Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык





Are these situations familiar to you?


Discussion Questions:
Are you a hard worker? What motivates you to work?
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you
grew up?
If you could do one job, just for one day to learn what it is like,
what would you do?
What qualities should a good boss have?
How many vacation days do workers in your country usually get
per year? Is it enough?
How important is it to get along with co-workers? Is it a good
idea to socialize with them outside work?
What is the usual retirement age in your country? Should it
change? What would be a more appropriate retirement age?
Which professions are very well-paid these days? Why does
society value those workers highly?


Do you know anyone that was fired from a job? What were the
Do you know any workaholics? What makes them work so much?
Some companies use a flexible time system and employees can work hours
that suit their lifestyles. What do you think about this?
If every job paid the same amount of money, which job would you prefer to
What are the best and worst things about not working?
If you went to university, is your job related to the subjects you studied? If
not, what was the point of going to university?
What is the dress code at your company? How strict is it?
What is one important skill that you think everyone should have?
There are now 25 hours in a day! How do you spend your extra hour?
What is one thing you are looking forward to doing when you retire?
What activity helps you relieve stress?
Can you talk about what a typical day at your current job is like?


Some jokes about work)





Unusual jobs
Online dating ghostwriter
An online dating ghostwriter writes profiles for people on dating
websites. This is a great job if you have the writing skills to create witty
dating profiles. You can do this job as a freelancer from anywhere in the
world by looking for clients yourself, or you can work directly with
popular dating sites.
Master marijuana extractor
A master marijuana extractor is a position where you process marijuana
to produce oils, concentrates and other marijuana products. You do
need a degree in a related field to get this job, but once you have one,
you can start earning a considerable sum of money right out of college.


Professional sleeper:
A hotel in Finland hired a member of staff as a ‘professional
sleeper’ to test the comfort of their beds. The individual
sleeps in a different one of the hotel beds each night and
writes a review about her satisfaction with each one.
Full-time Netflix viewer:
Imagine being paid to watch TV all day! Well for one lucky
employee this dream has become a reality. Netflix has
hired someone to watch all of their content before it is
available to the public and their role is to review and assign
each program its correct tag, which helps viewers to find a
romantic crime movie or drama.


Train Pusher:
If you think the London Underground is bad, you should see
the trains in Japan. ‘Oshiyas’ are hired to help cram as many
people onto a train as possible by pushing them from the
outside until the doors will close.
Dog food taster:
The dog food tester’s job is to taste new dog food products,
including bones and tins. Hmm…tasty?
Scuba Diving Pizza Delivery Man:
If the fact that there’s an underwater hotel in Florida isn’t
strange enough, to add on to that, they have a scuba diving
pizza delivery man who supplies them with pizza by carrying
them through the sea in a watertight case. What service.


Do you have to attend a lot of meetings for your job?
Do you have to do a lot of paperwork?
Do you have to work overtime?
If so, how often?
Do you have to work on Sundays?
Have you ever taken any courses that specifically help you with
the job you are doing now?
How long have you been working at your present job?
How many days a week do you work?
Name three occupations that you could do. (For example, be a
Name three occupations that you could never do?
What are some common occupations in your country?


What are some jobs that you think would be boring?
What are some jobs that you think would be fun?
What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job
What do you think is the best job? What do you think is the
What do you think would be the most interesting job?
Who among the people you know has the most interesting job?
What is it?
Would you like a job in which you traveled a lot?
Would you like to do the same job for the rest of your life?


Unusual vacancies



What are pros and cons of these professions?
An archeologist
A doctor


A sportsman


A businessman
A police officer
A singer


An accountant
A lawyer
A politician


A blogger
A pilot
A cook


A software developer
An artist
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