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Great Idea and Innovations


Great ideas


Great Idea and Innovations
Great idea is a bright thought, opinion or a belief that you have about
how to do something or how to deal with something.
There are some stages in the process of turning a Great idea into a successful innovation.
Stage one is a sudden inspirational bright idea, brainwave, which comes in your mind.
Stage two is developing the idea, after it has been generated: to create a blueprint, a
detailed plan or scheme of a new idea.
Final stage is to create and produce a prototype of the idea as a new device.


Business meetings
Generating and developing new ideas often take place during business
A meeting must always have a leader.
At a formal meeting each person should speak in turn.
The best number of participants for a meeting is six people or fewer.
If the participants sit round the table, it makes meetings more
Always start and finish a meeting on time.


When three stages of turning a Great idea into a successful innovation
have been realized, the new idea, the innovation or new device must be
protected, that is patented, not to be used by others. You need have a
legal right protecting your invention, to get a patent for your device.
The special patent committee of experts will decide if your innovation
will be useful.


Thank you for attention
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