surface of it).
For example: “The cat walked across the box.”
• We use “round/around” for any type of circular movement around
an object/thing/person, etc.
For example: “The cat walked around the box.”
• We use “over” for movement that involves crossing from one side
of something to another side of it, often by going above that thing
(in the air, for example).
For example: “The cat jumped over the box.”
• We use “up” for movement to a higher point/area.
For example: “The cat climbed up the box.”
• We use “through” for movement inside a closed space from one
end of it to the other.
For example: “The cat went through the open end of the box.”
• And we use “down” for movement to a lower point/area.
For example: “The cat climbed down to the box.”
• “Along” is used to describe continuous movement at the side of
something, or for movement along a “line” such as a road, river,
path or trail.
For example: “The cat walked along the side of the box.”
April 2013
Part I. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of movement. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible.
1. They climbed __________ the mountain
and went right to the top.
2. We saw a bull as we were walking
__________ the field.
3. We had to walk __________ the whole
of the building before we found the entrance.
4. They drove __________ the tunnel.
5. We walked __________ the side of the
river as far as Hampton Court.
6. They ran __________ the hill and dived
into the river below.
7. She jumped off the table and __________
the floor.
8. As I was walking in the park, a strange
man ran __________ me, but I didn’t see
his face.
9. She jumped __________ the fence and
disappeared __________ the woods.
Part II. Complete the sentences with the
correct preposition of movement. In some
cases, more than one answer may be possible.
1. The man tried to pet the cat but it just ran
____________ from him.
2. When the cat saw us, it jumped
__________ the box and hid there.
3. The lion came slowly __________ me,
but stopped when it was about 3 metres
4. I went __________ the police officer and
asked for directions.
5. I’m going __________ the shops. Do you
want anything?
6. When I opened the box, a cat jumped
__________ it.
7. The robber jumped __________ the roof
and onto the street below.
8. We travelled __________ the East Coast
of America to the West Coast.
Part I: 1. up 2; across/past/along; 3. around;
4. through; 5. along; 6. up; 7. onto; 8. up to/
into; 9. off, into
Part II: 1. away; 2. into/under; 3. up to; 4. to/
up to; 5. to; 6. out of/into; 7. off/down;
8. along
By Lyudmila Kinakh,
School No. 858, Moscow


April 2013
1. It is believed that April Fool’s Day was first
celebrated around what year?
a) 1470
b) 1582
c) 1600
2. It is generally accepted that the April Fool’s
Day tradition started in this country.
a) France
b) Britain
c) Spain
3. In Scotland April Fool’s Day is celebrated for
a) one day
b) two days
c) three days
4. How do the French call the first day of April?
a) April’s Cat
b) April’s Chicken
c) April’s Fish
5. How do French children fool their friends?
a) They put a tack on their chair
b) They tape a paper fish to their backs
c) They tell knock-knock jokes
6. In this European country April 1 is called April
a) Scotland
b) Ireland
c) France
7. The first recorded April Fool’s joke was pulled
in London, and involved inviting the public to
The Tower of London to see these animals
being washed.
a) elephants
b) horses
c) lions
8. Who said, “The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of
the year.”
a) Jules Verne
b) Mark Twain
c) Oscar Wilde
1 b) 1582. Although there is no conclusive information on when exactly the first April Fool’s Day
celebration occurred, it is believed that it was
celebrated around 1582.
2. a) France. It is believed that the tradition started
in France in 1582 with the reform of the Gregorian calendar.
3. b) In Scotland April Fool’s Day is celebrated for
two days.
4. c) The French call April Fool’s day April Fish.
5. b) They attach pictures of fish to a victim’s back
and when it is discovered they yell April’s Fish.
6. a) In Scotland April “gowk” is named after the
cuckoo bird which is considered stupid.
7. c) Lions. The invitation was printed in a newspaper in 1680.The lions had been removed
from the tower many years before but still many
people showed up to watch the lions being
8. b) American humorist Mark Twain.
Compiled by Tatyana Makhrina
The origin of April Fools’ Day is not known exactly. There have been
many guesses and explanations for its origin. Some believe the celebration of April Fool’s Day began many years ago in France. People believe
that this day perhaps relates back to an ancient New Year’s festival held
on the vernal Equinox, March 21. This was the beginning of the new year
according to the pre-Gregorian calendar. In France when the implementation of the Gregorian calendar was changed, by Charles IX in 1564, the
beginning of the new year was changed and celebrated on January first,
those people who still celebrated the day on the first of April were known
as April Fools. Prior to the change of the date it was customary to give
gifts on the first day of the year therefore when the date was changed
people began sending mock gifts to other people on April first making
them April fools. In France a person who resisted in changing the date
of the new year was victimized by pranksters who played practical jokes
on him, this person became to be known as a poisson d’avril otherwise
known as an April Fish.
The custom made its way around to other nations as well. Sometime
later England and Scotland decided to adopt the custom of playing jokes
on people. In Scotland the favourite April fool’s joke is to send someone
on a cuckoo hunt. The word gowk is derived from the word geck, which
means “someone who is easily imposed upon.” The prank of sending
someone out on a cuckoo hunt became so common that in Scotland April
Fools’ Day is known as April Gowk Day. This is considered to be a prank
because there is no such thing as a cuckoo.
Most believe April Fools’ Day was derived by the change of the calendar. Some believe the origin comes from the timing of the year during
the vernal equinox. The weather fools all mankind. In many countries
April Fools’ Day is celebrated on other days besides the first of April.
In Mexico April Fools’ Day is celebrated on the 28th of December. In
ancient Rome the day was celebrated on the 25th of March. Also in India
they observe the day on the 31st of March. In America the day is mostly
observed by young people and practical jokers who want to get a laugh at
someone else’s expense.
One other theory of how the day came about was derived from the
remnant of the festival of Cerelia. This was an ancient Roman feast
which celebrated the story of Proserpina. According to the legend,
Proserpina was abducted by Pluto the Roman God while she was gathering lilies in the valley. Proserpina’s mother Ceres was so distressed
to hear about the abduction of her daughter that she began to make a
futile search for her. Because of the hopelessness of Ceres mission
her quest to find her daughter has been known to be called the “fool’s
Many different kinds of tricks are played on April Fools’ Day. Some of
which are the hunt for the cuckoo in Scotland, or the April fool’s letter. It
is important to remember however that the jokes one plays should be all
in good fun for both sides. April Fools’ Day should not be a day to play
nasty jokes on unsuspecting victims. One must remember the difference
between a good joke and a bad one.
Overall April Fools’ Day is a day in which everyone can have a lot of
fun pulling pranks.
The day most probably began because of the change in the calendar
and the day now lives on as a day of fun and practical jokes.
Source: http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu


April 2013
Открытый урок в 4-м классе
Цели и задачи:
Учебный аспект: повторение и закрепление лексики по
теме “Увлечения”; развитие навыков неподготовленной
речи, формирование коммуникативной культуры общения школьников, культуры устных выступлений, умения
Развивающий аспект: развитие умения подготовки
связного высказывания по теме, самостоятельности,
умения сотрудничать в группе.
Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение; поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательным.
Оборудование: учебник (УМК Английский язык, авторы И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева), рабочая тетрадь,
аудиокассета, рисунки, сделанные учениками, карточки
с заданиями, рулетка.
Вступительное слово учителя
Teacher: Good morning, dear children! Today we are going
to speak about hobbies.
Речевая зарядка
– Is your hobby music?
– Are you fond of reading books?
– Have you got a good library at home?
– What do you like best to read fiction or historical novels?
– Do you like to watch TV programmes?
– Are you good at sports?
– Is traveling (gardening) your hobby?
– What are you most interested in?
Работа в группах
Teacher: You see, any hobby can be useful. Now you will work
in groups. Choose one of the most interesting and useful
hobbies. You’ll decide and discuss it all together, but only
one pupil will defend it to me and other groups.
Учащиеся работают в группах по 3-4 человека. Каждой
группе раздаются карточки (по одной карточке на
каждую группу). См. Приложение.
Карточка 1: gardening, singing, sport, drawing pictures.
Карточка 2: swimming, going to the cinema, watching TV,
collecting badges.
Карточка 3: dancing, reading, playing football.
people and make new friends. We think it’s one of the most
interesting and useful hobbies.
Прослушивание стихотворения “A Book”.
Проведение игры “Всё под солнцем”.
Teacher: Now we’ll play a game “Everything Under the
You will take turns to spin the arrow. You should answer the questions where the arrow stops. If the answer is correct, you can keep the card. If the answer is
wrong, you must put the card back. The one who gets
the most cards is the winner.
Tasks on the cards
• Name all kinds of films you know. Say which of them you
like the best and why.
• Pretend you are a teacher. Let your classmates answer
your questions about hobbies.
• Name some hobbies that people have. Say a few words
about each of them.
• Choose and read aloud as quickly as you can the words on
the topic ‘Hobbies’ (textbook, ex. 16, p. 303).
• Think of some sentences using the words (tell, say).
• These children are very little but they can do many things
well. Say how old they are and what they can do well
(ex. 7, p. 286).
• Look at the picture and say what Adrian is fond of doing
(a picture is on the blackboard).
• Translate the text about Rosie’s hobby (work-book,
p. 54).
• Say all you can about your hobby.
• What is your hobby? Tell your classmates about it.
• Find out if your friends are interested in playing with a pet
(gardening, drawing).
• Find out if your friends take part in sport competitions
• Play a memory game. Look at the pictures for a moment and name all the hobbies you can remember (ex. 1,
p. 307).
• Name all hobbies you know.
Teacher: The game is over. Let’s sum it up. Those pupils
who have more cards are the winners. The first three get
Homework: ex. 27, p. 301.
От каждой группы заслушивается один человек, остальные могут ему помочь.
Примерный рассказ ученика:
Collecting stamps is useful because you learn a lot of new
things and your life becomes more interesting. It can teach us
to develop your mind. The collectors often meet interesting
By Valentina Poglazova,
School No. 2, Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region
Photo: Jaroslaw Grudzinski / Shutterstock.com
См. Приложение на CD.


April 2013
Урок в 5-м классе
Т: Good-morning, boys and girls! Good-morning, our
guests! I am glad to see you all. I hope you are fine today
and you will do your best at our unusual lesson. Look
at the blackboard and say what we are going to speak
about. (Слайд 1)
P1: We are going to speak about hobbies today.
T: Yes, you are right. We will speak about different hobbies
and at the end of our lesson you will tell me why it is
necessary to have a hobby. And what is a hobby? What
do you think?
P1: I think hobbies are my friends visiting me and playing
with me.
P2: A hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free
P3: It is what you like doing when you are not at school,
T: Well done! Hobbies are our friends; very often our hobbies help us choose our future professions. When we
have hobbies our lives become more interesting. By the
way, what hobbies do you know?
PP: Cooking, knitting, playing computer games, etc.
T: Good. All activities are very interesting, aren’t they?
What is your hobby?
P1: My hobby is ...
P2: I аm interested in ...
P3: I am fond of …
P4: As for me, I really like ...
P5: And I am good at …
T: What about your parents’ hobbies?
P1: My mother really likes … and my dad is fond of ...
P2: My mother’s hobbies are …
T: Thanks. That was interesting. Now ask your desk mates
about their favourite occupation in free time. Make up
dialogues, please.
Дети спрашивают друг друга о любимых увлечениях.
Т: Thank you. Now Kate and Sveta will tell us about the
most popular hobbies in your class.
P1: Hello! My name is … I’d like to tell you about the most
popular hobbies in my class:
There are 21 pupils in my class: 7 pupils are fond of
sport, 3 pupils like music, 3 girls enjoy reading, 2 boys
are interested in computers, only 2 children like to watch
TV, 1 pupil is fond of cooking and 2 students enjoy dancing.
T: Well done, girls! I see that sport is popular in your class.
That’s very nice because it helps you keep fit. And do
you know what hobbies are popular among Russian pupils?
P1: Football.
P2: Listening to music.
P3: Watching videos, etc.
T: Right you are. I’d like to tell you about the hobbies of
English students. Look at this poster, please.
Учитель рассказывает о хобби учащихся в Великобритании. (Слайд 2)
T: Well, as you can see from this poster, sport is a very popular activity among them, because 37% of students are
fond of it. 8% of pupils like to collect different things,
6% of English students enjoy travelling, only 5% of pupils are interested in TV and video, gardening isn’t so
popular among the youth – 3% like it and 9% of students
are fond of looking after their pets.
Now, answer my questions:
1. Which hobby is the most popular among English students?
2. What percentage of students are fond of collecting
3. What activities are not so popular?
4. English pupils enjoy music, don’t they?
Well, you know, I’ve got some friends in the UK. They
are very intelligent and sociable. My close friend’s name
is Steve Reddin. He is a nice man. His hobby is ... I don’t
want to tell you. Can you guess?
P1: Is his hobby cooking?
T: No, it isn’t.
P2: Does he like sport? Is he interested in music?
P3: Is Steve fond of collecting things?
T: Yes, he is. I’ve got a sound letter from my friend. So,
listen to it and fill in the missing words.
Дети слушают письмо и вставляют пропущенные слова.
A letter (Слайд 3)
1. I have a big ____________ of coins.
2. My father began to collect coins ___ years ago.
3. Here are more than 200 coins from ___ countries in our
4. You should know much about different ___ and their ___
5. I haven’t got any modern Russian coins in my ___
T: Well, Steve wants to know about your hobbies too. Can
you tell him, Dasha?
PI: (Девочка рассказывает о своем любимом увлечениичтении и о любимой книге.) Hello! My name is Dasha.
I am 11. If I have free time, I can go for a walk, watch
TV or play computer games. I also enjoy playing volleyball. But my favourite pastime is reading books. It
is a very interesting hobby. I like to read about children
and animals. If I have some spare time, I usually spend
it with my favourite book. It is ‘Karlson’ by Astrid Lingren. It is a funny story about a small, funny man and
a little boy, his friend. This book teaches me to be kind
and friendly. Now I would like to tell you a poem about


April 2013
Reading is the best of all.
Reading is like a key.
That opens many many doors.
It opens books for me.
T: Thanks a lot. Do you like to read books?
PP: Yes, of course.
T: What British writers can you name?
P1: Charles Dickens, Robert Burns, etc.
T: Now, match the book and the author.
Дети соотносят писателя и его книгу. (Слайд 4)
1. ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’
2. ‘Harry Potter’
3. ‘Gulliver’s Travels’
4. ‘Winnie the Pooh’
5. ‘Oliver Twist’
6. ‘The Prince and the Pauper’
7. ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’
8. ‘Robinson Crusoe’
9. ‘Alice in Wonderland’
10. ‘Jane Eyre’
Lewis Carroll
Charles Dickens
Alexander Milne
Jonathan Swift
Arthur Conan Doyle
Daniel Defoe
Charlotte Bronte
Mark Twain
Joanne Rowling
T: Good for you. What is your favourite book?
P1: My favourite book is …
P2: And I like to read … etc.
T: I am sure books help you be interesting people and spend
free time. Who wants to tell us about his pastime?
P1: I do.
T: You are welcome, Gulnaz.
P1: I’d like to tell you about my hobby. (Девочка рассказывает о том, что любит музыку, о любимых песнях.) I
am Gulnaz. I’m 11 years old. I am sociable, creative and
friendly. I enjoy listening to music and playing the piano.
I’ve been studying at the music school for three years already. Music helps me understand the world better and
find many friends. I like my hobby. It is interesting. I am
fond of classical music, but I also like modern English
songs. Now I want you to sing my favourite song about
school. Let’s sing together.
Дети поют песню о школе.
A song (Слайд 5)
From the bus into school
Never late, that’s the rule.
We shall read, write and sing,
Climb the frame slide and swing.
We shall run on the grass
Games and fun for all the class.
Come inside hands to wash
Milk and biscuits orange squash.
Have a rest, sing our grace
Draw a picture of a face.
With our friends learn to play
Growing older day by day.
T: Now listen to Katya’s hobby.
Р2: Let me introduce myself. I am Katya. I’ve got a nice
family: a father and a mother. Our family is very hospitable. My father is fond of fishing. I am interested in
knitting and sport. My mother’s hobby is cooking. She
enjoys it very much. She often cooks for us and for our
relatives. My favourite dish is scones. Now I will tell
you how to cook them: (Слайды 6–7)
1. Mix some flour and baking powder.
2. Add one egg, some milk, raisins, butter and sugar.
3. Roll out the pastry to about 1 cm thick.
4. Bake in a hot oven 15–20 minutes.
5. Enjoy your scones. They are tasty.
T: Thank you, Katya. We’ve just sung a song about school.
It was a lovely song, wasn’t it? We go to school to learn
History, Maths, English and Music. Who gives you
knowledge at school? Who teaches you Russian and Literature? Doctors? Drivers?
P1: Our teachers!


