4b Clothes and Fashion
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

4b Clothes and Fashion

1. 4b Clothes and Fashion




3. Pattern

a) polka-dot
b) floral
c) striped
d) patterned
e) plain
f) checked

4. Style

a) scruffy
b) loosefitting
c) baggy
d) tightfitting

5. Style

e) elegant
f) casual
g) smart
h) sporty

6. Material

d) leather
e) cotton
f) velvet
g) wool

7. Material

a) nylon
(artificial silk)
b) linen
c) silk

8. Fit, suit, match

• Fit – подходить по размеру
• Suit – подходить, идти ( по
отношению к внешности)
• Match – сочетаться
• Go with - подходить


to fit, to suit, to match, to go with=to match.
Don’t forget to change the forms of the verbs where necessary.
. This shirt doesn’t *** me. It’s too small.
2. This color doesn’t *** me.
3. This shirt doesn’t *** your blue tie.
4. The dress doesn’t *** me: it is a bit too loose in the waist
and tight round the hips.
5. The gloves don’t *** with my shoes.
6. The jacket *** you, but the colour doesn’t *** you.
7. What colour tie will you recommend *** my light-grey shirt?
8. I don’t think grey shoes will *** with your brown coat.
9. The dress is to my taste, but the price doesn’t *** me.
10. Mary’s blue dress *** her eyes.


Вставьте слова suit, fit or match в следующие предложения.
Переведите предложения.
Это красное платье очень ___ тебе.
Синий цвет ей ___.
Эти джинсы мне не ___, мне нужен другой размер.
Черный цвет всегда отлично ___ к белому.
С ее размером ноги, ей сложно подобрать туфли, которые ей ___.
Эти туфли ___ ко всей моей одежде.
Этот желтый пиджак хорошо ___ к твоему черному платью.
Вставьте слова suit, fit or match.
Her nails were painted bright red to ______her dress.
That raincoat ________ well.
The jacket’s fine, but the trousers don’t ________ .
If we met at 2 o’clock sharp, would that _______you?
You should try on the shoes to see if they _______.
What about these two colours? Do you think they ______?
Jenny's new hairstyle does not _______her.

11. Too / enough (слишком/достаточно

12. Enough (достаточно – достаточное кол-во какого-либо качества, положительное значение)

• Emma can speak Spanish well enough to
have a simple conversation.
• Tom is not old enough to drive.
• Употребление: после наречий и

13. Enough/not enough

• Также употребляются перед
• We have enough time before the plane
leaves so there’s no need to hurry.
• There were not enough chairs for
everyone so some people had to stand.

14. Too (cлишком – чрезмерное кол-во чего-либо, отрицательное значение)

• Mr Smith is too busy to see you right now.
• Употребление: перед прилаг. и


Fill in the gaps with too or enough:
1. She was ….. tired that she fell asleep during the
2. My father is not rich ……… to buy a new car.
3. He is strong ……… to lift the bookcase.
4. Do you have ………. information to help me with
my report?
5. The coffee was ….. hot to drink.
6. The room was big …… to put the piano.
7. I didn’t buy the coat. It was …… big.
8. This soup is ….. salty.
9. The weather is warm ….. to go for a walk.
10.My brother is strong…… to win the competition.
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