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John Travolta


John Travolta


John Travolta was born on February 18, 1954 in
Englewood, New Jersey, USA


His father, Salvator Travolta, a retired
footballer, traded in auto parts to support his
extended family, where John was the sixth
child. John's mother, Helen Travolta, was an
actress teaching acting.


From childhood, parents instilled in their
children a love of theater, music, cinema.


From the age of six, John took dance lessons
from the brother of legendary dancer Gene
Kelly. It was made for dancing.


Having started professional performances at the
age of sixteen, he quickly attracted the attention
of professional producers who could not help
but notice him.


Performances in theaters in New Jersey, then on
Broadway, an invitation to television, the first
success in the television musical Come Back
Coter (1975) showed John Travolta that he was
not mistaken in his choice of profession.


He became famous for his participation in the
film "Saturday Night Fever" (1977), where the
actor managed to show an interesting human
character, very typical for the youth of that
period: a young man whose aspirations do not
extend beyond fun in a disco.


The success was consolidated in the film
"BRIOLIN" (1978). In the late seventies - early
eighties, almost every year a new film appeared
on the screens with the participation of John


The happy moment in the life of the actor was
the decision of the American film star Sylvester
Stallone to try his hand at directing: the film
"Staying Alive" (1983) became a "star" in the
biography of John Travolta.


The meeting with Quentin Tarantino, a skilled
artisan to resurrect actors who had gone into
oblivion, allowed John to become one of the
brightest stars of the 1990s. For his role as
gangster Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction (1994), he
was again nominated for an Oscar. And the twist
that the comic and drug lover danced with Mia
Wallace (performed by Uma Thurman) became
the most popular dance movie number of the
last decade of the twentieth century.



John is currently one of the highest paid actors
in Hollywood. Fulfilling his childhood dream, he
acquired a pilot's license, three jet aircraft and a
Boeing-707. His most significant aviation
accomplishment was landing in December 1993
at an airport with no electric lights working. It
was a frosty night, so the darkness and ice
provided the pilot with fullness and acuity of
On September 18, 1991, John married actress
Kelly Preston, with whom he has three children,
son Jett, daughter Ella Blue and Benjamin.
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