April 2013
T: Right you are. And teachers at our school also have different hobbies. Now we’ll enjoy a short film.
Девочки рассказывают о хобби учителей школы по видеосюжету, снятому ими самими.
T: Well, you know that we are proud of our teachers. They
are the cleverest the kindest and the best in our town. I’d
like to tell you some words about our teachers’ hobbies.
She has been teaching us Technology for 2 years. She
is sociable, creative and very kind. At our lessons she
is always ready to help you to sew or to knit something.
Marina Vladimirovna’s hobby is knitting. She has been
knitting since she was a school-girl. She likes to knit
sweaters, scarves, pullovers, toys and napkins. She has
two daughters: Polina and Dasha. Marina Vladimirovna
enjoys knitting for her children and for herself.
P2: This gentleman is our Art teacher. His name is Irek Grigoryevich. He is intelligent and sociable. His hobby is
very interesting. Irek Grigoryevich is fond of collecting
badges and stamps. He has about ten thousand badges
in his collection. His badges can tell you about different
kinds of sport, sport events and about famous sportsmen.
By the way our teacher is fond of volleyball, basketball
and skiing himself. This hobby helps Irek Grigoryevich
be an interesting person.
This is our homeroom teacher. Her name is Raisa Germanovna. She teaches us Russian and Literature. Her
hobby is reading books. She cannot live without books.
She is fond of reading historical novels. She is interested
in Russian history. Her favorite writers are Bulgakov,
Pasternak and Akhmatova. This hobby helps Raisa Germanovna be an interesting and well-read person, spend
free time and broadens her outlook. At our lessons she
tells us many interesting facts about these writers and
poets, she recites their poems and we learn them by
T: Now it’s high time to listen to some stories about other
famous people’s hobbies. While listening, fill in the tables
which you have on your desks. You’ll hear about Mark
Twain, Anton Chekhov, Andrey Makarevich and others.
Your task is to write down their hobbies. (Слайд 8)
Match the person and his hobby:
1. I.Turgenev
a) chess
2. I.Chekhov
b) hunting
3. A.Dumas
c) cooking
4. V.Hugo
d) horse-riding
5. V.Putin
e) singing
6. I.Krylov
f) violin
7. C.Chaplin
g) judo
P1: I’d like to tell you about Mark Twain. He was an American writer. He wrote ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’
and ‘Huckleberry Finn’. His real name was Samuel Clemens. His hobby was collecting things which nobody
had. I like to read his books too.
P2: William Shakespeare was English. He was born in 1564.
He was a writer and an actor. He was fond of acting in
plays on the stage in his theatre. Many people enjoy
reading his sonnets and poems. So do I.
P3: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born in Russia. He wrote
short plays and stories. His most famous plays were
‘Three sisters’ and ‘The cherry orchard’. He had to go to
the Crimea and live in Yalta because of his illness. There
he was fond of gardening.
P4: I’d like to tell you about George Washington. He was
the first president of the USA. His favourite school
subject was Arithmetic. His hobbies were fishing and
horse-riding. He also liked farming. So did my grandfather.
P5: Do you know this man? Of course, you do. His name is
Andrey Makarevich. He is a famous Russian singer and
musician. At school he liked music very much. He was a
fan of the British group ‘The Beatles’ and began to write
his own songs. Everybody likes his songs, especially our
parents. His hobbies are cooking and diving.
После заполнения таблиц, учитель проверяет правильность выполнения заданий.
T: Do know any other famous people’s hobbies? You can
speak Russian.
Дети рассказывают об увлечениях известных людей.
P1: Ivan Turgenev, a great Russian writer, was fond of hunting.
P2: Ernest Hemingway liked fishing and sailing.
P3: Alexander Dumas was fond of cooking.
P4: Victor Hugo enjoyed hiking and horse-riding.
P5: Некоторые люди преуспели в своих увлечениях
больше чем в основной профессии и прославились
благодаря своему хобби. Так случилось с кандидатом
технических наук Михаилом Ботвинником, чье
увлечение шахматами, принесло ему титул чемпиона
Р6: Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev made suitcases in his free
P7: Ivan Andreevich Krylov was fond of playing the violin.
P7: Isaac Newton enjoyed playing chess.
P8: Marina Tsvetaeva was fond of playing the piano.
P9: Charlie Chaplin liked singing since his childhood.
P10: Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов еще не умел ходить, а
уже говорил в рифму: Эта птичка хороша, у нее поет
душа; Что же мама не идет? Ведь Мишель все ждет и
ждет? Также он увлекался иностранными языками.
Т: How clever of you! Thanks. Today we’ve spoken much
about hobbies and now I want to ask you why it is necessary to have a hobby. (Слайд 9)
P1: A hobby helps us to meet interesting people.
P2: It helps us to relax and spend free time.
P3: A hobby helps me to keep fit.


April 2013
P4: My pastime helps me to develop my skills.
P5: My hobby helps me to find a good job in the future.
T: Good for you. I hope that hobbies will help you be interesting, intelligent and creative people in the future. I
advise you to read much, go in for sports and have useful
hobbies. As for me, I am fond of learning English and
solving crossword puzzles. Today I’ve prepared a nice
crossword for you. Let’s solve it.
Дети разгадывают кроссворд. (Слайд 10)
1. We have friends. They cannot walk,
And cannot see, but they are
Very good to you and me.
With these friends we sail on ships,
And ride on trains and even fly in airplanes. These friends
show us towns, seas and lands. Can you guess who are
these good friends?
2. Women like to make new dresses, blouses and skirts
themselves. They try to follow the latest fashion. It’s my
mother’s hobby.
3. My father has got a nice car. He likes to go by car everywhere, because it is the most comfortable way of travelling.
4. This hobby is popular among the people of all ages. My
grandmother is fond of it. She knits socks, scarves, sweaters for her grandchildren.
5. This pastime is popular among men. They go to the river
or lake and sit there in the fresh air. They can catch fish or
just admire the beauty of nature.
6. This hobby is useful. It helps you keep fit.
T: Well done! Do you remember Steve Reddin? His niece
Susan White wrote us a letter about her hobbies. Your
homework for the next lesson will be to write a letter to
Susan about your pastime. Is that clear?
PP: Yes, it is.
T: Let’s read her letter right now and find out her hobbies
and favourite activities.
A Letter
Hello, my friends,
My name is Susan White. I am 11 years old. I live in
Oxford, Great Britain. My family is not large. I have got a
mother, a father and a sister. My father is a correspondent;
my mother is a computer programmer. We live in a detached
house with a small garden. If I have free time, I can lean walk,
read books or watch TV. I enjoy reading different books: historical, detective and fairy-tales. My favourite book is ‘The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ by Mark Twain. This book is
about an American boy, his aunt and his friends. Tom is kind
and joyful. He has a lot of adventures on the Mississippi river.
This book teaches us to be kind and friendly, to be brave and
honest, helps to be true friends. I enjoy reading such books.
And you? Please, write me a letter about your hobbies.
Best wishes,
Now, agree or disagree with me.
1. She has got a large family.
2. They are four in their family.
3. Susan’s family lives in the terraced house.
4. She is fond of reading fairy-tales.
5. Susan’s favourite writer is Charles Dickens.
6. Tom Sawyer is a kind and joyful boy.
7. Susan enjoys gardening.
T: Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Goodbye!
By Alla Nyamukova,
School No. 9, Birsk, Bashkortostan
See Presentation on CD.


April 2013
Открытый урок в 10-м классе
Цели: развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся, умение вести монологическую речь; развитие творческих способностей учеников, формирование навыков
самостоятельной работы и работы в группе; развитие положительной мотивации и познавательного интереса к изучаемому материалу и процессу учебной деятельности.
Познавательный аспект: знакомство учащихся с современными видами хобби.
Воспитательный аспект: формирование коммуникативных умений, умений саморегуляции и саморегулирования своей учебной деятельности; формирование социальной (готовность к взаимодействию, освоению новых
способов деятельности, умение работать в команде) и
коммуникативной (готовность и способность осуществлять устную коммуникацию) компетентности.
Сопутствующая задача: развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием содержания и с целью извлечения
конкретной информации, развитие умения работать в
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, авторская презентация к уроку.
1. Организационный момент
T: Hello girls and our guests. Is everybody here, yes?
2. Ассимилитивно-Проблемная Установка
T: Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak
about one of the newest and most modern hobbies in our
country. Then we will try to create our own Artist Trading
Card. (Слайд 1)
3. Речевая зарядка
T: First of all, look at the screen. You see the word.
(SCRAPBOOKING) What do you think what does it
means? (Слайд 2)
P1: The word “book” means книга.
P.2 Maybe, the word “scrap” means резать, рвать.
T: With the word ‘book’, you are right, but the word
“scrap” actually means a small piece of paper “клочок”.
Today in our lesson, we’ll learn what scrapbooking is
and the history of it with the help of the texts. I’ll also
show some photos of scrapbooking. And the whole word
“scrapbook” means an album into which clippings, notes
or pictures can be pasted. It is a kind of large album (or
book) of blank pages with pockets or envelopes, for organizing photographs or stamp collections. (Слайд 3)
4. Обучение поисковому и ознакомительному чтению
T: Now we must be divided into 3 groups. I’m giving you
scraps of paper with words. Your task is to find the people who have the continuation of the proverbs. And these
people will be your team.
Раздаются клочки бумаги с отрывками из пословиц,
ученики ищут продолжение пословицы и распределяются
по группам. (Приложение 1)
T: Now read your proverbs and translate them.
Дети читают и переводят пословицы.
T: Now each group has their own task. I’m giving you envelopes with parts of texts and you must put these parts
into logical order. Read these texts and present them to
everyone. Please start to work.
Ученикам раздается задание, они составляют текст,
читают и определяют главные факты текста. (Приложение 2)
T: Group number one tell us what your text is about.
Group № 1. What is scrapbooking?
P1: The title of our text is “What is scrapbooking?”. And we
are going to tell you about it. Scrapbooking is a fantastic
method of recording your personal or family history and
preserving it in various forms, such as albums.
P2: As I understand, there are different styles of scrapbooking. For example, Heritage: in this style you can use old
photos, decorate them with old lace, keys, or colorful,
vintage papers. You may use old letters and envelopes.
This is the kind of album your great-grandmother could
have done. (Слайд 4)


April 2013
P3: Shabby-shik – is a romantic style, such pages suit for
decorating kitchens and bedrooms. Shik is achieved by
shabby edges of papers and photos. You may use creased
(мятая) paper and ripped (рванные) edge in this style.
(Слайд 5)
T: Good of you, thanks. What about group number two?
Group № 2. The History of Scrapbooking
P1: As we understand from the text “The History of Scrapbooking”, it is an old hobby. In the 15th century, in England there were books known as commonplace books,
where people saved newspaper articles, recipes and illustrations. (Слайд 6)
P2: Young women in the Victorian period often created
memory books or visitor’s albums filled with signatures,
scraps, cards, hair and photographs of their family and
friends. (Слайд 7)
P3: In this text the author tells us about Thomas Jefferson
and Mark Twain, because they were among the first most
famous American scrapbookers. Thomas Jefferson created a series of albums filled with newspaper clippings,
drawings, dried leaves an other memorabilia. (Слайд 8)
P4: Mark Twain devoted entire Sundays to this hobby
and then sold his books through Montgomery Ward.
(Слайд 9)
T: It’s interesting information. Group number three.
Group № 3. Modern Scrapbooking
P1: In the 1970s, people were interested in genealogy and
they researched their family trees. And American people remembered about scrapbooking. It was Marielen
Christensen who actually helped to revive this interest
in the United States. She displayed 50 scrapbooks at the
World Conference on Records and then later she opened
a scrapbooking store. (Слайд 10)
P2: Modern scrapbooking has another style such as American Style. It is a classical style. Of course, pages in this
style are nicely decorated and the colours are bright.
There is also European Style, which lets you arrange
many photos on one page, using fewer decorations.
(Слайд 11)
P3: One of the newest styles in modern scrapbooking is
Mixed Style. As I understand, it is a very complex style,
sometimes more than scrapbooking, even a work of art.
The composition of these pages can resemble architecture. (Слайд 12)
T: Great, I think you now have a better idea what scrapbooking is. But I want to add some information about
modern scrapbooking. (Слайд 13)
It is not only creating albums, but creating cards, boxes
for presents and many other beautiful things, as well.
Usually these things are created by professional designers or lovers of this hobby. The designers have their own
websites and blogs where you can see their work and
even buy them. Their names are … (see presentation)
(Слайд 14)
And now I’m going to tell you about Artist Trading
Cards. They are business cards. With the help of these
cards you can meet with the designer and his (or her)
works. (Слайд 15)
ATC have a special size: 2.5 x 3.5 inches. (Слайд 16)
At the back of each ATC there is information about the
designer: their name, their site, the name of the ATC’s
series, the number of the card and the date of creating
this series of cards. (Слайд 17)
An ATC has only one copy that is why it is very valuable.
Usually an ATC series consists of 5 or 6 cards. (Слайд 18)
Usually designers exchange them or give the card as a
present. Nowadays, you can buy one ATC of a famous
T: Now I have a surprise for you. I prepared some cards.
And you must imagine that you are designers and now
you will create your own Artist Trading Card. You must
arrange and stick these parts of the card and create your
Ученикам раздаются конверты с заготовками и они самостоятельно создают свою открытку.
T: Now look at your Artist Trading Card which you made
yourself. Do you like it?
5. Заключительный этап
T: Let’s sum up our lesson. I’ll give you some diagrams
which you must fill in.
Группам раздаются три диаграммы, которые они должны заполнить и один представитель из каждой группы
зачитывает диаграмму. (Приложение 3)
T: Today we researched some information about scrapbooking. Your home task is to find information about the
hobby of decoupage. It is a French word. Good-bye.
By Yelena Kashtoyants,
School No. 9, Pyatigorsk
See Presentation and additional materials on CD.


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Hobbies &
“Hobbies of any kind are boring except to people who
have the same hobby. (This is also true of religion,
although you will not find me saying so in print.)”
Dave Barry
“Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked
up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a
grand passion.”
April 2013

Today is life – the only life you are
sure of. Make the most of today.
Get interested in something. Shake
yourself awake. Develop a hobby.
Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep
through you. Live today with
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“In our leisure we reveal what kind of people we are.”
Dale Carnegie
“A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.”
Phyllis McGinley
“So long as a man rides his Hobby-Horse
peaceably and quietly along the King’s highway,
and neither compels you or me to get up
behind him – pray, Sir, what have either
you or I to do with it?”
Laurence Sterne
“The best way to make happy money is to make
money your hobby and not your god.”
Scott Alexander
“When a habit begins to cost money,
it’s called a hobby.”
Jewish Proverb
“Perhaps it is a good thing to have an unsound
hobby ridden hard; for it is sooner ridden to
Charles Dickens
“A hobby is only fun if you do not have time to do it.”
Leo Beenhakker
“Many a man has cherished for years as his hobby
some vague shadow of an idea, too meaningless
to be positively false.”
Charles Sanders
“A hobby is hard work you wouldn’t do for a
“My only hobby is laziness, which naturally rules
out all others.”
Leisure Time in the Past.........................28
English Words and Phrases
for Free Time and Hobbies ....................29
Collecting as a Hobby............................30
Interesting Facts..................................... 31
Creative Hobbies...................................32
Conversation Questions ..........................32
Unusual Hobbies .................................. 33
Types of Hobbies...................................34
Popular Hobbies ................................... 35
Hobbies in Books ..................................36
Famous Hobbyists .................................37
Free Time Activities ..............................38


April 2013
Leisure Time in the Past
Late 13c., hobyn, “small horse, pony,” later
“mock horse used in the morris dance,”
and c.1550 “child’s toy riding horse,” which
led to hobby-horse in a transferred sense
of “favourite pastime or avocation,” first recorded 1670s, shortened to hobby by 1816.
The connecting notion being “activity that
doesn’t go anywhere.” Probably originally
a proper name for a horse (cf. dobbin), a
diminutive of Robert or Robin. The original hobbyhorse was a “Tourney Horse,” a
wooden or basketwork frame worn around
the waist and held on with shoulder straps,
with a fake tail and horse head attached,
so the wearer appears to be riding a horse.
These were part of church and civic celebrations at Midsummer and New Year’s
throughout England.
Egyptian children were encouraged to have
fun. After their work had been done they could
go swimming in the River Nile, play outdoor
games or board games with other children, or
amuse themselves with their toys.
Some of the outdoor games played by ancient
Egyptian children are still played by children now.
Leapfrog, a game which involves bending over
so your teammates can jump over you, and viceversa, is still played now. So is khuzza lawizza,
a variation on leapfrog where two children sit on
the ground with their hands touching. The object
of the game is for other children to continue to be
able to jump over their arms as they raise them
higher and higher.
Another game that is played today is tugof-war. Egyptian paintings and carvings show
children playing the above-mentioned games,
as well as children playing soldiers (this was
reserved mainly for the boys) and girls holding
hands and going around in a sort of spinning
dance. This dance was very vigourous, and was
in honour of Hathor, a boys’ game was based on
cutting trellises for vines. Boys tried to balance
on each other to make vine trellises.
Wooden toys were carved for children. There
were dolls for children, mostly flat, and clay
beads attached to twine for hair. It is not known
whether these dolls were made as toys, or made
to be put in tombs, to act as a friend for someone
in the afterlife. In some cultures when a person
dies a small doll that resembles them is made.
The doll must be taken everywhere, and looked
after just like a real person. Maybe dolls were
made to resemble the dead person’s loved one,
so that the dead person would have their loved
one with them in the afterlife. If a child died, his
or her toys would be buried with him or her, especially if the child was considered of the upper
Egyptian children also enjoyed painting and
drawing. They made necklaces or charms as a
tribute to their favourite god.
The phrase ‘Ancient Egypt’ always conjures up pictures of pyramids being built by
thousands of slaves, of rich treasures of gold and other precious materials, and of the
great kingdoms of the Pharaohs. But apart from the history of great deeds, buildings,
mummies and treasures, archaeologists have also discovered a great deal about how the
Ancient Egyptians relaxed and spent their leisure time.
One important source of this information has been the remarkable and detailed tomb
paintings found on the tombs of noblemen and Pharaohs. For example, most of the tombs
of noblemen at Sakhara and Giza show pictures of the dead person with his family, sitting
down in a relaxed way, perhaps enjoying the breeze, or being entertained by musicians,
dancers or singers. Other tomb paintings show hunting for sport as well as food. We
also know that the Ancient Egyptians played many games in their spare time. Egyptian
children played games such as leapfrog outside, and both adults and children played board
games indoors. Many of their games seem very similar to ones played today.
A pastime enjoyed by most Egyptians involved venturing outside into muddy marshes
to search for – and even hunt – water birds or, in the desert, to hunt other animals. Other
forms of hunting were popular through all classes. The Pharaoh Sahure is shown in
some of his pictures hunting animals such as deer, gazelles and antelopes. Noblemen
captured wild animals, and the peasants chased after gazelle, oryx, oxen, hares and
ostriches. The most commonly used hunting weapons were bows and arrows, lassos,
and throwing sticks. Going out for a hunt was a family activity. One tomb painting
depicts a family sailing through thickets on a boat. The father stood at the prow of the
boat, holding a throw-stick to stun a bird when he was close to it.
Fish was a major food source for common Egyptian people. They would go to the River
Nile, the canals and the lakes to fish. Almost certainly, much of the fishing was enjoyed
as a break from harder work as well as being a way of collecting food for the family.
The ancient Egyptians loved music. Noblemen held parties where women danced and
musicians played instruments such as harps, flutes (these were made of wood and
hollowed out, with several holes for fingers) cymbals, and sistrums.
Some families, especially noble or high-ranking families, had their own garden next to
their house like people do today. The wealthiest families had a pond in theirs, filled with
water from the Nile coming through a little channel, and shade offered by palm trees.
The whole family could go outside and relax while fan-bearers waved palm-frond fans
to keep them cool.
Egyptians loved playing in water, which is not surprising since they had the great
river Nile and a very warm climate. A game on the river - which might have been an
exhibition contest or a race - consisted of light reed boats being punted in the same
direction, while two or three men in each boat - each armed with poles - tried to push
their opponents into the water! After they had successfully knocked all the men off a
boat, they would either board it, or tip it over.
Egyptians were very good swimmers, and they loved to do it. One hieroglyph shows a
man swimming; this and other drawings make it look quite likely that ancient Egyptians
could swim a style resembling the modern front
crawl. Royal and noble children often took swimming
lessons, as mentioned in a biographical inscription of
a Middle Kingdom nobleman.
Rich families would often have parties enjoyed by
everyone, even the children. There would be many
guests, lots of delicious food, and entertainment provided
by acrobats, performing animals, or musicians.
A favourite Egyptian board game was Senet and is
similar to the modern game of backgammon.
Sources: http://news.bbc.co.uk


