Категория: ГеографияГеография

Red square and the Kremlin


Red square and the


The Kremlin symbolizes the power of Russia
and is also an important historical
architectural structure. Red Square is one
of the most important sights of the country.
The mysteries of the buildings have not yet
been solved by scientists.


The Central place on the
square is occupied by the
mausoleum, where the
body of Lenin is located,
it is here that tourists
most often go. But when
visiting the mausoleum,
there are a number of
restrictions: you can not
go into it with bags,
backpacks and packages.
You can not go here even
with a mobile phone,
which has a video


On the South side of the square is the Church of
the Intercession Of the mother of God. Among the
people, this building has a second name-St.
Basil's Cathedral. Nine churches of different colors
on one Foundation are the hallmark of the capital
of Russia.


Near the Cathedral is a
monument to Minin and
Pozharsky. The monument
was opened in 1818.
Opposite the Kremlin wall stretches the
facade of Gum. The store also has the
status of an architectural monument.


Red square is a truly historic place where all the
important events related to the history of our country
took place. And this is what determines the interest
of tourists to it.
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