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Лучшие презентации на тему «Английский язык»
Spotlight 5. Module 5. World animals
Spotlight 5. Module 4. Family ties
Use of English B2 for all exames TB OCR MCR
Spotlight 6. Module 6. Leisure activities
Spotlight 2. Unit 7. My Animals
Spotlight 6. Module 5. Feasts
Spotlight 6. Module 4. Day after day
Spotlight 2. Unit 6. My Favourite Food
Present Perfect Tense
Past Continuous
Class 5b. Module 6a
Past Simple & Past Continuous
The Present Continuous Tense
Who’s who?
Present simple
Spotlight 7. Module 5. What the future holds
Spotlight 7. Module 6. Having fun
Spotlight 2. Unit 5. Yummy Chocolate
Spotlight 6. Module 7. How and then
Spotlight 2. Unit 10. My Toys
Spotlight 5. Module 7. In all weathers
Spotlight 3. Module 5 (Unit 9). Furry friends
Spotlight 2. Unit 9. At the Circus
Правила чтения
Spotlight 2. Unit 4. My birthday
Spotlight 7. Module 4. In the news
Past tenses
Christmas (1-2 класс)
Spotlight 3. Module 6 (Unit 11). Home, sweet home
Past Simple Tense
Spotlight 3. Module 3 (Unit 5). All the things I like
Spotlight 9 mod. 5a
Spotlight 5. Module 6. Round the clock
Spotlight 10. Module 4 c. Grammar in Use. Modal verbs. Phrasal verb Run
Spotlight 4. Module 5 (Unit 9). Where were you yesterday?
Spotlight 2. Unit 3. In The Bath
Amazing creatures
Past simple: образование, употребление
Spotlight 6 Mod 5a
Spotlight 5. Module 3. My home, my castle
There is/There are
Spotlight 4. Module 4 (Unit 7). At the Zoo
Spotlight 4. Module 6 (Unit 11). Tell the tale
Spotlight 4. Module 4 (Unit 8). At the Zoo
Spotlight 3. Module 4 (Unit 7). Come in and play
Future Simple
Weekends 6C. Culture Corner 6D. Landmarks (Spotlight 5)
Present Continuous
Past perfect tense
Work. Spotlight 8, module 3b
Cтепени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке
Dvizh. Spotlight 3. Module 5. Cows are funny
Possessive Case. Притяжательный падеж. 5 класс
Spotlight 3. Module 4 (Unit 8). Come in and play
Spotlight 3. Module 3 (Unit 6). All the things I like
My dream house
Spotlight 2. Unit 8. My Animals
Past simple tense. Прошедшее простое время. (4 класс)
Spotlight 2. Unit 11. She’s got blue eyes
Страдательный залог Passive Voice (8 класс)
Spotlight 7. Module 5a
Use of English. B2 (E. Moutsou)
London Attractions. Достопримечательности Лондона
Spotlight 4. Module 3 (Unit 6). Tasty Treats
Spotlight 3. Module 5 (Unit 10). Furry friends
Module 5. Art & Literature. Lesson 5f
Present Perfect VS Present Perfect Continuous
Present Simple/ Present Continuous
Walk of Fame. Модуль 7. 7 класс
World animals. Module 5. Extensive Reading 5. Science. Insects
Spotlight 2. Unit 12. Teddy’s wonderful
Present Perfect
Present Perfect. 7 класс
I can jump. Spotlight 2
Module 6 A. Spotlight 8
Spotlight 7. Module 7. In the spotlight
News stories. Spotlight 7
In the past
Артикли в английском языке
Глагол "to be"
Spotlight 3. Module 6 (Unit 12). Home, sweet home
Spotlight 6. Module 8. Rules and Regulations
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Spotlight 5. Module 7
Free time
Spotlight 6. Module 3. Getting around
Passive Voice. Страдательный залог
The future continuous tense
Spotlight 7. Module 3. Profiles
4b Clothes and Fashion
Have to, don’t have to
Have got/ has got
To be going to
Fun starts here!
Present Perfect \ Past Simple. Сравнение времен
Spotlight 8 Module 2F
The Past Simple Tense
Глагол can
Подготовка к ОГЭ. Пробник. Christmas and New Year
Множественное число существительных