April 2013
Most Romans worked hard for a living. Even the rich had little leisure time as they
were expected to take part in government and to serve in the army. However, there were
several days each year when people took time off work.
On their days off, Romans might watch chariot races, go to a gladiatorial contest or
go to the public baths. Some days off work were religious festivals.
Most Romans had a few hours of leisure time each week, and even days off which
were not taken up by the most formal holiday activities. They spent this time alone or
with friends.
A popular pastime among Romans who lived in or near the country was fishing. Men
would sit on the riverbank with a net on the end of a pole or with a fishhook attached to
a string dangling from a rod.
Younger Roman men liked to keep fit in case they had to serve in the army. Most
towns had an open field called a palaestra where men could practise running, jumping,
throwing weights or wrestling.
There were many libraries throughout the empire. Some were set up by the state,
others by rich men. Anyone could enter a library to read a book, but the books could
not be borrowed.
Gambling was popular with games based on dice or marked counters being played
most often. Some Romans lost all their possessions at gambling matches.
Entertaining friends to dinner, or cena, was a popular activity. The Romans thought
that nine people was ideal for a dinner party. Richer people might hire entertainers such
as dancers or musicians.
When poorer people wanted to entertain friends they would often invite them to a
tavern where they could buy food and drink for their friends.
Children had a wide variety of toys to play with. Dolls and model soldiers were
popular toys, as were balls and hoops. Poor children had toys of wood, but richer
families bought toys made of ivory or metal.
This is an extract from 1000 Facts Ancient Rome by Rupert Matthews
During Queen Victoria’s reign big changes took place in the way people spent their
leisure time. Bloodsports like bear baiting and cockfighting were banned. With the
growth of the railways, people began to travel more and visiting the seaside became
a popular pastime. But the railways also allowed local sporting teams to travel and
so sports like cricket, football and rugby began to be organised with agreed rules and
national competitions, such as the FA Cup. Lawn Tennis was invented in the 1830s and
a new sight on the streets of Victorian Britain was the bicycle, in its various different
There were still old favourites such as going to the circus or the theatre but the invention of the moving picture during the 1890s meant that a new dimension was added
to theatre-going.
The Victorians enjoyed listening to brass bands and attending ‘spectacles’. These
shows included hypnotism or even communication with the dead using mediums! Circuses and performing menageries were also popular, with Britain being visited by some
of the most famous of the time including the Barnam and Bailey Circus who frequently
came over from America.
The rise in photography and moving pictures meant that people started going to the
theatre, not only to enjoy plays and spectacles, but also to watch recordings of sporting
events as you can see from the sources here. Sporting pastimes, such as cycling, rowing
and horseracing were also popular, and large crowds would often attend sailing events
like the Henley Regatta and famous horse races such as the Epsom Derby.
One of the largest events of the Victorian calendar was the famous Great Exhibition,
held in 1851. This huge event was organised by Prince Albert, the husband of Queen
Victora, and was held in Hyde Park in London. At the centre of the exhibition was the
famous ‘Crystal Palace’ which was built to house the exhibitions of culture and industry
from around the Empire.
to be an enthusiast of something to be
actively interested in something
avid to be very enthusiastic about something
outdoorsman a person who enjoys being
outside and doing outdoor activities
a buff a person who is really interested in a
certain activity or subject
to be a freak of something to like something so much that it is almost unhealthy
couch potato a person who sits in front of
the TV all day
gamer a person who plays a lot of video
party animal a person who is always up
for a party and usually takes it too far
homebody a person who always stays at
home instead of going out
to be a regular to be a person who is always
at a certain place like a restaurant or bar
a Mr. Fix it to be good with tools and fixing
things around the house
to tinker around to casually repair or adjust
mechanical items like cars or computers
to be a do-gooder a person who spends
free time trying to help others
a social butterfly a person who loves
social interaction and is always out with
to be an outdoor guy to be a person who
is known for liking and participating in a
certain activity
Compiled by Tatyana Makhrina
Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure
being discretionary time. The “need to do something for recreation” is an essential element of
human biology and psychology. Recreational
activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be “fun”.
The term recreation implies participation to be
healthy refreshing mind and body.
Leisure, or free time, is time spent away
from business, work, and domestic chores. It also
excludes time spent on necessary activities such
as eating, sleeping and, where it is compulsory,
The word pursuit also means an activity, such
as a vocation or hobby, engaged in regularly.
Amusement: 1. something that you enjoy
doing; 2. an activity that is provided for entertainment.
Escapism something pleasant or exciting
that helps you to forget about real life and the
boring or unpleasant parts of it.


“It is perhaps a more fortunate destiny to have a taste
for collecting shells than to be born a millionaire.”
30 Collecting as a Hobby
Robert Louis Stevenson
April 2013
Collecting is a practice with a very old cultural
history. The Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty collected books from all over the known world at
the Library of Alexandria. The Medici family, in
Renaissance Florence, made the first effort to
collect art by private patronage, this way artists
could be free for the first time from the money
given by the Church and Kings; this citizenship
tradition continues today with the work of private
art collectors.
The fact that stamp
collecting has long been
the most popular hobby
in the world, with over
16 million enthusiasts
in the United States
alone, is a good indication of how much fascination and appeal these
colorful little pieces of
gummed paper exert.
Robert Obojski,
A First Stamp Album
for Beginners
The stamp collection assembled by French/
Austrian aristocrat Philipp von Ferrary (1850–
1917) at the beginning of the 20th century is
widely considered the most complete stamp
collection ever formed (or likely to be formed).
It included, for example, all of the rare stamps
described above that had been issued by 1917.
However, as Ferrary was an Austrian citizen, the
collection was broken up and sold by the French
government after the First World War, as war
Several European monarchs were keen
stamp collectors, including King George V of the
United Kingdom and King Carol II of Romania.
King George V possessed one of the most valuable stamp collections in the world and became
President of the Royal Philatelic Society. His
collection was passed on to Queen Elizabeth II
who, while not a serious philatelist, has a collection of British and Commonwealth first day covers which she started in 1952.
Franklin Roosevelt, who designed several
American commemorative stamps while U.S.
President, was a stamp collector. Late in life Ayn
Rand renewed her childhood interest in stamps
and became an enthusiastic collector.
Several entertainment and sport personalities have been known to be collectors. Freddie
Mercury, lead singer of the band Queen, collected stamps as a child. His childhood stamp
album is in the collection of the British Postal
Museum & Archive. John Lennon of The Beatles
was a childhood stamp collector. His stamp album is held by the National Postal Museum.
Philately is the study of stamps and postal
history and other related items. Philately involves
more than just stamp collecting, which does not
necessarily involve the study of stamps. It is
possible to be a philatelist without owning any
stamps. For instance, the stamps being studied
may be very rare, or reside only in museums.
Background photo: Flavia Morlachetti / Shutterstock.com
Hoarding coins due to their values goes back to the beginning of coinage, but
collecting them as art pieces was a much later development. Coin collecting has
a curious name. It is also called the “Hobby of Kings”. Modern coin collecting is
generally believed to have begun in the fourteenth century with Patriarch. Roman
emperors are known to have coin collections but the purpose behind it is still unclear.
Since ancient times, governments have produced coins to establish a predictable
form or currency for their citizens. Thus, Canada and the United States have their
dollars, Russia has its ruble, people in China exchange yuans for goods and services,
and countries from England to Australia execute trades of all sorts in pounds.
Until not too long ago, the European continent was a happy hodgepodge of different
denominations. Parisian croissants were paid for in francs, a glass of good German beer
would cost you a few marks, and a Spanish paella could only be had in pesetas. Today
the euro reigns over Europe, except in Great Britain, where pounds still exchange
hands, and Denmark, which has yet to let go of its beloved krone.
Postage stamp collecting began at the same time that stamps were first issued, and
by 1860 thousands of collectors and stamp dealers were appearing around the world as
this new study and hobby spread across Europe, European colonies, the United States
and other parts of the world.
The first postage stamp, the Penny Black, was issued by Britain in 1840 and pictured a young Queen Victoria. It was produced without perforations (imperforate) and
consequently had to be cut from the sheet with scissors in order to be used. While
unused examples of the “Penny Black” are quite scarce, used examples are quite common, and may be purchased for $20 to $200, depending upon condition.
People started to collect stamps almost immediately. One of the earliest and most
notable was John Edward Gray. In 1862 Gray stated that he “began to collect postage
stamps shortly after the system was established and before it had become a rage”.
Children and teenagers were early collectors of stamps in the 1860s and 1870s.
Many adults dismissed it as a childish pursuit but later many of those same collectors, as adults, began to systematically study the available postage stamps and publish
books about them. Some stamps, such as the triangular issues of the Cape of Good
Hope, have become legendary.
Stamp collecting is a less popular hobby today than it was in the early 20th century,
but today it is estimated that about 25 million people enjoy the hobby in the United
States, while worldwide the estimated numbers of stamp collectors is around 200 million. Tens of thousands of stamp dealers supply them with stamps along with stamp albums, catalogues and other publications. There are also thousands of stamp (philatelic)
clubs and organizations that provide them with the history and other aspects of stamps.
Today, though the number of collectors is somewhat less, stamp collecting is still one
of the world’s most popular indoor hobbies.
See presentation on the CD.
Sources: http://www.kidsgen.com; http://voices.yahoo.com; http://www.randttreasures.com


April 2013
Seashell collecting is among one of the most interesting hobbies in the world. It is
well known that sea shell collecting goes back to the times of the Roman Emperors and
Egyptian Pharaohs. However, the main time of collecting and some studies of seashells
began during the 2nd half of the 17th century. And seashell collecting became a hobby
of many European kings and very wealthy people of that time. Some of them equipped
their own vessels and hired adventurers and explorers to hunt for treasured shells.
Many who live by the seashore enjoy this fascinating hobby which costs nothing,
and сollecting seashells is captivating plus great outdoor exercise. There are so many
seashell types, each with its own shape and coloring plus varied coloring within the
same shape. The smaller ones are plentiful, and easy to find undamaged. The goal is to
find a large one in near-perfect condition.
These often break apart in the rolling surf. If they make it ashore, they could be attacked by pecking sea birds looking for any creature still inside. If that wasn’t enough,
some people will step on the seashells. Doing a sweep at very low tide, and after a storm
when many have washed ashore, is the best time to find a real gem for your seashell
Sanibel Island, near Fort Myers, Florida, is a shell collecting mecca. It is so common
to see people gathering shells, that it is called “the Sanibel Stoop”.
Postcards became popular at the turn of the 20th Century, especially for sending
short messages to friends and relatives. They were collected right from the start, and are
still sought after today by collectors of pop culture, photography, advertising, wartime
memorabilia, local history, and many other categories.
Postcards were an international craze, published all over the world. There are many
types of collectible vintage postcards. Hold-to-light postcards were made with tissue
paper surrounded by two pieces of regular paper, so light would shine through. Fold-out
postcards, popular in the 1950s, had multiple postcards attached in a long strip. Real
photograph postcards are photographs with a postcard backing.
Novelty postcards were made using wood, aluminum, copper, and cork. Silk postcards – often embroidered or with a printed image – were wrapped around cardboard
and sent in see-through glassine paper envelopes, and were especially popular during
WWI. In the 1930s and 1940s, postcards were printed on brightly colored paper designed to look like linen.
Most vintage postcard collectors focus on themes, like Christmas, Halloween, portraits of movie stars, European royalty and U.S. presidents, wartime imagery, and photos
of natural disasters. Not to mention cards featuring colorful pictures by famous artists.
Many famous men were shell collectors a
more or less degree. This is a short list with
some of these persons:
Peter I the Great (1682–1725), the Tsar and first
Emperor of Russia
Emperor Hirohito of Japan (1901–1989),
was an inveterate collector of sea-shells. Until
1940, all of the slit shells caught by Japanese
fishermen had to be given to the Emperor. And
nobody in Japan could own this attractive natural
treasure without the Emperor’s permission.
Mary Anne (Mary Ann, Marian) Evans (1819–
1880), English novelist, who’s better known as
George Eliot.
Sir Thomas Lipton (1848–1931), the founder
of the Lipton tea brand, and who was a winner
of the America’s Cup 5 times with his famous
racing yachts called Shamrock.
Ian Fleming (1908–1964), the creator of James
Fidel Castro (1926), Cuban leader.
Baseball cards have been around for over 150 years. While they were very different
in the 1850s than they are today, the same affection for cards still lingers in the hearts
of collectors across the world.
Baseball became a popular sport in the United States after the Civil War. Pasted onto
the back of a piece of cardboard, the original baseball cards were called cabinet cards,
as they were designed to be displayed in a cabinet. These cards were not meant to hold
significant fiscal value, but today they are few and far between.
It wasn’t until the mid to late 19th century that a company called Peck and Snyder
began to print the first commercial baseball cards. Peck and Snyder printed a large advertisement on the back of the card, and a famous baseball team on the front. Much like
flyers that were handed out to passersby, these advertising cards, called “trade cards,”
were considered the first modern baseball cards. Many people collected trade cards and
scrapbooked them, and this quickly became one of America’s biggest national hobbies.
The world of pins, medals, and badges ranges from hard-won military medals to
readily available enameled pins purchased at places like Disneyland and the Hard Rock
Cafe. Some people collect pins or participation medals from summer and winter Olympic Games, while others go for authentic sheriff and marshal badges from the days of
the wild west, although such items have been widely reproduced, so collectors need to
be on the lookout for fakes.
Sources: http://www.ehow.com; http://www.askmen.com; Background photo: Cluckva / Shutterstock.com
Barack Obama Has A Baseball Card
Card companies have reacted to the popularity of politics in American society, and political
figures have begun to appear on special insert
cards. This year’s Upper Deck baseball includes
a Presidential Predictor insert set, featuring
cards of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John
McCain, and others.
Taking the popularity of game-used memorabilia cards a step further, some relic cards in
recent years have included swatches cut straight
out of American history. It’s possible to get a card
that includes a small square of cloth from one of
John F. Kennedy’s suits or a card containing a
piece of George W. Bush’s necktie.
Other American legends (Marilyn Monroe,
Elvis Presley, etc.) are represented with memorabilia cards in today’s products. It may seem
odd to get a Marilyn Monroe card in a pack of
baseball cards, but these rare inserts are hot
sellers among history buffs.


“The whole difference between construction and creation is
exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it
is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.”
Charles Dickens
April 2013
Creative Hobbies
• Do you have enough free time?
• Do you have free time on Sundays?
• Do you have much free time during the day?
• Do you have much free time in the evenings?
• Do you have much free time in the mornings?
• Do you like to watch movies or do you like to
play sport?
• What are you doing this weekend?
• What did you do last summer vacation?
• What did you do last weekend?
• What do you usually do in your free time?
• What hobbies do you have?
• When do you have free time?
• Where do you spend your free time?
• Who do you spend your free time with?
This is one of the most portable hobbies in the world. All you need is a writing tool...
you don’t necessarily even need a writing surface, because you might find one while you’re
out and about! This is a hobby you can do while traveling, while on the phone, while at
school (you will look like you are taking notes!), or during focused art time.
Japanese Origami is probably the most famous and most refined of all the different
styles. But many countries have their own version of paper folding including the United
States with paper airplanes, hats, boats and fortune tellers. Germany and Spain also have
their own history in paper folding. The art is believed to have begun in China which is
the birthplace of paper but there is some evidence that it may have also been done in
Ancient Egypt with papyrus.
Up until about 1950 Paper folding remained primitive but this all changed with the
work of a Japanese man called Akira Yoshizawa. He transformed the art of paper folding
and ushered in the new era.
Just like any other art or craft origami has changed over the centuries and if you want
to stick to the purest form of it you it involves a bit of discipline. The most traditional
rules say you have to use a square of paper. It can’t be any shape other than a square.
You cannot cut it and you can only do simple folds. This is the generally accepted pure
form of origami although this is often debated.
Man has worked with wood since the age of cavemen and modern day man is no
different. Centuries ago man had to know how to work with wood to shelter his family
– these days it’s not so life-and-death.
Woodworking involves the carving of wood into sculptures or various artistic works.
It is a craft that is performed across the globe among a number of different cultures.
Woodworking is essentially creating furniture, home decor, artwork and other woodwork from pieces of wood by carving, cutting, whittling and shaping them into a certain
form. It can require tools as simple as carving knives or as complex as digital levels
and calipers. Woodworkers construct various woodworking projects based on their skill
levels, which makes woodworking an easy hobby to begin.
• How do you like to spend your free time? (Going shopping, going to the cinema, chatting,
playing computer games, going to the disco,
playing sports, reading, relaxing)
• If you had more free time, what would you do
with it?
• Do you know any good places to hang out ?
• How do you spend your free time?
• Where do young people in your country usually spend their free time?
• Would you like to have more free time?
• What would you like to give up so that you
could have more free time?
• How do the women in your family usually
spend their free time?
• How do the men in your family usually spend
their free time?
The history of plastic modeling originated shortly before WWII, albeit in very limited
form. Mass produced plastic kits came in the post WWII era, but you can not look at the
history of plastic model building without considering the long history of model building
in general, which dates back at least to ancient Egypt. Some burial sites contained models
of chariots and of ships. Throughout history models were used to represent ideas and to
record constructions. Before photography models ranked with art to record contemporary events. In the lobby of the El Presidente Hotel in downtown Santo Domingo is a
model of the Santa Maria. It is 20th century model used to illustrate the islands history.
In fact, most models from the past seem to be ships and many are well crafted. Most
warships were constructed in model form before the actual vessel was built. Up until
the mid 20th century model building was a hobby that took great amounts of time. With
the availability of mass marketed plastic model kits and the disposable income in the
(relatively) prosperous times following WWII and the rebuilding in Europe and Japan,
a new hobby was born Plastic Model Building.
People often think that model railroading is an expensive hobby, but the truth is it is a
hobby that expands over a lifetime. You can start as small or as big as you like. Models can
be incredibly complex and beautiful, especially if you have the space to build it!
• Do men and women spend their free time differently? How?
• If it were suddenly announced that tomorrow
was a national holiday, what would you do?
Sources: http://www.stormthecastle.com; http://www.ehow.com; http://www.overstock.com


