Категория: ГеографияГеография

Karkaraly national park in Kazakhstan



Karkaraly is a chronicle of at least
two thousand years of history of
nomadic civilizations, firmly sealed
on the ground and stones. The
oldest and the youngest ever. This
is Karkaralinsk.


There are recreation areas in Karkaraly, but it
seems to me that it is of the same type and
boring, and old in addition. If I was given a
chance to improve the recreation areas, we
would do it...


One of the types of recreation could be
made an extreme sport-downhill, for rock
But this view is
certainly not for
everyone :)


And then you can come up with a bike trail
around the mountain, where people can rent
a bike, or on their bikes can ride, study, cross
the mountains.
In addition, it is good for
your health)


A cool alternative to the usual hotels,
can replace the hotel in the mountain.
This is very unusual, but for an amateur
Or you can make small round cabins
for recreation equipped in the
mountains. It will not be expensive and
will not take much space


That's about how we figured out how to improve the rest areas,
but we still think that we don't need to add anything extra.
Because now the problem of ecology is gaining popularity, all
our ideas can destroy the beauty of nature and its fauna.
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