Rating system in Russia!
Do you need a rating system? Why?
Our rating system will have 4 categories.
C (for children younger 12)
T (For children older than 13)
E (For people older than 18)

Rating system in Russia

1. Rating system in Russia!

Mabe by:
Puzhalin, Ryazin
Form 11
School 9

2. Do you need a rating system? Why?

• Of course, we need a rating system. It
helps us to divided all movies to
categories for children, teens and adults.

3. Our rating system will have 4 categories.


4. A

This movie is for all people. The nudity and sex
scenes are not presented, but violence is at a
minimum. Language is everyday.
‘Shrek’, ‘The road to the El Dorado’ and ‘Chicken
Run’ are in A-category

5. C (for children younger 12)

This is a film which needs to be examined
by parents. Language is unrespectful.
Nudity and violence ma by presented.
‘Alesha Popovich’, ‘Monsters University’ are
in B-category.

6. T (For children older than 13)

Children require accompanying parents.
Language may be rough, some nudity may
be presented and language is hard.
‘The Hunger games’, ‘Divergent’ ‘X-men’ are
in T-category.

7. E (For people older than 18)

This is an adult film and no children are
allowed to watch it. Films have too much
violence and language is brutal.
‘Movie 43’, ‘We are the Millers’ are in Ecategory.
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