Everyone is always looking for that one thing to boast to their friends about, or put
on their CV to distinguish them from their peers. Here’s a list that you only dream of
having in your repertoire!
Extreme Dog Grooming (Creative Grooming) involves colouring the dog’s fur and
creatively shaving the fur in order to create the desired artistic effect.
Poodles tend to be the best candidates for this specialist hobby due to the texture
of their fur. There is some controversy over whether
this is cruel or not. Participants argue that anyone doing it seriously always use dyes and inks safe for the
animals. Whether you agree with the hobby or not
there are certainly some fantastic designs requiring an
astonishing amount of skill. This is not purely for poodles however – any breed can be used in competition
as long as it follows the rules. These differ depending
on the event. Cats are also eligible.
Despite what many think, these are real egg shells. Admittedly, many are not your standard chicken egg; Geese,
Ostrich, Rhea, Emu, and Turkey eggs have also been used
to create these exquisite designs.
The patience and skill needed to carve such intricate
designs into something so fragile as an eggshell is astonishing and takes true dedication. After all, you can’t make
an omlette without breaking a few eggs.
Pooktre Art or Tree Shaping takes
the top spot due to the fact you have to wait for trees to grow!
Think Bonsai Trees, only on a massive scale.
Although the art of training trees into specific shapes has been
around for centuries, two Australians have popularised Pooktre
Art for a modern audience. For instance, instead of carving a
chair, a Pooktre artist will grow a chair. Peter Cook and Becky
Northey create the pieces as living art, although some pieces may
be ‘harvested’ for use as indoor furniture. There are many others
who are doing similar things and, as they say, there is nothing to
prevent everyone from having a go.
Whereas Islamic calligraphy had been displayed on huge buildings, obviously with
very big letter sizes, it was also traditional to write it in very small font size so that the
Holy Book could be carried like a locket. The art further developed as a hobby, and some
calligraphers write on grains of rice with the help of a magnifying glass. This hobby is like
a dying art now because it requires lot of attention and devotion, and the younger generations are only too preoccupied with their computer activities to think of being involved in
such an activity. One variant of this hobby is microcarving which is comprised of carving
the pits of olives or shells of some dry fruits like almonds and walnuts.
April 2013
• Do people’s leisure time activities change as
they get older? How?
• Who do you like to spend your leisure time
• What do you usually do?
• Do you like gossiping in your free time?
• Who do you gossip with?
• Who do you gossip about?
• What do you really hate having to do in your
free time?
• What new activity would you like to try doing in
your free time?
• Do you ever feel that you waste your free
time? How?
• What can you do about this?
• Do you find that your works or studies take up
your free time?
• Are there any activities that you used to do but
don’t do anymore?
• Why did you stop?
• Do you enjoy reading in your free time?
• What do you do on Sundays?
• Do you have a hobby?
• What are your hobbies?
• How long have you had your hobby?
• What hobbies are the most expensive?
• What hobbies are the cheapest?
• What hobbies cost nothing at all?
• What hobbies are the most popular in your
• Is hunting a hobby or a sport in your country?
• What hobbies are the most popular with women in your country?
• What hobbies are the most popular with men
in your country?
• Did you have any hobbies when you were a
• Can you think of any hobbies which are popular with children and adults?
• Do you think a hobby is different from a
• Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
• Are there any dangerous hobbies?
• Are there any hobbies you can do in other
countries, but not your own?
• What hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
• Do you know any unusual hobbies?
• What hobbies do your friends have?
• Is it really important to have a hobby?
See more on CD.
Compiled by Tatyana Makhrina


There is a fine line between “hobby”
and “mental illness.”
34 Types of Hobbies
April 2013
Being observant is a natural skill, and a true
observer is the one that notices even the minute
details without making it obvious to others.
These hobbies teach us a lot of things including patience, perseverance, and appreciation.
The world that we live in is a marvel in itself, the
beauty of which we seldom notice due to our
busy schedule. These hobbies will help you think
beyond your usual sphere.
• Birdwatching
• Geocaching
• Cloud watching
• Stargazing
• Photography
• Shortwave listening
• People watching
• Herping (looking for reptiles)
• Amateur meteorology
• Reading
People who follow birdwatching are known
as birders, and a special mention should be given to Phoebe Snetsinger, who is known to have
seen the maximum species of birds (8,398 out
of over 10,000 that exist). Birdwatching was her
hobby, but she started pursuing it fervently only
after she was diagnosed with cancer. Instead of
staying at home and taking rest, she got engaged
in traveling distant places for birdwatching, which
was her way to cope with the illness.
Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices.
Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache
(container) hidden at that location.
Amateur astronomy, also called backyard
astronomy and stargazing, is a hobby whose
participants enjoy watching the sky, and the
abundance of objects found in it, mainly with
portable telescopes and binoculars. Even though
scientific research is not their main goal, many
amateur astronomers make a contribution to astronomy by monitoring variable stars, tracking
asteroids and discovering transient objects, such
as comets.
See more on the CD.
Hobbies are the flying aces among falcons.
Cutting and swirling through the air with graceful
beats of their long wings, they perform agile and
daring manoeuvres. Dragonflies and other insects
are easily snatched right out of the air, while small
birds such as swifts and swallows are swooped
on with a deadly speed. Pairs of hobbies put on
spectacular acrobatic displays as they pass food
to each other mid-air. Their typical habitat is the
open country, bush and savannah of Europe,
Asia and Africa. In Britain, many nest in farmland
hedgerows and open woodland.
Everybody seems to know what a hobby is because it is an activity that is regularly
undertaken for pleasure, typically during one's leisure time.
The key words rhyme nicely for an ear: pleasure and leisure. Examples of hobbies
include collecting various objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, tinkering
and playing sports. By continually participating in a particular hobby, one can acquire
substantial skill and knowledge in that area.
The person who engages in an activity merely for fun is called an amateur, or hobbyist,
as opposed to a professional who engages in an activity for pay. An amateur may be as
skilled as a professional, but a professional typically receives monetary compensation
while an amateur does not.
The word hobby goes back to the term ‘hobby
horse’. Hobby-horses have been used in some
traditional seasonal customs and processions in
many countries around the world. They can be
usually seen on May Day celebrations, Mummers
Plays and the Morris dance in England.
The term ‘hobbyhorse’ was documented in
1557. The other name was a ‘tourney horse’;
it was made of a wooden or basketwork frame
with a fake tail and head. In the 17th century, the
term was used to show disapproval of the activity
due to the childish origins of the term. By 1816
the derivative ‘hobby’, had been introduced into the vocabulary of English people. To
engage in one's hobby was still considered a childish overindulgence that would bring
no benefit.
In the 21st century, personal fulfillment is the aim of hobbies in Western nations such
as England and they are widely considered to be helpful in such societies. Still, in the
United Kingdom the insulting words ‘anorak’, ‘parka’ geek’, ‘nerd’ or ‘enthusiast’ are
often applied to people who obsessively pursue a particular hobby.
Quite often, though, hobbies have led to significant developments. Amateur astronomers have made discoveries such as a celestial body or celestial event. In the field of
computer programming, the invention of the Linux operating system began as a student’s
hobby. A lot of early scientific research successfully came from the hobby activities of
those wealthy people who could afford them.
More often than not hobbies have started some important movements, for example,
conservation movement. When a British conservationist was seen wearing field glasses
at a London train station in the 1930s, he was asked if he was going to the horse races.
Finally practitioners of the hobby became pioneers of the conservation movement in the
UK and later it grew into a global political movement.
The hobby of collecting also quite often has been turned into a profession.
Some people collect experiences, not things. Here are photography, train spotting,
aircraft spotting, metrophiles, bus spotting, bird-watching and visiting continents, countries (and collecting stamps in passports), national parks, states, counties etc.
Other activities which are dependent on the outdoors, are gardening, hill walking, hiking, backpacking, canoeing, climbing, caving, fishing, wildlife viewing and watersports
and snowsport. Psychologists approve of such activities as they cause an adrenaline rush
or just help people to escape from reality. For young people they can come as an effective
medium in education and team building.
Many hobbies involve performing by the hobbyist, such as singing, acting, juggling,
magic, dancing, playing a musical instrument, martial arts and other performing arts.
Some hobbies result in an end product. There are woodworking, photography, moviemaking, jewelry making, photoshopping, drawing, painting etc. For computer savvy do-ityourself hobbyists CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is also popular. A CNC
machine can be assembled and programmed to make different parts from wood or metal.
Replicas of real things in a smaller scale go back to prehistoric times, as small clay
"dolls" and other children's toys have been found near known population areas. At the
turn of the Industrial Age through the 1920s, families could more often afford things
such as electric trains, windup toys (typically boats or cars) and the increasingly valuable tin toy soldiers.
The hobby of model engineering originated in the United Kingdom in the late 19th
century, later spread and flourished in the mid-20th century. Due to the expense and
space required, it is becoming more rare.
Sources: http://www.buzzle.com; http://www.bcsfamilies.com


Popular Hobbies
April 2013
Popular hobbies listed are a good start to choosing a hobby which is something you
should be proud of because it adds to your character, gives you something to talk about
when you meet people making it easy to find out if you have something in common.
What is your favourite hobby? Some people don’t even know that what they do in their
relaxing time is a hobby. Here is a list on the most popular Hobbies.
1. Amateur radio
2. Amateur Astronomy
3. Animal Care
4. Arts and craft
5. Beach
6. Bicycling
7. Billiards
8. Boating
9. Bowling
10. Camping
11. Casino Gambling
12. Computer
13. Cooking
14. Church Activities
15. Crafts
16. Crossword Puzzles
17. Dancing
18. Eating Out
19. Entertaining
20. Exercise
21. Family Time
22. Fishing
23. Gardening
24. Going to Movies
25. Golf
26. Hiking
27. Housework
28. Horseback Riding
29. Home brewing
30. Hunting
31. Jigsawpuzzles
32. Kites
33. Listening to Music
34. Motorcycling
35. Painting
36. Playing Cards
37. Playing Music
38. Reading
39. Relaxing
40. Renting Movies
41. Running
42. Sailing
43. Sewing
44. Shopping
45. Skiing
46. Sleeping
47. Socializing
48. Swimming
49. Team Sports
50. Tasting/tea, koffie
51. Tennis
52. Traveling
53. Treasure hunting
54. Theater
55. Volunteer Work
56. Walking
57. Watching TV
58. Watching Sports
59. Woodworking
60. Working on Cars
61. Writing
Rock balancing is an art, discipline, or hobby
(depending upon the intent of the practitioner) in
which rocks are balanced on top of one another
in various positions. There are no tricks involved
to aid in the balancing, such as adhesives, wires,
supports, or rings.
Rock balancing can be a performance art,
a spectacle, or a devotion, depending upon
the interpretation by its audience. Essentially,
it involves placing some combination of rock or
stone in arrangements which require patience
and sensitivity to generate, and which appear to
be physically impossible while actually being only
highly improbable. The rock balancer may work for
free or for pay, as an individual or in a group, and
their intents and the audiences’ interpretations
may vary given the situation or the venue.
Styles of rock balancing
• Pure balance – each rock in near-point balance.
• Counterbalance – lower rocks depend on the
weight of upper rocks to maintain balance.
• Balanced stacking – rocks lain flat upon each
other to great height.
• Free style – mixture of the two above; may
include arches and sandstone.
See more at http://www.gravityglue.com
Hobby Fun
I’ve given up my parachuting hobby,
now I just go on google earth and use their zoom function.
I used to time travel as a hobby when I was older....
I was walking along the beach with my metal detector when I found a metal box
buried in the sand.
I opened it and found a small note that said:
‘Get a real hobby you dumb’.
If you spend money on it, it’s a hobby. If you make money on it, it’s a business.
See additional materials on CD.


April 2013
“My idea of a good time is reading a book.”
Hobbies in Books
The story by Somerset Maugham ‘The Kite’
tells about a man whose wife smashed his kite.
He refused to provide for her and went to prison.
There is more in the story than just kite-flying so
it is worth reading.
“What’s he in for?” I asked.
“He left his wife and the court ordered him to
pay so much a week in alimony and he’s absolutely refused to pay it. I’ve argued with him till I
was blue in the face. I’ve told him he’s only cutting off his nose to spite his face. He says he’ll
stay in jail all his life rather than pay her a penny.
I tell him he can’t let her starve, and all he says
is: `Why not?’ He’s perfectly well behaved, he’s
no trouble, he works well, he seems quite happy,
he’s just getting a lot of fun out of thinking what a
devil of a time his wife is having.”
“What’s he got against her?”
“She smashed his kite.”
“She did what?” I cried.
“Exactly that. She smashed his kite. He says
he’ll never forgive her for that till his dying day.”
“He must be crazy.”
“No, he isn’t, he’s a perfectly reasonable,
quite intelligent, decent fellow.”
The story ends like this: “In fact he’s smarter
than the average. What d’you suppose there is
in kite-flying that makes the damned fool so mad
about it?”
“I don’t know,” I answered. I took my time to
think. “You see, I don’t know a thing about flying
a kite. Perhaps it gives him a sense of power as
he watches it soaring towards the clouds and of
mastery over the elements as he seems to bend
the winds of heaven to his will. It may be that in
some queer way he identifies himself with the
kite flying so free and so high above him, and
it’s as it were an escape from the monotony of
life. It may be that in some dim, confused way it
represents an ideal of freedom and adventure.
And you know, when a man once gets bitten with
the virus of the ideal not all the King’s doctors
and not all the King’s surgeons can rid him of
it. But all this is very fanciful and I dare say it’s
just stuff and nonsense. I think you’d better put
your problem before someone who knows a lot
more about the psychology of the human animal
than I do.”
See full text on the CD.
In the novel by Laurence Sterne The Life and Opinions
of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, (1760-7), the characters’
hobby-horses, or particular obsessions, are discussed in detail. Here, Uncle Toby’s obsession with the military leads to
him and Trim – who gets caught up in Toby’s enthusiasm to begin acting out military actions. The arts of fortification
were Uncle Toby’s principal hobby.
Kite flying, or kite running in literature has taken place
in a few books.
In Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield we meet angelic
innocence personified in Mr Dick. When Miss Betsy Trotwood faces a deep problem that has to be solved, Mr Dick
will always find a simple answer. When David first arrives
at his aunt’s place, Miss Betsy addresses Mr Dick:” How
can you pretend to be wool-gathering, Dick, when you are
as sharp as a surgeon’s lancer? Now, here you see young David Copperfield, and the
question I put to you is, what shall I do with him?’ Of course, his answer would be
a matter of survival. Under pressure to give a
sound answer, Mr Dick replies: ‘I should – I
should wash him!’
In the end Miss Betsy always follows Mr
Dick’s advice because in his humanness Mr
Dick is never wrong: ‘Mr Dick sets us all
Yet Mis Betsy, David Copperfield, and others know that Mr Dick is mad. His life is devoted to writing a Memorial of King Charles, a
memorial that he destroys as soon as he writes
it. Besides being a writer, Mr Dick is a manchild who delights in building and flying kites.
One day Mr Dick invites David to go fly with
him his new creation – a seven feet kite! The
kite is covered with the very same manuscript
that the innocent soul has written. ‘There’s
plenty of string,’ said Mr Dick,’ and when it flies high, it takes the facts a long way.
That’s my manner of diffusing ‘em. I don’t know where they may come down. It’s according to circumstances, and the wind, and so forth, but I take my chance of that’.
In that magical dimension in which Mr. Dick lives, he foresees that words – which
he calls facts – not only live, fly, soar, and travel in space, but also have consequences
which a writer cannot foresee. In a century in which radio, TV, satellite, and other special communication was unknown, only a madman could have foreseen that.
“The Kite Runner” is a powerful novel by Khaled Hosseini,
which was published in 2003. It was made into a movie in 2007.
The novel tells about Amir, a young boy living in Kabul. His closest friend, Hassan, whose father is his father’s servant, shares his
hobby of kite-running. The story is set in the midst of stormy
events, from the fall of monarchy through the Soviet invasion,
the exodus of refugees to Pakistan and the United States, and the
rise of the Taliban regime. The kite-running at the beginning of
the novel causes drama of humiliation and betrayal; in the final
scenes it brings complete recovery to another unhappy child.
Compiled by Olga Sventsitskaya


