Категория: ИсторияИстория

Queen Victoria. Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland since


1819 - 1901


Victoria was born on May,22nd
1819 ,died on January, 22nd 1901.
She was the queen of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland since June ,20th 1837,the
empress of India since
May ,
1st 1876 ,last representative of the
Hanover dynasty on throne of
Great Britain.


Queen Victoria was
only 18 when she
came to the throne!
The Queen got a
good education. She
spoke German, French
and Italian fluently.


Victoria had forty
grandchildren and
thirty seven great
She outlived eleven of
her 40 grandchildren.
She reigned for 63
years, 7 months, and 2
She is the second
longest reign of any
other British monarch


Queen affliction Victoria was the first known carrier of
hemophilia, an that would become known as the “Royal
Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live in
Buckingham Palace.


Queen Victoria
established the modern
role of a monarch in a
constitutional monarchy
and exerted her influence
to promote the British
Empire's expansion and
reforms benefiting the
poor. During her 67-year
reign of Britain, the
Empire experienced
immense social, political
and industrial change. Her
longevity, combined with
her grace and reclusive
nature, led to her


• Victoria gave the name of
the system of moral values.
“Victorian moral” was the
whole system of different
moral prohibitions and
settings. Rich people were
respected and poor people
were neglected. Women
practically didn’t have
rights. They only had the
role of men’s servants.


Britain became the most powerful country in the
world, with the largest empire that had ever existed,
ruling a quarter of the world's population.
The number of people living in Britain more than
doubled, causing a huge demand for food, clothes
and housing.
Factories and machines were built to meet this
demand and new towns grew up, changing the
landscape and the ways people lived and worked.
Railways, originally built to transport goods, meant
people could travel easily around the country for the
first time.


• The Victoria
Cross is the
British realm's
highest award
for gallantry in
the face of the
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