Something(лучше убрать) about myself

Anna Umnikova

1. Something(лучше убрать) about myself

Umnikova Darya


◦ I entered National University of Science and Technology
"MISIS“on a speciality «Business informatics» in 2011 and
finished (graduated) in 2015.
◦ I am an engineer-programmer in National University of
Science and Technology "MISIS"


◦ In order to become a successful person, and
achieve career success you need to pass
through(добавить) all the levels of education in
our country. So I decided to enter the master's
degree in(at) National University of Science and
Technology "MISIS“


◦ After graduating the master's degree I’m
planning(add) to get a prestigious job with high
wages and career opportunities, and I of course
hope that it will be international company , because
in our university the level of teaching(лучше убрать)
English is very high


◦ In order to get a prestigious job I'm going to attend
courses for the development in the IT sector and to
improve the level of English, as well as attend various
job fairs.
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