Though a recluse for most of her life, Emily Dickinson loved to bake, and would
often lower a basket full of baked goods from her window to the children waiting in
the street.
Vladimir Nabokov was an avid lepidopterist, once commenting, “The pleasures and rewards of literary inspiration are nothing
beside the rapture of discovering a new organ under the microscope or an undescribed species on a mountainside in Iran or Peru.
It is not improbable that had there been no revolution in Russia, I
would have devoted myself entirely to lepidopterology and never
written any novels at all.”
“My pleasures are the most intense known to man: writing and
butterfly hunting.” ~ Vladimir Nabokov
Ayn Rand was a passionate collector of stamps, a hobby that
seems altogether too mundane for her, as far as we’re concerned.
From an article she wrote on the subject: “The pleasure lies in a certain special way of
using one’s mind. Stamp collecting is a hobby for busy, purposeful, ambitious people…
because, in pattern, it has the essential elements of a career, but transposed to a clearly
delimited, intensely private world.”
Mark Twain, most famous for a novel about a kid floating down a river on a super low budget raft, was actually obsessed with science and technology and was great
friends with Nikola Tesla. He also invented (and patented) a device to replace suspenders, which he called an “Improvement in Adjustable and Detachable Straps for Garments.”
Not only was she a skilled (and published) cartoonist,
but Flannery O’Connor was obsessed with birds, and
raised over 100 peacocks (in addition to ducks, hens,
geese and any other kind of bird she could get her hands
on) at her family’s farm, her ancestral farm, Andalusia,
in Georgia.
Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes were beekeepers, a hobby that was reflected in many
of Plath’s poems and seems to have stemmed from a desire to feel grounded. When
asked in a 1962 interview if she often hung out with other writers, she responded, “I
much prefer doctors, midwives, lawyers, anything but writers. I think writers and artists
are the most narcissistic people. I mustn’t say this, I like many of them, in fact a great
many of my friends happen to be writers and artists. But I must say what I admire most
is the person who masters an area of practical experience, and can teach me something.
I mean, my local midwife has taught me how to keep bees. Well, she can’t understand
anything I write. And I find myself liking her, may I say, more than most poets. And
among my friends I find people who know all about boats or know all about certain
sports, or how to cut somebody open and remove an organ. I’m fascinated by this mastery of the practical. As a poet, one lives a bit on air. I always like someone who can
teach me something practical.”
In addition to being an avid runner, which is fairly unusual (at least in lore) for an
author, Haruki Murakami really, really loves jazz – to the tune of listening to it for
ten hours a day for many years. In an essay, he wrote, “It may sound paradoxical to say
so, but if I had not been so obsessed with music, I might not have become a novelist.
Even now, almost 30 years later, I continue to learn a great deal about writing from good
music. My style is as deeply influenced by Charlie Parker’s repeated freewheeling riffs,
say, as by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s elegantly flowing prose. And I still take the quality of
continual self-renewal in Miles Davis’s music as a literary model.”
http://flavorwire.com; http://quixoteconsulting.com
April 2013
“Legendary innovators like Franklin and Darwin all possess some
common intellectual qualities – a
certain quickness of mind, unbounded curiosity – but they also
share one other defining attribute.
They have a lot of hobbies.”
Steven Johnson
Winston Churchill laid bricks as a hobby,
the perfect past-time for the “British bulldog”,
known for his persistence. In his first report to
the House of Commons he famously said, ““I
have nothing to offer, but blood, toil, tears, and
sweat.” He rallied England with his declaration,
“we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on
the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields
and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we
shall never surrender.”
Painting was a huge and lasting passion for
Winston Churchill. Painting played a prominent
role in the last 40 years of Churchill’s life though
there is little to indicate from Churchill’s early
life that he had any particular talent for art. In
fact before taking up painting as a hobby, Clementine is recorded as stating that Winston
had never so much as visited an art gallery. Despite his late start, Churchill’s art went on to be
highly acclaimed and Winston Churchill’s paintings have been exhibited around the world and
continue to attract great attention today...and
not justbecause of their famous artist! “I know
of nothing which, without exhausting the body,
more entirely occupies the mind” Wrote Churchill
on painting.
To be really happy and really safe, one ought
to have at least two or three hobbies, and they
must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to
say: “I will take an interest in this or that.” Such
an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental
effort. A man may acquire great knowledge of
topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet
hardly get any benefit or relief. It is no use doing
what you like; you have got to like what you do.
Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided
into three classes: those who are toiled to death,
those who are worried to death and those who
are bored to death. It is no use offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week’s sweat
and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. It is no
use inviting the politician or the professional or
business man, who has been working or worrying about serious things for six days, to work or
worry about trifling things at the weekend.
As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every
object of desire – for them a new pleasure, a new
excitement is only an additional satiation. In vain
they rush frantically round from place to place,
trying to escape from the avenging boredom by
mere clatter and motion. For them discipline in
one form or another is the most hopeful path.
From Winston Churchill’s
selection of essays titled Thoughts and Adventures


April 2013
Unscramble the words and find out the
hobbies and free time activities.
Choose the right options. Two are correct.
1. Which of the following are extreme
a) scuba diving
c) sleeping
b) kitesurfing
d) surfing the net
2. Which of the following are indoor activities?
a) rock climbing
c) horse riding
b) darts
d) karate
3. They are played between two teams and
a ball is required.
a) diving
c) water polo
b) running
d) basketball
4. Two of these are played on a board.
a) draughts
c) chess
b) weightlifting
d) skating
Read the descriptions and find out the
1. I really enjoy looking for bargains.
2. It is played on a board with different
shaped peaces, such as kings.
3. Jumping from a plane and floating slowly
to the ground.
4. You need gloves, and poles to do it.
5. Trunks and a cap are required to practise
6. You cannot do this without oars.
Free Time
Hello, I’m Rusty, the skater.
I’m a special dog as you can see. And Maria is my owner. She is very young. She
is only six years old. She has got black hair, brown eyes and a smiley face. She always
carries with her a doll called Martha.
When her parents are out, I’m the one who takes care of her. She loves to play hide
and seek all the time. But I prefer skating of course.
I skate with all my buddies of the neighbourhood and I am the best one. Sometimes
Maria goes with me but she gets tired easily so I have to take her back home.
I usually wake up early to take her to the kindergarten at 8 0’clock. Then I come
back home and have a nice breakfast: lots of bones. After that I say good bye to Maria’s
parents: Joгo and Sara. Joгo is a doctor and Sara is journalist. He works for the local
hospital here in S.joгo, and Sara works for the local newspaper.
They love me very much and that’s why I am responsible for Maria when they go
out to the cinema.
During the day I do some housechores: dusting, washing, and so on…..
In the afternoon, I go for a walk with my girlfriend Patty. She lives two blocks away
from me. We sometimes go to the nearest park and have fun swimming or running.
At about 5 0’clock we come back home. But first I go to Maria’s kindergarten and
take her back home. Her mother is usual at home and that time and they chat a bit. Then
I leave Patty home.
Finally I go skating for about three hours. I practice every day because during weekends we have competitions all over the country.
A. Are these TRUE or FALSE?
1. Maria is Rusty’s owner.
2. She has got black hair.
3. She never smiles.
4. She has a doll called Stuart.
5. She only carries her doll after school.
6. Sometimes Rusty takes care of Maria.
7. Rusty usually plays with its neighbours.
8. Maria never goes with Rusty.
B. Answer these questions according to the text:
1. What colour are Maria’s eyes?
2. What does she like to play?
3. What time does Rusty take her to school?
4. What does Maria’s father do?
5. What’s her mother’s job?
6. Do they like Rusty?
7. What does Rusty do in the afternoon?
8. When does Rusty go skating?
C. What /Who do the underlined words refer to?
1. She
2. Her
3. They
4. She
D. Rewrite these sentences in the negative form:
1. I’m a special dog.
2. She is very young.
3. She is six years old.
4. I usually wake up early.
5. They love me very much.
6. He works for the local hospital.
See more activities on the CD.


April 2013
Do the crossword and you will read the vertical word and learn
Elizabeth II’s hobby.
10 h
11 e
1. The activity of collecting stamps.
2. The sport of catching fish.
3. The act of preparing food.
4. The activity of collecting and studying coins.
5. The activity of making model planes, ships, etc.
6. To work in a garden and make plants grow.
7. The Japanese art of folding paper to make attractive objects.
8. The activity of travelling in a small boat.
9. The act of making a picture using paint.
10. The activity of riding horses.
11. The act of decorating on cloth with a needle and coloured threads.
Answers: 1. philately; 2. fishing; 3. cooking; 4. numismatics; 5. modelling; 6. gardening; 7. origami;
8. boating; 9. painting; 10. horse riding; 11. embroidery.
Vertical word: photography.
Compiled by Tatyana Ivanova,
School No. 258, Moscow


Aprilill 2
Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
J.R.R. Tolkien
If you face “West of the Moon, East of the Sun” and look
for the shores, whence Gandalf, Galadriel, and Frodo sailed,
my Friends, then you will eventually discern hidden writings.
In the waves and the clouds, through the gentle twilights one
day, at dawn in the spring you wake up earlier and discover
something special. Not immediately, but I hope you will see
that the word hobbit holds within itself, like a seed in an apple,
another word, the word “hobby”, i.e. something we love so
much in the world that we are ready to share all our free time
with, which, though small, is of great importance for us.
And maybe the writing of The Lord of the Rings, initially,
was not more than a simple hobby for a Professor of English
Philology at Oxford University. But today we know how big
and glorious things can emerge from very small things, becoming gradually so through day-to-day routine, blooming,
ripening... Habits, Hobbits, a process of transforming old routine things into something playful and happy, only halflings
can, or those who are like them, can open the world of possibilities and necessities from one moment to another…
Collectors of stamps can spend the whole evening leaning across a table under a green table lamp with a magnifying glass in hand, observing their treasures. Collectors.
What things do men collect? Echoes of things? Collectors
buy landscapes with distinctively spoken echoes, as Andrey
Tarkovsky wrote in his diary. Tastes, smells, remembrances
of smells? Here, I think our treasure is mostly inside, and
the inclination and the nature of a person’s radiance rests on
what they have been fond of for a long time, and now it may
have its embodiment.
I remember how one day I myself started my collection of
angels. Some years ago it began with the seemingly ordinary
question – What is your hobby? – from an English friend.
But I was at a great loss to answer. Although I loved many
things, and did many things, I couldn’t really think what my
hobby was. I asked myself, what is it really? What precious
thing and activity can fill my life, pleasingly occupying my
“What do you love most of all?” suddenly a voice questioned me. It came from some space, where angels themselves might dwell, subtle but precious: inside of me, or
from inside of out? But I had no time to have a discussion
with the voice, for, at that very moment, I understood I had
known what my answer could be. I ran out of the room to go
somewhere to find angels, the little figures of angels, I mean.
That first day there were no angels for me. But the next day,
spontaneously, we, my daughter and I, found ourselves in
the bookshop in Arbat Street to buy some necessary writing
materials, and I saw the two angels which now sit above my
piano and always listen to me - an angel boy and an angel
girl. My very first ones, my dearest; I was enchanted. I felt
myself as a demiurge after hard work – a Saturday bliss.
Since that day, many wonderful images of angels with
lyres and playful elves have come to stay with us, but that
very first impression, a sense of mirth from meeting with my
future collecting focus, elves and angels, I remember still.
And this elvish sense, while being within my own middleworld of a hobbitual hobby, was born surprisingly as if it
were the beginning of some miracle. Maybe it is so now with
my collection, because of that first paper angel I made together with my daughter in her childhood many Christmases
ago. It had a delicate white cardboard cone body, with little
wings glued on, and with a tiny paper trumpet in its hand.
This is a treasure which we have kept all these years in a
green box with all our manifold Christmas angels and toys.
Fairy beginnings, with things little noticed … and yet to
be continued, though nobody knows where or how… Still,
there should be nothing special in ‘waiting’ to see how the
whole miracle will unfold before our eyes. But one rule of
Mark Twain’s we, perhaps, have to remember is: “Kindness
is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear”.
By Olga Kadomtseva
Photos taken by the author


I’ve always known my place, haven’t I. I’m not the type
of cinemagoer that buys an economy ticket, then scurries
into the VIP row and fidgets there, expecting to be exposed
any moment.
I know what I’m worth. A couple of centuries ago at a
slave market I’d have been no asset to my owner: skinny,
no stamina, ageing. These days people are examined, head
to toe, just like dummies in shop windows, with price tags
attached. You are always being watched. You go down the
street and can sense the X-rays of their eyes and the razor
blades of their tongues.
“That coat is really something.”
“A waste of money, if you ask me.”
“Ain’t she hot?”
“What a hunk!”
Well, maybe you are thought of that way, but not me. I’m
an average Joe, neither a bright, nor a dark spot. I’m khaki,
merging with the background. They look straight through me.
OK, people wouldn’t exactly call me a fool, but I’m no
genius, that I know for sure. At least, I used to know. The
thing is, I have become a writer. “Tapped into my creative
potential”, as they say. It’s not that I had asked for a gift. I
had never really given much thought to the muses. And I was
much better off without them, I must say.
Sheets of clean paper have always had a power over me.
They draw me like white winter snow: you can’t help it, you
just have to roll in it, leave some footprints, mar this shining surface. Paper must not stay white, it’s unnatural. As a
boy, I would scribble away for hours, covering dozens of
pages with meaningless words – anything to fill the blank
space. Later I learnt the offensive name “graphomaniac”, the
diagnosis I silently acknowledged, and decided to become
a librarian. My library is a dusty refuge from the world of
empty pages, empty rooms, empty lives.
After work I come to my flat with books arranged in alphabetical order, drink a bottle of milk with a chocolate chip
cookie (I always buy it at the baker’s round the corner), sit
down at the desk, turn on my Anglepoise and start to copy.
That’s what I do for pleasure, copy texts by hand, indulge in
writing. I specialize in short prose, optimal length, as I manage to copy one story per evening. The pen has to be black – a
black and white symphony; not gel ink, God forbid, I don’t
want the lines to be smudged when my hand gets sweaty. Only
ballpoint retractable, and I stick to it. I’m quite proud of my
handwriting. I’ve even learnt the Spencerian style, and sometimes make the uppercase letters all sweeping and ornate, just
like in the nineteenth century. That’s when they wrote for others to understand them, not in this ugly shorthand code, which
says, “I’m in a rush and can’t be bothered to make an effort.”
Once, I was copying a story by Chekhov, and when I put
the pen aside I realized that I had continued to write on after
the story was over. One extra page of someone’s text. And it
was not Chekhov’s. This impostor had wormed its way into
my copybook, until then uncorrupted by amateur compositions. I had not created it, it had written itself, and was sitting
there smugly, taking up space reserved for someone else.
April 2013
I could have torn that page out, thrown it away, burnt it.
But I didn’t. Next time I sat down to write, it happened again,
with me being perfectly unaware of what was going on until
I reread the last part, which turned out to be the continuation
of yesterday’s narrative. This text was determined to get out,
and I was just a medium. It was beyond my control, but I
took comfort in the thought that without me, it wouldn’t have
taken its visible shape.
It went on for weeks, until I ejected the last part of the
text and there was nothing left in me to remind me of its
long secret life inside my head. But the pages covered in my
handwriting lay in front of me, and I couldn’t dismiss them.
This stack of paper testified that I had either lost my mind,
or become a writer.
I found it was less troubling to convince myself of the
latter, and after a few doubt-filled days, I set up a blog on
the Internet (had this idea from a film I’d watched recently)
and posted my story. It got read by thousands of people, who
raved about it in their comments. One of the readers was an
editor of a solid literary magazine. He suggested including
my piece in the next issue and, surprisingly, kept his word.
Calls from publishers followed, with offers to bring out my
collected or selected works. Works?!
“Surely, it can’t be that easy,” you will frown in disbelief.
Indeed, you’re right. I mean, until that moment it was pretty
easy, but then…
Are you a genius, by any chance? You are? Well, good for
you. I had no idea what a genius is supposed to feel or do.
But I could no longer remain khaki.
Before my rise to fame, a fellow librarian and self-proclaimed friend used to invite me to his house at weekends for
lunch. He is a family man and pitied me, though looking at
his wife, I was overcome with relief. Let this cup pass from
me. She would eye me disapprovingly, as if I was to blame
for her husband’s low income. Now he calls me and enquires
apologetically if I am free at the weekend to come over to
them, adding that his wife particularly insists on it. I refuse,
saying that I have to work. And I do try to write, consciously,
painstakingly. It’s no good, and I don’t need a critic to see it.
It’s my own text, and therefore it’s mediocre.
My work has been subjected to analysis, and it has been
discovered that I write like Chekhov. The story I produced
turned out to be a development of an original draft that Chekhov had been working on shortly before his death.
“It is amazing!” cried out my fans.
“It is plagiarism,” sniffed my detractors.
A story has surfaced about a printer publishing the continuation of “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”, which was ghostwritten by him channeling Dickens’ spirit. I am bombarded
from all sides with questions about the sources of inspiration,
future plans and work in progress. I would like to dissociate
myself from the text, but they won’t let me.
I’m now sitting in a VIP seat, expecting any moment to be
asked to vacate it.
By Yulia Klimenova, MSU


42 The Little Prince
April 2013
Перед началом спектакля дети рассказывают зрителям
о жизни Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери.
Note. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, officially Antoine Marie
Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint Exupéry (29 June 1900 – 31
July 1944), was a French writer, poet and pioneering aviator.
He is best remembered for his novella “The Little Prince”
(“Le Petit Prince”) and for his lyrical aviation writings, including “Night Flight”.
He was a successful commercial pilot before World War
II. He joined the Armée de l’Air (French Air Force) at the
outbreak of war. Following a spell of writing in the United
States he joined the Free French Forces. He disappeared on
a reconnaissance flight over the Mediterranean and France in
July 1944 and is believed to have died at that time.
His literary works, among them The Little Prince – translated into over 190 languages.
Little Prince
Antoine: Once when I was six years old I saw a picture in
a book. Here is a copy of the drawing. (показывает
) In the book it said: Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole. After that they sleep six
months. And after some work with a coloured pencil
I succeeded in making my first drawing. My Drawing Number One. It looked like this: (показывает
) Are you frightened?
Grown-ups: Frightened? Why should any one be frightened
by a hat?
Antoine: My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. Then
I drew the elephant inside of the boa constrictor. My
Drawing Number Two:
Grown-ups: Lay aside your drawings of boa constrictors,
whether from the inside or the outside, and devote
yourself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and
Antoine: That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what
might have been a magnificent career as a painter.
Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always
and forever explaining things to them. So then I
chose another profession, and learned to pilot airplanes.
Prince (приводит в порядок свою планету): It is a question of discipline. When you’ve finished your own toilet in the morning, then it is time to attend the toilet of
your planet, just so, with the greatest care.
Prince: Who are you?
Rose: Ah! I am scarcely awake. I beg that you will excuse
me. My petals are still all disarranged...
Prince: Oh! How beautiful you are!
Rose: Am I not? And I was born at the same moment as the
sun... I think it is time for breakfast.
Маленький Принц поливает Розу.
Rose: Let the tigers come with their claws!
Prince: There are no tigers on my planet. And, anyway, tigers do not eat weeds.
Rose: I am not a weed.
Prince: Please, excuse me...
Rose: I am not at all afraid of tigers, but I have a horror of
drafts. I suppose you wouldn’t have a screen for me?
Prince: A horror of drafts… that is bad luck, for a plant. This
flower is a very complex creature...
Prince: The screen? (Ищет. Укутывает Розу своим шарфом.)
Narrator: He had taken seriously words which were without
importance, and it made him very unhappy. And he decided to run away from her. He put his planet in perfect
order. He carefully cleaned out his volcanoes.
Prince: Goodbye… Goodbye.
Rose: I have been silly. I ask your forgiveness. Try to be
happy... let the screen be. I don’t want it any more.
Prince: But the wind…
Rose. My cold is not so bad as all that... the cool night air
will do me good. I am a flower.
Prince. But the animals…
Rose. Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterflies. It seems that they are very beautiful. And if not
the butterflies… and the caterpillars… who will call
upon me? You will be far away... as for the large animals… I am not at all afraid of any of them. I have my
claws… Don’t linger like this. You have decided to go
away. Now go!
Narrator. For she did not want him to see her crying. She
was such a proud flower...
Narrator. He found himself in the neighbourhood of the asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, and 330. The first of
them was inhabited by a king.
King. Ah! Here is a subject. (Маленький Принц зевает.)
It is contrary to etiquette to yawn in the presence of a
king, I forbid you to do so.
Prince. I can’t help it. I can’t stop myself, I have come on a
long journey, and I have had no sleep...
King. Ah, then, I order you to yawn. Come, now! Yawn
again! It is an order.
Prince. That frightens me... I cannot, any more...
King. Hum! Hum.
Prince. May I sit down?
King. I order you to do so.


