Категория: ГеографияГеография

Toronto is the city of Сanada


Toronto is the city
of Сanada.
Prepared: Anatoly Golubtsov
Student: 109 group 2 groups


History of the flag.
The history of the canadian flag is very interesting. Before the modern version of the flag was
approved in 1965, its appearance changed regularly. These changes were caused mainly by the
confrontation between england and france, which had their colonies in the country.


The value of the flowers.
Maple leaf.
Red and white are the official colors of canada. Both colors have historical significance. Red refers to the
emblem of the first british flag - the cross of st. George, and white reminds of the lilies of the french
crown. According to another version, the red stripes are meant to remind of the blood of canadian soldiers
who died during the first and second world wars, and the white square in the center symbolizes the land
of canada, much of the year covered with snow.
The choice of maple leaf as the main emblem of canadian heraldry is not accidental. According to legend,
it happened when the prince of wales first came to canada. To greet its inhabitants came out with the
traditional signs of their people in their hands: the british carried roses, the scots - thistle. But the new
generation of canadians had nothing to bear. At that time, the only recognizable symbol of canada was
beaver, but not to go the same they were with beavers. So it was decided to take the maple leaves. Later,
maple leaves appeared on the coats of arms of two canadian provinces, and in 1867 the patriotic song "the
maple leaf forever" was written, which became the unofficial anthem of english-speaking canada.


Toronto or little Italy!
"Little Italy" is what the locals nicknamed Toronto. Canada's largest metropolis, modern,
interesting, dynamic. It is located on the shores of Lake Ontario, and is the capital of the
province of the same name. Toronto is one of Canada's most cosmopolitan cities.


At the beginning of the 18th century, several small Indian settlements of the Iroquois, The Missygos and
The Hayks appeared on the Ontario coast. The first cornerstone of the foundation of the new city was laid
by the British in 1793. So the province of York with the city of the same name appeared. In 1813 it was
destroyed and looted by the Americans. The city got its current name in 1834.


Toronto attractions.
Casa loma castle.
Young street.
Toronto parks.


A memo for tourists.
Toronto is home to toronto's large toronto pearson international airport, which
serves dozens of external flights daily. City transport includes a metro, several
tram lines and bus routes. Many tourists prefer to use taxis.


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