Категория: ИсторияИстория

Art obiects


Art objects
Бродячий музыкант
The wandering musician
• I wont to make sculpture if a
man with an accordion. It is in
spared by a childhood. I go to
musical school. I like it and I
want to dedicate it to people
who work and study thieve.
This sculpture is 2 meters
high. It is made from bronzes.
It looks like a red man. He
holds an a accordion. It looks
like areal accordion. The
sculpture stands in front of
the musical school.


Art objects
Salt shaker
• Art object "Salt shaker".In the
center of the Torgovaya Square in
the city of Berezniki, an art object
"Salt cellar" was installed. This is
a symbol of the production of
potash salts by PJSC Uralkali. The
salt shaker is a very "family item".
She always stood in the center of
the dining table, as a symbol of
hospitality and well-being. On
October 12, 2018, the ceremony
of fixing the record of the Book of
Records of Russia took place. The
height of the salt shaker was 4
meters 95 centimeters.
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