April 2013
Prince. I myself own a flower, which I water every day. I
own three volcanoes, which I clean out every week.
But you are of no use to the stars...The grown-ups are
certainly extraordinary.
Prince. Over what do you rule?
King. Over everything,
Prince. Over everything? Over all that?
King. Over all that.
Prince. And the stars obey you?
King. Certainly they do.
Prince. I should like to see a sunset... do me that kindness...
Order the sun to set...
King. If I ordered a general to fly from one flower to another
like a butterfly, or to write a tragic drama, or to change
himself into a sea bird, and if the general did not carry
out the order that he had received, which one of us
would be in the wrong? The general, or myself?
Prince. You.
King. Exactly.
Prince. (Собирается уйти) I have nothing more to do
King. Do not go. I will make you a Minister!
Prince. Minister of what?
King. Minster of… of Justice!
Prince. But there is nobody here to judge!
King. Then you shall judge yourself, that is the most difficult
thing of all. It is much more difficult to judge oneself
than to judge others.
Prince. Yes, but I can judge myself anywhere. I do not
need to live on this planet…The grown-ups are very
Narrator. The next planet belonged to a businessman.
Prince. Good morning,
Businessman. Three and two make five. Five and seven
make twelve. Good morning. Fifteen and seven make
twenty-two. Phew! Then that makes five-hundred-andone-million...
Prince. Five hundred million what?
Businessman. Eh? Are you still there? Millions of those little objects, which one sometimes sees in the sky.
Prince. Flies?
Businessman. Oh, no. Little glittering objects.
Prince. Bees?
Businessman. Oh, no. Little golden objects that set lazy men
to idle dreaming.
Prince. Ah! You mean the stars?
Businessman. Yes, that’s it. The stars.
Prince. And what do you do with them?
Businessman. Nothing. I own them.
Prince. And what good does it do you to own the stars?
Businessman. It does me the good of making me rich.
Narrator. The next planet was very strange. It was the smallest of all. There lived the lamplighter.
Prince. Good morning. Why have you just put out your
Lamplighter. Those are the orders, good morning.
Prince. What are the orders?
Lamplighter. The orders are that I put out my lamp. Good
evening. Good morning. That is the tragedy! From year
to year the planet has turned more rapidly and the orders have not been changed! The planet now makes a
complete turn every minute. Once every minute I have
to light my lamp and put it out! Good evening!
Prince. That is very funny! A day lasts only one minute
Lamplighter. It is not funny at all! While we have been talking together a month has gone by.
Prince. A month?
Lamplighter. Yes, a month. Good evening. The one thing I
love in life is to sleep.
Prince. Then you’re unlucky.
Lamplighter. I am unlucky. Good morning.
Narrator. The next planet was ten times larger than the last
Geographer. Oh, look! Here is an explorer! Where do you
come from?
Prince. What is that big book? What are you doing?
Geographer. I am a geographer.
Prince. What is a geographer?
Geographer. A geographer knows the location of all the
seas, rivers, towns, mountains, and deserts.
Prince. That is very interesting. Your planet is very beautiful. Has it any oceans?
Geographer. I couldn’t tell you.
Prince. Ah! Has it any mountains?
Geographer. I couldn’t tell you,
Prince. And towns, and rivers, and deserts?
Geographer. I couldn’t tell you that, either.
Prince. But you are a geographer!
Geographer. Exactly, But I am not an explorer. But you…
you come from far away! You are an explorer! You
shall describe your planet to me! Well?
Prince. Oh, where I live, it is not very interesting. It is all so
small. I have three volcanoes. I have also a flower.
Geographer. We do not record flowers.
Prince. Why is that? The flower is the most beautiful thing
on my planet!
Geographer. We do not record them, because they are


April 2013
Prince. What does that mean – ‘ephemeral’?
Geographer. It means, ‘which is in danger of speedy disappearance.’
Prince. My flower is ephemeral! And I have left her on my
planet, all alone!
Narrator. So then the next planet was the Earth.
Prince. Good evening.
Snake. Good evening,
Prince. What planet is this on which I have come down?
Snake. This is the Earth; this is Africa,
Prince. Ah! Then there are no people on the Earth?
Snake. This is the desert. There are no people in the desert.
The Earth is large. What has brought you here?
Prince. I have been having some trouble with a flower.
Snake. Ah!
Prince. You are a funny animal. You are no thicker than a
Snake. But I am more powerful than the finger of a king.
Narrator. He was standing before a garden, all a bloom with
Prince. Good morning.
Roses. Good morning.
Prince. Who are you?
Roses. We are roses.
Fox. Good morning,
Prince. Good morning
Fox. I am right here, under the apple tree.
Prince. Who are you?
Fox. I am a fox.
Prince. Come and play with me, I am so unhappy.
Fox. I cannot play with you, I am not tamed.
Prince. Ah! Please excuse me. What does that mean –
Fox. Just that, to me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little
boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your
part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more
than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if
you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me,
you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be
unique in all the world...
Prince. There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me...
Fox. Please… tame me!
Prince. I want to, very much, but I have not much time. What
must I do, to tame you?
Fox. First you will sit down at a little distance from me – like
that – in the grass. But you will sit a little closer to me,
every day...
Narrator. So the little prince tamed the fox.
Fox. Ah, I shall cry.
Prince. It is your own fault, but you wanted me to tame
Fox. Yes, that is so.
Prince. But now you are going to cry!
Fox. Yes, that is so. Go and look again at the roses. You will
understand now that yours is unique in all the world.
(Принц подходит к Розам)
Prince. You are not at all like my rose. No one has tamed
you, and you have tamed no one. You are beautiful, but
you are empty. (Лису) Goodbye.
Fox. Goodbye, You become responsible, forever, for what
you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose...
Prince. I am responsible for my rose…
Narrator. He had an accident with his plane in the Desert
of Sahara, six years ago. Something was broken in his
engine. He had crashed in the desert a thousand miles
from any inhabited region.
Prince. If you please… draw me a sheep!
Antoine. What!
Prince. Draw me a sheep!
Antoine. But…what are you doing here?
Prince. If you please…draw me a sheep...
Antoine. I don’t know how to draw.
Prince. That doesn’t matter. Draw me a sheep... (Антуан
No, no, no! I do not want an elephant
inside a boa constrictor. Where I live, everything is
very small. What I need is a sheep. Draw me a sheep.
No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another.
You see yourself, that this is not a sheep. This is a ram.
It has horns.
This one is too old. I want a sheep that will live a long


April 2013
Prince. Why not?
Antoine. Because I am about to die of thirst...
Prince. I am thirsty, too. Let us look for a well... The stars
are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen.
The desert is beautiful. What makes the desert beautiful, is that somewhere it hides a well...
Antoine. Yes…
Prince. The house, the stars, the desert – what gives them
their beauty is something that is invisible! What is
most important is invisible... But the eyes are blind.
One must look with the heart...
Antoine. This is only his box. The sheep you asked for is
Prince. That is exactly the way I wanted it! Do you think that
this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass?
Antoine. Why?
Prince. Because where I live everything is very small...
Antoine. There will surely be enough grass for him, It is a
very small sheep that I have given you.
Prince. Not so small that – Look! He has gone to sleep...
What is that object?
Antoine. That is not an object. It flies. It is an airplane. It is
my airplane.
Prince. What! You dropped down from the sky?
Prince. Oh! That is funny! So you, too, come from the sky!
Which is your planet?
Antoine. Do you come from another planet? My little man,
where do you come from? Where do you want to take
your sheep?
Prince. Where I live, everything is so small! I am very fond
of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset now.
Antoine. But we must wait,
Prince. Wait? For what?
Antoine. For the sunset. We must wait until it is time.
Prince. One day, I saw the sunset forty-four times! You know
– one loves the sunset, when one is so sad...
Antoine. Were you so sad, then? On the day of the forty-four
Prince. A sheep…if it eats little bushes, does it eat flowers,
Antoine. A sheep eats anything it finds in its reach.
Prince. Even flowers that have thorns?
Antoine. Yes, even flowers that have thorns.
Prince. Then the thorns – what use are they? The thorns –
what use are they?
Antoine. The thorns are of no use at all. Flowers have thorns
just for spite!
Prince. Oh! I don’t believe you! You talk just like the grownups!
Antoine. The flower that you love is not in danger. I will
draw you a muzzle for your sheep.
Prince. My friend the fox…
Antoine. My dear little man, this is no longer a matter that
has anything to do with the fox!
Маленький принц и Антуан подходят к колодцу.
Prince: Everything is ready for use. Do you hear? We have
wakened the well, and it is singing...
Возвращаются. Антуан возится с двигателем. Маленький Принц отходит и о чем-то договаривается со Змейкой, потом возвращается.
Prince. I am glad that you have found what was the matter
with your engine. Now you can go back home.
Antoine. How do you know about that?
Prince. I, too, am going back home today... It is much farther... it is much more difficult... I have your sheep.
And I have the sheep’s box. And I have the muzzle...
Antoine. Little man. I want to hear you laugh again.
Prince. In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them
I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars
were laughing, when you look at the sky at night... you
– only you – will have stars that can laugh!
Narrator. But the eyes are blind. One must look with the
Antoine. But the eyes are blind. One must look with the
And now six years have already gone by... I have never
yet told this story. But I know that he did go back to his
planet... and at night I love to listen to the stars. It is
like five hundred million little bells...
The End
После спектакля – творческая встреча зрителей и
участников спектакля, обсуждение, вопросы и пр.
В работе использованы материалы:
1. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The Little Prince, translated by
Katherine Woods. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1943.
2. http://ru.wikipedia.org
Maria Ageeva,
School No. 81, Moscow
Photos by the author




My Hobbies
April 2013
Five sentences in the text are incomplete. Choose from the list A–F the one
which fits each gap 1–5. There is one extra letter in the list which you don’t
need to use.
I love classical music. Maybe, it’s because of nine years attending a musical school; but __________________(1) the closest to my soul. Most people
of my age would think __________________(2) to love Strauss, Mozart,
Bach in place of psychedelic rock and angry, loud punk bands. My friend
often says: ‘It’s much easier and fun to be with the crowd.’ I would agree
with her… But why must _________________(3) and not somebody else be
like me?
I find classical music relaxing. As many psychologists say: Bach helps
you to cope with nervousness, while Vivaldi is excellent to make people feel
calm and satisfied. Why do many people find it to be dull? Why dull? To talk
about classical music as a whole there’re many modern remakes of classics.
For example, ____________(4) Vanessa Mae plays.
It’s not true that ________________(5) all modern music. I have a few
pop or rock songs that I like; but I think most of this music can’t be called
A. I’m a bit mad
B. I like the way
C. I’ve found this music
D. I be like somebody else
E. I often play
F. I hate
1. Listen to what Carolyn says about her sister Mary and herself and complete the sentences below.
My sister Mary and I have different opinions on reading. Mary thinks that
reading is less important nowadays because there is TV, video and computers.
The new technilogies give information about everything in the world.
I am not what some people would call a bookworm. But I like reading
books about love and adventure, about the life of people. I also like reading
modern poetry.
The book I’m reading now is Gone with the Wind. It was written by
Margaret Mitchell in 1936. It is about the time of the American Civil War
when the southern states went to war with the north to preserve their traditional way of life. It was a way of life in which rich gentry lived in large
houses and owned huge areas of land, which were cultivated by black
slaves. It was into one of these aristocratic houses that Scarlett O’Hara
was born.
When this way of life was destroyed and all her family’s wealth was taken
away by the advancing Northerners, the spoilt, willful Scarlett had to grow up
and use all her wits, intelligence and beauty to build a new life…
I’m captivated by this book.
I’m sure that Mary won’t read it. She’ll say that she has already seen the
film based on the book.
Gentry – мелкопоместное дворянство
Northerner – житель северных штатов
Cultivate – возделывать
Five-Minute Tests
Complete the sentences using one of the
interesting/interested relaxing/relaxed
1. He always wastes time and hangs out
in the street. It’s not _____ his homework is never done properly.
2. The teacher was ____ how well his
pupils had done the project.
3. I seldom visit football matches. I am
not _____ in football.
4. Liz is a very ______ person. She is
keen on computers.
5. The film was long and ______.
6. I am always _____ at our maths lessons.
7. I like to sit in front of the telly. It’s
8. We are going on a trip to London.
Everybody is quite _____ about it.
9. They are going on an ______ trip to
10. Ted is so ______ his collection that
he can speak about it for hours.
11. The story was _______, and everybody laughed a lot.
Key: 1. surprising; 2. surprised; 3. interested;
4. interesting; 5. boring; 6. bored; 7. relaxing;
8. excited; 9. exciting; 10. amused; 11. amusing.
Complete the table.
1 producer
2 production
1 fascinating
2 fascinated


April 2013
Five-Minute Tests
1 producer
2 production
1 entertainer
2 entertainment
1 fascinating
2 fascinated
1 involved
2 involving
Complete these sentences using one of the
words from the table above. Don’t forget to
use the correct form of the verbs.
1. The world capital of filmed ____ Los Angeles has been a lot of things over the past
100 years.
2. Do you know when and how cinematography ____ in Russia?
3. Are they ____ in shooting a new film?
4. The idea of shooting a new comedy _____
5. People of different professions are ____ in
film making.
Key: 1. entertainment; 2. appeared; 3. involved;
4. fascinated; 5. involved.
Read the texts below. Use the word given in
capitals at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the space in the same line.
Kolomenskoye Park
What is best about (1)_______
to Kolomenskoye is the
opportunity to combine an
(2)________ excursion with a
nice walk along the (3)______
bank of Moscow River. Several
architectural gems (4)_______
in the park include the church of
Ascension (1532), a 16th Century
Bell tower, and Peter the Great’s
house (5)_______ there from
Arkhangelsk. In fact, Kolomenskoye
(6)_____ the summer country
residence of the Russian tsars
beginning in the 14th Century.
Key: 1. coming; 2. educational; 3. hilly; 4. located; 5. brought; 6. was.
By Youdif Boyarskaya,
School No. 814, Moscow
My sister Mary and I have __________.
Mary thinks reading is __________ nowadays.
TV, video and computers give information __________.
Carolyn __________ a bookworm.
Carolyn likes reading books about __________, about the __________.
Carolyn also likes reading __________.
Gone with the Wind is about the time of the __________.
The spoilt, willful Scarlett had to __________ and __________ all her
wits, intelligence and beauty to build a new life __________.
9. Carolyn __________ by this book.
10. Carolyn is sure that Mary __________.
11. Mary’ll say that she __________ the film based on the book.
2. You will hear three people talking about movies. Choose the best answer for questions 1–3. Before you listen read the questions. What sort
of information will you need to listen for? Underline the key words in the
To brood on – размышлять над
In my opinion, I would advise that films be made neither too seriously, nor
too light-heartedly. To my mind, you should not perceive films in too serious
manner because there are enough problems to solve in your own life. You
shouldn’t spend your free time trying to solve “TV problems”, or brooding
on global human problems shown on TV. It would be better to keep your
mind clear, fresh and open to new impressions in real life.
1. According to this opinion films should
A. be serious to help you in solving your own problems
B. be light to help you to spend your free time without solving global human problems
C. be made neither too seriously, nor too light-heartedly
D. touch global human problems
Surely, films serve as a form of entertainment, which is important to us.
But entertainment is not the only purpose of films. I am truly convinced that
films should awaken the best, the lightest and highest feelings in every person. Films should contain hope for a better life.
2. The author of this passage is convinced that
A. entertainment is the only purpose of films
B. films should describe the best, the lightest and highest feelings
C. films should be about hopes for a better life
D. films should awake the best, the lightest and highest feelings in every
person and contain hope for a better life
… I don’t like films that are filled with fights. Cruel films can influence
many people. Some people can follow the bad examples of behaviour. Violent films with plenty of killing can strengthen cruelty in people who have
an inclination to it. Cinema should tell us about different aspects of life,
make us more educated and, of course, entertain us. I like kind Russian and
Hollywood films, such films as “Roman Holiday” with Audrey Hepburn or
“Moscow Does not Believe in Tears”…
3. According to the author’s opinion
A. films filled with fights give bad examples but entertain people
B. some people have an inclination to cruelty and cruel films can influence
C. films shouldn’t be cruel because there is much cruelty around us
D. films should be kind and have the feel of fairy tale


1. Match words and their definitions.
1. leisure
a. a dramatic or musical performance
held in the daytime
2. entertainment
b. a book bound in paper
3. matinee
c. something that serves for amusement
4. paperback
d. climbing mountains
5. excursion
e. the act of seeing sights or visiting
points or places of general interest
6. sightseeing
f. a favourable position or chance
7. brochure
g. a word-making board game
8. Scrabble
h. a booklet of salient facts of a subject
9. mountaineering i. a trip
10. opportunity
j. free or unoccupied time
2. Complete the sentences using words from exercise above.
1. Though he has got a rich vocabulary, __________ is not
his favourite leisure activity.
2. There is no such __________ of investments in musicals
in Russia as in Europe.
3. If you want __________, you should visit Madam Tussaud’s museum.
4. Wherever she goes, she always takes a _______ with her.
5. Though it was a working day, all __________ tickets were
6. He is fond of _________ and can tell you about the best
climbers in the world.
Write a magazine article about students’ reading preferences. Use the information and the plan below.
Reading preferences: Results of survey
kind of books
Science fiction
Modern novels
Comments from young people
I’m interested in books on business.
I never get bored with books on history. All my family like
reading books about history. They widen our scope.
I like reading adventure and science fiction. They help me
to relax.
I think I explore the world through my reading.
Reading makes me an educated person.
Reading makes my life richer.
Say why you are writing this article, what information the
article includes and how you got the information.
Most popular books
Least popular books
April 2013
1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b; 5. f.
1. My sister Mary and I have different opinions on reading.
2. Mary thinks reading is less important nowadays.
3. TV, video and computers give information about everything in the world.
4. Carolyn is not a bookworm.
5. Carolyn likes reading books about love and adventure, about the life of people. I also like reading modern poetry.
6. Carolyn also likes reading modern poetry.
7. Gone with the Wind is about the time of the American
Civil War.
8. The spoilt, willful Scarlett had to grow up and use
all her wits, intelligence and beauty to build a new
9. Carolyn is captivated by this book.
10. Carolyn is sure that Mary won’t read it.
11. Mary’ll say that she has already seen the film based
on the book.
2. 1. C; 2. D; 3. B.
1. 1. j; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. i; 6. e; 7. h; 8. g; 9. d; 10. f.
2. 1. scrabble; 2. opportunity; 3. entertainment; 4. paperbacks; 5. matinee; 6. mountaineering.
Our parents and teachers often grumble that we only
read magazines with celebrity gossip. We decided to
interview young people about what their reading preferences are. Fifty boys and fifty girls were asked a question: “What kind of books do you read for pleasure?”
As we found out both boys and girls are keen on adventure books. A lot of boys like science fiction. Both
boys and girls are interested in books on history. “All
my family like reading books on history. They widen our
scope”, said Anton, 14. Modern novels are especially
popular with girls. “I never get bored with them”, said
Dasha, 16.
A few boys read books on business. Education, travel,
humour are rather popular with both boys and girls.
The girls are not keen readers of business, thrillers
and sports. The boys don’t display interest in romance
novels and modern novels. But all the students are sure
that reading makes them more educated people and their
lives richer. A lot of students think they explore the world
through reading.
By Youdif Boyarskaya,
School No. 814, Moscow


April 2013
I. Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова
так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
4. We ___________ to the beach every day when we were
on holiday.
A. went
C. go
B. were going
D. used to going
Going abroad
Up until the 1960, not many British people
had (1) ____________ abroad for
their holidays. Although the idea was
(2) ____________, flying was still too
expensive for most people. The only
(3) ____________ people had was to go
to British resorts. Instead of flying, families
(4) ___________ to the British
coast. Places like Blackpool and Brighton
had millions of (5) ____________
every year. During the 60s and 70s, prices
dropped and (6) ____________
began to visit places like Spain. At first, hotels were (7) _____________, but
they slowly got better. These days, the
(8) ____________ lounges at airports
are full and people travel (9) ____________
and forwards across the world for
work and on holiday. Every summer, tourists
go in all (10) _____________ in
5. I broke my leg when Tony and I ____________ for the
school sports day.
A. practiced
C. were practicing
B. used to practice
D. are practicing
6. Leon never ____________ about it, but he was once a
world champion skier.
A. talks
C. was talking
B. is talking
D. talk
7. I ____________ like golf, but now I really like it.
A. don’t use to
C. didn’t used to
B. don’t used to
D. didn’t use to
8. Denise ____________ at the stadium until she finds a better job.
A. works
C. used to work
B. is working
D. was working
III. Обведите правильный вариант ответа.
1. I thought I could trust you! You’ ve really let me off/
2. Do you get on/in well with your older sister?
3. As children grow off/up, they want more independence
from their parents.
search of the perfect beach and the perfect
II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. When you rang, I ___________ my bike.
A. cleaned
C. used to clean
B. was cleaning
D. clean
2. At my last basketball club, we ___________ every Saturday for three hours.
A. were training
C. train
B. training
D. used to train
3. I really ___________ the meal we had at your house last
A. was liking
C. like
B. liked
D. am liking
4. Dave has fallen off/out with Jason and they are not talking
to each other at the moment.
5. Ed was brought in/up by his aunt because his parents lived
6. I used to go out/by with Tony but we split off/up about a
year ago.
7. I hate looking after/over my baby brother!
I. 1. been flying, 2. attractive, 3. choice, 4. were driving,
5. visitors, 6. travelers, 7. not comfortable, 8. departure,
9. backwards, 10. directions
II. 1. B, 2. A, 3. B, 4. A, 5. C, 6. A, 7. D, 8. B
III. 1. down, 2. on, 3. up, 4. out, 5. up, 6. out, 7. after
By Lyudmila Kinakh,
School No. 858, Moscow


Вместе с ростом популярности английского языка
растёт востребованность независимых экзаменов, которые обеспечивают объективную оценку уровня владения языком. Как известно, спрос рождает предложение
и именно поэтому сегодня существует довольно много
международных экзаменов по английскому языку от
различных разработчиков, рассчитанных на различные
аудитории, ориентированных на достижение различных целей.
Сегодня мы хотим представить вашему вниманию
линейку независимых международных экзаменов по
английскому языку Pearson Test of English General
(PTE G). Эти экзамены были созданы в 1985 году экзаменационным отделом Университета Лондона, причём
разрабатывались они как единая унифицированная
система определения уровня владения английским
языком. Такой подход определяет единство формата и
преемственность между всеми уровнями экзаменов.
Переход от одного уровня к другому очень плавный. Таким образом эти экзамены не требуют длительной специальной подготовки.
Сегодня разрабатывает и проверяет экзамены РТЕ
крупнейшая экзаменационная палата Великобритании
Эдексель, что обеспечивает их прозрачность, объективность и независимость.
Существует шесть уровней экзамена Pearson Test of
English General
Уровень PTE G
Уровень CEF
Уровень А1
Уровень L1
Уровень L2
Уровень L3
Уровень L4
Уровень L5
Каждый тест любого уровня проверяет все четыре навыка, которые необходимо проверить для
определения уровня владения английским языком в соответствии с требованиями к международным экзаменам. Этими навыками являются чтение, аудирование,
письмо и устная речь. Каждый тест состоит из двух
частей: письменного теста и устного. Письменный тест
проходит и один и тот же день во всём мире и дата его
проведения определяют разработчики теста. Дату устного теста устанавливает каждый центр тестирования в
соответствии со своими запросами. Устную часть можно начинать принимать за две недели до письменного
Все 6 уровней PTE G точно соответствуют уровням Европейской шкалы языковых компетенций.
Эти экзамены рассчитаны на взрослых и подростков
начиная с 13–14 лет. Что же обеспечивает рост популярности этих экзаменов, появившихся в нашей стране
всего несколько лет назад. Прежде всего этот экзамен
обеспечивает объективную и независимую оценку
языковых навыков на всех уровнях. Причём в отли-
April 2013
чие от большинства других международных экзаменов,
в ходе экзаменов РТЕ проверяются коммуникативные
навыки кандидата, а не навыки сдачи экзаменов или
знание грамматических правил или лексического материала. Тем не менее владение лексико-грамматическим
материалом оценивается в ходе проверки навыков устной речи и письма.
Pearson Test of English General легко интегрируется с большинством программ при условии, что они
основаны на коммуникативных методиках преподавания
английского языка. Это позволяет учебным заведениям
готовить студентов к экзаменам РТЕ одновременно с
изучением английского языка без излишнего натаскивания на формат экзамена, который в большинстве случаев
соответствует формату упражнений, которые используют для отработки лексико-грамматического материала в
современных коммуникативных пособиях издательства
Для экзаменов РТЕ G характерно наличие интегрированных заданий. Одно из таких заданий –диктант проверят навыки аудирования и письма. Во втором
интегрированном задании проверяют навыки письма и
Формат экзамена РТЕ по своему формату очень близок к российским государственным экзаменам по английскому языку. В связи с этим подготовку и сдачу
этих экзаменов можно рассматривать как постепенную
поэтапную подготовку к ГИА и ЕГЭ. РТЕ G обеспечивает положительный опыт сдачи независимых тестов, поскольку является естественным продолжением того, что
происходит на уроке. Это способствует формированию и
развитию навыков сдачи любых экзаменов.
Сертификат РТЕ, который кандидаты получают после успешной сдачи экзаменов бессрочен и является
одним из самых надёжных: он имеет более десяти
степеней защиты.
Официальным дистрибьютором экзаменов РТЕ в Москве и ряде регионов России является компания Лэнгвидж 360°, которая занимается организацией и проведением экзаменов РТЕ и тренингов для экспертов по приёму устного модуля экзамена. Большое внимание Лэнгвидж 360° уделяет разработке методических материалов
(в том числе программ дополнительного образования) и
проведению семинаров для преподавателей, занимающихся подготовкой кандидатов к сдаче экзаменов РТЕ.
Всю необходимую информацию о деятельности копании
можно найти на сайте www.language360.ru.
В электронном приложении этого номера мы предлагаем вариант теста уровня L2, который соответствует
уровню В1 Европейской шкалы языковых компетенций
и может стать хорошей тренировкой перед сдачей Государственной итоговой аттестации по английскому языку
в 9 классе российской школы.
Алла Немыкина,
See more materials on CD.


Form 3
April 2013
Read the letter. (Прочитай письмо.)
10 May
Dear pen friend,
My name is John. I am a boy. I am nine. I am from the
USA. I live with my mum, dad and two sisters, Betty and
Kate. They are five. The girls like fairy tales.
What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a
sister or a brother?
My birthday is on the 18th of August. Summer is my favourite season. In summer I roller skate, ride my bike and
swim. I can swim very well. I like to play football and tennis.
When is your birthday? What is your favourite season?
What do you like to do? What can you do well?
I have got a grey rabbit called Harry. Harry is nice and
funny. He likes to jump and play. Harry likes carrots, cabbage and bread. I like my rabbit but I would like to have a
dog and a big parrot. Have you got a pet? Is it funny? Please
write back.
Your pen friend,
John Smith
1. Complete the sentence. Choose the proper letter. (Закончи предложение. Выбери соответствующую букву.)
John has got…
a) mum, dad, two sisters and a brother Harry.
b) mum, dad and two sisters.
c) mum, grandpa and two sisters.
2. Find the answer to the question: “When is John’s birthday?” (Найди правильный ответ на вопрос.)
a) in spring; b) in summer; c) in autumn
3. Read. Find the wrong sentence. (Прочитай. Выбери
неверное предложение.)
a) John is from the USA.
b) He has got a rabbit.
c) John likes to read fairy tales.
d) He would like to have a big parrot and a dog.
4. Match the beginning with the ending. (Найди начало и
конец предложения.)
1) John
a) likes carrots, cabbage and bread.
2) Harry
b) like fairy tales.
3) Betty and Kate
c) likes football and tennis.
1. Choose the right letter. (Выбери нужную букву.)
1) Rick’s hen (b) red.
a) can; b) is
2) Mary ___ ten.
a) is; b) am
3) I ___ got six grey mice.
a) have; b) has
4) She ___ got a funny monkey.
a) have; b) has
5) Dan’s dog ___ swim.
a) is; b) can
6) My pets ___ nice.
a) am; b) is; c) are
7) ___ your dog black?
a) am; b) is; c) are
8) My friend ___ clever.
a) am; b) is; c) are
9) Are you a pupil? – Yes, I ___.
a) am; b) is; c) are
10) I ___ a pupil.
a) am; b) is; c) are
11) Jill’s postcard.
a) открытка Джил; b) открытки Джил
12) Tony’s pencils.
a) карандаш Тони; b) карандаши Тони
13) Teachers’ computer.
a) компьютер учителя; b) компьютеры учителя; c)
компьютер учителей
14) My sister’s dolls.
a) куклы моей сестры; b) куклы моих сестер; c) кукла
моих сестер
15) Men’s cars.
a) машина мужчины; b) машины мужчин; c) машины
2. Odd one out. (Какое из этих слов лишнее?)
1) I, you, he, my, she
2) red, grey, blue, brave, black
3) likes, lives, dogs, takes, runs
4) today, Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday
5) mum, brother, sister, boy, dad
6) mice, dogs, men, children, women
3. Match the questions with the answers. (Соотнеси слова
с противоположным значением.)
1) Can you swim?
a) No, he doesn’t.
2) Is his friend clever?
b) Yes, she is.
3) Are Nan’s toys nice?
c) Yes, I am.
4) Does he go to school? d) No, they aren’t.
5) Are you brave?
e) No, I can’t
Complete the text. Use the words below. (Закончи рассказ
Джима о себе. Используй слова, данные ниже.)
Words: school, read, like, friends, together, nine
I am Jim. I am nine (0). I go to _______________ (1). I can
______________ (2) and write. I ______________(3) to swim
and play football. I have got a lot of _________________
(4). We play ___________________ (5) on Sundays.
PART I. POINTS (max 6): __________
PART II. POINTS (max 24): _________
PART III. POINTS (max 5): __________
By Anna Zavarzina, Gymnasium No. 1520, Moscow


ACCESS is the acronym for ACTIVE, CREATIVE,
The purpose of the English Access Microscholarship Program (ACCESS program) is to make the study of English
language more accessible to adolescents from an economically disadvantaged background. In addition, while working
on their language skills, the participants will become familiar with aspects of US culture. The acquired language skills
enable the teenagers to take advantage of opportunities that
had previously been unavailable to them.
The participants are 15–16 year old students who usually
study English for a period of two years: each student receives
128 hours of instructions per year, consisting of 4 hours per
week for a total of 32 weeks, plus 72 hours of intensive twoweek summer program each year.
ACCESS program sites are located in 21 cities all over
The curriculum includes the following modules: Communicative English, American Culture, English through Computers, English through Video and Movies, Communicative
Grammar, English through Songs and Games, American
History through Visual Arts, English through Sports, English
through Arts and Crafts, Leadership Training and Community Service Projects. The ACCESS curriculum also includes
topics of interest related to the subjects taught at school, such
as Geography, History, Biology, Art, etc.
Annual ACCESS camp is usually hosted by the Russian
Children’s Center “Orlyonok”. This year’s ACCESS camp
on the Black Sea coast brought together 90 kids from 9 cities. On October 25–28, 2012, the presentation of the ACCESS program was the highlight of the conference organized by professional associations of the teachers of English
language (Umbrella NATE). The conference participants
saw ACCESS kids having the time of their lives performing, doing artwork, and generally developing their English
language and cross-cultural skills. This was the most inspiring and rewarding part of the conference for every teacher
involved in these efforts.
Just imagine a peaceful place with sandy beaches and
sun-lit wooded hills. One of Orlyonok’s oldest camps called
“Solnechny” is situated here. It has a long history of developing creative potential and leadership skills of several generations of children.
Here is an overview of only one English class which took
place in “Solnechny”. Children from Ufa, Stavropol, Salavat, Gubkin and other towns were in one group under the
guidance of a teacher from Rostov-on-Don. During the lesson they discusstd what kind of person a real friend should
be. All stages of the lesson had activities which were closely
connected with tolerance. They combined English grammar
and vocabulary studies as well as fun. First, the students performed a traditional folk song “Auld Lang Syne” and discussed Robert Burns’s original verse about long-standing
friendships. Next, they demonstrated their communication
skills introducing themselves in a game. Grammar and vocabulary practice was followed by reading a text about but-
April 2013
terflies. Then everybody sang along “You and me and me and
you” both in Russian and English. It proved that all people
need a friend, even those who live on some other planets.
There were lyrics like this: “Maybe by the violet river there
are some lonely people who are sad and eager to see us”…
Finally, everyone crafted a paper butterfly which symbolized
beauty, brightness and fragility of friendship. The paper butterflies were placed on a poster. The students really enjoyed
the activities and showed good progress in English language
In one of the classrooms in “Solnechny” camp: When the
students presented their poster, they emphasized that most of
all they needed to be free and loved.
ACCESS Program is unique because it focuses on highly
motivated students from economically under-privileged
families. There is a hope that the idea will inspire more Russian teachers to implement similar programs in their local
schools. For some ideas please read: http://www.eltrussia.ru/
Every morning ACCESS program children get together
outside their “Solnechny” camp. They discuss their daily
activities and dance for a warm-up.
They always cheer with words like “Good job!”or “ACCESS students are the best!”
By Irina Ishkhneli, School No. 1738, Moscow
Photo: http://donelta.ning.com


April 2013
October 2012 was full of events for a group of 11 students
from Chelyabinsk who had a chance to spend 3 weeks in the
All-Russia Children’s Center “Orlyonok” where they were
taught English on the American program “Access”.
The English Access Microscholarship Program was run in
Chelyabinsk in 2011. It provides a foundation of English language skills to economically disadvantaged 14-18-year-olds
through 2 years of intensive sessions. Additional criteria for
students selection are handicapped parent(s) or applicant, an
incomplete family, a many-children-family. Nowadays there
are three groups of students who are lucky to participate in
this program. Four teachers are supposed to conduct classes:
an EL Fellow (native speaker), an IT linguistic specialist,
and two Russian experts. Students attend afterschool classes.
They also do the Internet course “IT English”.
The distant learning course “IT English” is supported by
some American books, and VOA website. The goals of the
course are developing of socio-cultural competence of students; their tolerance towards people of different cultures
and open-mindedness and improvement of computer skills.
The course outline contains topics relating to US culture and
values such as: U.S. History, Famous Americans, American
Holidays, American Idioms, etc. The course is still being designed, so some new topics will be included into the syllabus
(U.S. Education, U.S. Popular Culture, The Environment,
etc.). At the end of the modules students are engaged in the
project work.
Summer camps are an essential part of the program.
This Autumn Camp in “Orlyonok” was the experience of
a lifetime. Access teachers tried to insure a highly motivating learning environment for all students through language
games, team-building activities, video films, songs, and
dances. Teachers with children took an active part in the
“Umbrella” conference of English teachers having given
open classes to its participants representing 40 regions and
32 educational establishments all over Russia. At the end
of the program Certificates of successful completion of the
English Language Program at the All-Russia Children’s
Center “Orlyonok” in October 10–30, 2012 were awarded to
students by ELO Frances Westbrook.
Our students have lots of fond memories about these holidays in “Orlyonok”.
“Orlyonok” is a place with its own traditions and atmosphere of friendliness. We enjoyed the wonderful sunsets,
amazing nature. I think “Orlyonok” is the greatest camp I’ve
ever been to.
Victoria Nurgalieva
We lived in the oldest camp of “Orlyonok” called “Solnechny”. There were 10 groups in our camp, 30 children in
each company. Our group was crazy and fun.
Valentina Almakayeva
We didn’t have free time. We were always engaged in various activities. The most enjoyable competition was a touristtrail. We went to the mountains. Our group was the best.
Yuliya Savateyeva
These were the most wonderful three weeks of autumn.
Every day we had fascinating English lessons with teachers from different cities and with Erik Lundell. The trip to
Novorossiysk was incredibly interesting and informative.
We visited the Malaya Zemlya Memorial and the port of the
coast guard ships. I really enjoyed this excursion. Love and
miss all!
Irina Igosheva
My first day in “Orlyonok” was very boring. I felt nervous. The situation changed as soon as we started to participate in many global projects. I’d like to visit “Orlyonok”
once more in the future.
Daniil Bolotnikov


April 2013
It was an amazing trip! I couldn’t even imagine that
“Orlyonok” was such an awesome place. We had a lot of
fun. Every day we took part in different activities: concerts, shows and competitions. We won lots of prizes. We
also had English lessons taught by eight English teachers
from eight cities of our country and by Erik Lundell. We
sang famous English pop music songs and danced special kind of American dances. I’ve learnt a lot about the
American culture. All the lessons were very amusing. I’ve
never thought that Russia is so multicultural! I’m still
keeping in touch with girls from Buryatia, Tuva and Kalmykia. I was very upset when we were leaving the camp.
I cried my eyes out.
Nastya Krasnykh
I’m very thankful to “ACCESS” for the opportunity to
spend three weeks in All-Russia Children’s Center “Orlyonok”.
Denis Gladyshev
“Orlyonok” met my expectations.
there, our counselors will forever remain in my memory and
Lena Petrenko
When I was offered to work in “Orlyonok”, it was my
lucky break. I decided to take a chance. Without exaggeration, “Orlyonok” opens a door for every child, creates opportunities for discovering and developing their talents, helps to
overcome insecurities about abilities involving children in
leadership and social action programs. Teachers faced a challenge to teach a new multicultural group of students every
day. To tell the truth, it was exciting. Thanks to the program,
we had a real possibility to share ideas and materials with
colleagues. Undoubtedly, I have refreshed and enriched my
teaching methods. We are grateful to the administration of
the camp for insuring nice living and working conditions.
I’d like to address my special thanks to president of CHELTA Svetlana Vladimirovna Sannikova for supporting professional development in our city. The fact that I worked in this
tremendous town of childhood, which is situated in a healthy
and marvelous environment, is my claim to fame.
Valera Anisimov
The change was cool!!! It was my first camp, and I was
astonished. Our group has become the second family for me.
It was hard for all of us to leave “Orlyonok” and say goodbye to each other. But the guys with whom I made friends
Tatiana Osintseva,
IT Linguistic Specialist,
The English Access Microscholarship Program,
Photo taken by the author


continued from No. 3
April 2013
American Reality with Russian Eyes
Drop Worth a Sea/Professors Help Guest Students
Exchange programs are very popular in the U.S. and international students find a warm welcome …to make Americans
aware of other cultures.
The first Americans I met warned me, “Americans care
about nothing but America.” I am very glad that Eastern
Michigan’s faculty proves the opposite. By coordinating
various exchange programs or just lending a helpful hand to
a newcomer when necessary, the EMU staff strives to make
the campus multinational.
I hope this will enlarge a bit of students’ knowledge of
geography because many evidently lack it.
Most Americans knew where Russia is situated. But I had
pity for my friend from Tajikistan; she had crammed the vital
addition “Central Asia” to the name of her country to give
a hint where she is from. Sometimes even the name of the
continent didn’t help.
A.T. of India told me a funny episode that took place at
the international spirit station several years ago. His friends
and he organized a little test in geography during the International Week at EMU. Students would pick up a piece of
paper with a country’s name on it. To get a prize they were
to show the country on the world’s map or to identify the
country’s flag. One American girl chose Canada but could
not find it on the map, pointing at Mexico instead. Isn’t it
absurd? Canada’s casinos light up Detroit at night from the
other bank of the river, which was a 45 minute drive away
from Eastern Michigan University.
I also heard from Americans that it is necessary to be at
war with a country in order to think of other nations. Once
I had a student majoring in History as a lunch “conversation partner.” He was interested about what Russians think
of Americans. After my short answer I asked him the same
“Americans do not think of Russians,” he said.
His argument was Americans think of other people outside America only if they are at war with this country.
From such an angle, the reason for educational exchange
programs financed by the U.S. Department of State becomes
transparent. Otherwise, globalization for Americans would
mean condensing the planet to the size of the United States.
Program coordinators in American universities are often
people interested in other cultures. One of them had a “cultural mix” in his house. Beside the collection of DVDs on
the shelf in his living-room, there stood nice colorful souvenirs from the Ukraine. The Easter eggs with pictures of
all seasons and a typical Russian/Ukrainian wooden doll
called “matryoshka” revealed his interest in another culture.
All were the presents from grateful Ukrainians – high-school
teachers, administrators and teacher trainers, participating in
the Democratic Citizenship Education Internship Program.
Another collection of souvenirs from around Eurasia rested on the table belonging to the coordinator of my exchange
program. Moreover, notes with Russian words were clipped
all over this professor’s room.
The Eastern Michigan staff really cared about other cultures and international students representing them at EMU. It
was not necessary to coordinate a special program to contribute to EMU diversity. Simple care was enough sometimes to
make me a bit happier. That drop of attention from a professor was worth a sea, because international students left their
parents far away from Michigan.
EMU professors could play host to an international guest
for five weeks or take a bunch of international students to
Chicago and provide them with maps. They could lend me
an interesting book to read and fall into a profound discussion of an “American soul.” Their generosity could go as far
as to lend a student an extra car or to invite him or her for a
Thanksgiving family dinner. It was like a little bright star in
the darkness when somebody returned to the building, because a frustrated newcomer was looking for a telephone to
call home. A common e-mail with encouraging words “good
things invariably happen to good people” could breathe in
great energy to go ahead and storm an American reality.
So I could feel care and support in a foreign country. I
don’t want to say that Russians lack kindness, hospitality or
don’t help one another. But sometimes looking around or after worthless waiting in an hour-long queue when the pay
desk is being closed in front of my eyes I ask myself a question: “Why do they treat me like that in my home country?”
Every person should be treated with respect, at least, with
mere politeness that we often lack here.
Car is God, but not Almighty
Car in the U.S. is a lifestyle/ But for students it’s the best way
to open the world around if they pay attention to traffic signs
and don’t make an idol out of it.
“Car is God. Car is idol,” I wrote in my first articles about
my perception of the American culture and values with a hint
of irony. In two months, however, I came to appreciate the
advantages of this vehicle. But I felt pity for those who valued the brand of the car more than the opportunities it gave
for traveling and exploring the world.
The car is the cheapest and most convenient way to travel
in the U.S. – even taking into consideration rent and parking


April 2013
costs. It is so easy to go and see new places, but many ignore
that opportunity. We used to plan your weekend in 10 minutes, grab the wheel and let the highway lead us to Chicago
or to the middle of nowhere.
Here, in Russia, students don’t travel by car much, as it
is more expensive than taking a bus or a train. Train tickets
are more common among young people; hiking is the best
way to see a lot. There is a special charm in traveling by
train as compared to crossing your legs on the back seat of
the car. There are no irritating traffic jams, but a merry sound
of the train. A train has space and time for a game of cards
and warm grandmother’s cookies made from real flour, milk
and eggs, not from the add-water-and-enjoy standard mix. I
believe trains suit the vast Russia better than hectic cars.
Another argument for the popularity of the train in Russia is that our Russian railways are smoother than Russian
roads, though I’ve heard complaints about American roads,
too. Taxes or little annoying “30-cent-collectors” blocking
the way to Chicago must ensure good quality of the U.S.
roads. But roads are not as good as you might expect them
to be. In Russia you have jerking on the road free of charge;
in America you pay for it. But this doesn’t make a car less
attractive. That’s because a car fits so well with American
“We want everything faster and more convenient,” I heard
from an American peer.
That’s what cars are initially made for. But in the rush for
time saving, a car can become very inconvenient. In America, more than anywhere else, driving tickets make traveling
by car more expensive. Those pieces of paper from a police
officer can break any good spirit to pieces and accidents can
delay the most fascinating trip forever. And international students are not an exception, but they maybe lucky to come
across a U.S. officer’s understanding.
Marianne Verstappen, 22, of the Netherlands, is one of
those who experienced such a situation, though she was very
lucky that time.
Verstappen was driving to Detroit and didn’t see the red
lights. Something on the dashboard distracted her attention
from the road, and she didn’t stop the car in time to avoid
the accident.
“I hit the brakes, but it was too late,” she said.
It was raining, too, which could have prevented the car
from a quick enough stop. Verstappen crashed into the car
in front of her. That vehicle bumped another car in the front.
Fortunately, nobody was injured. When her friend called the
police she realized that their trip to Detroit would take much
She told the officer what had happened. After the routine
checking procedures, he let her go with a warning.
“I am not going to give you a ticket, but you know you are
wrong,” he said.
The fact she was international and was driving a rented
car made things a bit easier for her. But I wouldn’t advise
anybody to relax on the road either in the U.S. or in Russia.
Another international student from the Ukraine practically got a ticket for her birthday present. After dropping her
friend home, she tried to find her way in the new area and did
not pay enough attention to the signs. She didn’t realize she
was stopped for speeding till the police officer told her about
it. Luckily, a ticket didn’t darken her birthday; she drove
away with a warning since she had a good driving record.
It doesn’t mean, though, she will get away like this the next
time. Officers are polite in America, but they do their job
well and nobody will think about bribing one.
The car is God in U.S., but not almighty. It’s the driver
who counts, not the car. Students in America should use
their cars to go and see something new, not to boast in front
of their friends. It’s not worth making an idol out of it. A
cool brand won’t add much to personal experience unless
one takes advantage of the easiest way to travel in America.
That’s why my friends and I often got out of the campus in
a rented car with a spirit of adventure, though moderated by
traffic signs.
By Anastasia Khodakova (Maslova)
Photos by the author
to be continued


April 2013
Student Stories
My Hobby Is Cooking
As for me, after a long fatiguing day, I want to use this
time to while away some hours just doing what I like the
best. No matter how tired, fretful or angry I am, this time
helps me to clear my mind and reduce tension.
I’m passionate about cooking. Preparing complicated
dishes such as Thai curry, beautifully arranged vegetables
or fruits, various cream soups and so on, is what I take a delight in. But I’m not going to be a chef in a sort of luxurious
French cuisine restaurant or take part in professional cooking
contests. This is just not my cup of tea.
What are hobbies for some people are professions for others but that’s not to say that chefs have cooking as a hobby:
they might enjoy scuba diving! Why not? For me it’s more
like pleasure...
I am a simple, amateur cook, at best. But be that as it may,
I bear a certain similarity to master chefs – I have cookbooks
(and, of course, my mom who can always give me some useful advice). As a matter of fact, I’m not a genius and I don’t
need to reinvent the wheel. Anyway, I always have a possibility to add something more or less to my taste.
But my biggest flaw is my lack of precision and experience. It doesn’t occur to me that dishes turn out badly or well
in proportion to one’s attention to detail. For instance, if I
got the roast going before I had prepared all the ingredients
or if I put muffins in the oven before it had reached the baking temperature, that kind of intuition (or so I think) is, nine
times out of ten, precisely reflected in the shape, and even
in the color, of the final product. Which genuinely surprises
Without a doubt, I like the process of cooking, but the
most important to me are the people who I cook for. Whether
it is my family or friends, the time of gathering together and
eating pleases me. This is all that I need. It’s my remuneration.
By Katya Bazyleva,
School No. 1513 Moscow City Linguistic Gymnasia
Teacher Angelika A. Maximenko
My Hobby Is Ikebana
Living in our modern world and tackling innumerable
problems from day to day, seems to discourage us from taking any free time activity up. It makes you want to spend
your leisure relaxing on a sofa or sleeping. However, unstructured time also provides the perfect opportunity to start
a new hobby you’ve dreamed about. Regardless of your talents and the conditions surrounding you, if you genuinely
wish you played piano or could turn a somersault in midair
snowboarding, you can make it come true.
The two main ingredients of success you need are your
desperate desire and joy. Easy? Well, who knows...? The
problem might be hidden in a very simple issue: to find this
dream in our materialistic life and take an activity up that
will suit you.
In considering hobbies, it took me ages to find something
that I’m passionate about. One day, while sitting in front of the
“best friend of a modern human” I was invited by “Japanese
House” to an ikebana workshop which they conducted. Being
fascinated by Japanese art and history, I decided that I must
visit it! I thought it was high time to start something new!
Just a click of the mouse to accept, and I found myself
helping “sensei” with preparations (as I arrived earlier than
the others). Two hours later, I was totally absorbed by binding
together pieces of bamboo stems. Having put only a single
flower and a thin branch into my handmade bamboo vase, I
created a masterpiece (of course, in my humble opinion).
After the workshop the sensei invited me and my sister
to attend ikebana classes. That’s how I began my hobby.
Ikebana, for me, is not just a way of arranging flowers in a
vase; it’s something more special. The essential side of it is
the conversation between human and flower, the feelings and
emotions you get from the plants you work with.
The ikebana school, named ‘sogetsu’, that I attend and,
I would say, am bound to (according to Japanese rules, it’s
not permitted to change your school or even the master
you’re taught by), is one of three main ikebana schools in
Japan. Despite being relatively new, it became very famous
throughout the world. What is special about this school is
the fact that it has abandoned the so-called ‘fixed style’ and
allows each one to freely make their original creation. That
is what I like! Expressing myself not just by re-creating traditional patterns, but I’m delighted by combining the colours
and the sizes of flowers.
Although I spend every weekend morning studying different basic forms, while I could dream, I do it with great
pleasure. Give me flowers to arrange over all the tempting
things like TV, computers or whatever else I could spend my
free time on. It was the beauty, the fine fragrance and delicacy of the artistry of arranging flowers that involved me at
once. I admit it might never let me give it up.
By Valya Bazyleva
School No. 1513 Moscow City Linguistic Gymnasia
Teacher Angelika A. Maximenko


April 2013
Do you like Japanese cartoons?
Modern society and culture
give people a lot of opportunities
to practice their hobbies. There are
various musical styles, different
technical gadgets, films and TV
series. Today people can choose
what they want to do in their free
time. As for teenagers, they usually organize small groups of
like-minded persons, and, out of that, so-called subcultures
Teens do these activities for different reasons: to find
friends, to create something together with others, to learn
something new, to discuss films or books. People who watch
anime also belong to a subculture. Usually, if someone wants
to understand what anime actually is, people say “it’s like
modern Japanese cartoons”.
I personally (like most anime-fans) don’t like such an interpretation. I would separate anime from films and cartoons
as it is different and something special. The concept “drawn
series” is more appreciable. Characters with disproportionally big eyes and bright-coloured hair and clothes are the distinctive features of anime-heroes. I mean, traditional ones.
But recently there have appeared a lot of exceptions.
A lot of anime genres exist. Classical fantasy, romance
and detective are the most typical, whereas mekha (anime
about robots and cyber men), doubutsu (anime about humanoid cats, foxes etc), and otaku (anime about anime- and
manga-fans) are quite new and special.
Each anime is like a special world with its good and bad
characters and its problems, which the main characters have
to solve. anime-creators like the theme of magic and the supernatural or even parallel worlds. I am, for example, really
excited about these battles between good and evil.
But some anime-series have too many episodes (up to
100–400 episodes!) and when you watch the same fight for
the tenth time, you get really get bored. For example, my
favourite anime called “One Piece” is about pirates and has
more than 500 episodes. Watching the 400th, I felt tired of
these jumping figures with their speeches. Maybe, it is very
interesting for a 10- or 13-year-old child, but if you can predict what is going to happen the next moment, most teens
just loose interest.
For me, anime is something that can distract me from a
hard day at school, nothing more. But a lot of anime-fans
lose their heads and watch anime all day and all night. They
put on clothes like their favourite characters, they try to act
like them and finally they dissolve into that virtual reality.
Fanaticism can be dangerous, and I see no need to get so
involved with just a hobby.
By Kate Plekhanova,
School No. 1513 Moscow City Linguistic Gymnasia
Teacher Angelika A. Maximenko
My Father’s Hobby
My name is Elena. I am fifteen. Every day when
people get home after school or work they have
some free time. Everybody likes to spend their free
time doing an activity which is interesting for them.
These activities are called hobbies.
I’d like to tell you about my father’s hobby.
He collects old-time musical instruments.
There are guitars, violins, mandolins,
and even a cello in his collection
which includes more than 30 instruments. The fact I admire most is that
he combines his hobby and his job. My
father has his own studio where he restores
musical instruments. Some of them he sells. The
most interesting and unusual things he keeps in his collection. My father has musical instruments of different Russian
folk music, like a balalaika and a bagpipe. Some of the instruments he makes himself, from scratch, for example,
guitars. This hobby is entertaining and interesting for
my father. If he receives a new order he researches
all information about the origin and history of the
instrument. He has had his studio for 15 years,
however he never feels bored with his work.
I think my father is fortunate because he
does what he likes, what he knows and
what he cannot live without.
By Elena Andreeva,
School No. 1513 Moscow City
Linguistic Gymnasia
Teacher Angelika A. Maximenko








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