Категория: РелигияРелигия



by Abdykadyrova Aiperi


Buddizm originated in the VI century BC in India. Buddhism is practiced by about
700 million people. Buddhism is widespread in the countries of South, Southeast,
Central Asia and the Far East. The founder of Buddhism was a real historical figure
- Siddhartha Gautama (from the Gautama clan), who belonged to the Kshatriya
Varna and lived in northern India.


Four Noble Truths
1. Human life has a lot of suffering.
2. The cause of suffering is greed.
3. There is an end to suffering.
4. The way to end suffering is to follow the
Middle Path.


The Eightfold Path
Right understanding and viewpoint (based on the Four Noble Truths).
Right values and attitude (compassion rather than selfishness).
Right speech (don't tell lies, avoid harsh, abusive speech, avoid gossip).
Right action (help others, live honestly, don't harm living things, take care
of the environment).
Right work (do something useful, avoid jobs which harm others).
Right effort (encourage good, helpful thoughts, discourage unwholesome
destructive thoughts).
Right mindfulness (be aware of what you feel, think and do).
Right meditation (calm mind, practice meditation which leads to nirvana).


After the death of the Buddha, his body was cremated, and then the ashes were placed in special
vases, and given to the rulers of the states listening to the teachings of Buddhism. Only one of
these vases was found, which is kept in the Indian Museum.



The Five Precepts
1. Do not harm or kill living things
2. Do not take things unless they are freely
3. Lead a decent life
4. Do not speak unkindly or tell lies
5. Do not abuse drugs or drink alcohol


Famous Sects
● There are three main branches of Buddhism:
-Theravada: exactly like Buddhism
-Mahayana: (Applied knowledge) After
everyone else is enlightened then he will be
-Tibetan is buddhism but adding more stuff


Traditions and Celebrations
- There are traditions that are practiced during a visit to a temple.
They include Meditation, mental concentration and mindfulness.
- Buddhist celebrate New Years and the Buddhas birthday known as,


Buddhists believe in Buddha
(Enlightenment); Bodhisattva
(Mahayana only) Samsara - rebirth
(wheel of life); Karma - retribution;
Dharma - the righteous path
(Buddha's teaching); Four noble
truths; Nirvana - salvation (two
ways of salvation); Eightfold Path
Supreme Essence Atheistic religion
- the main goal - self-perfection;
Mahayana-Buddha - deified man;
Lamaism -Dalai Lama - deified man
Norms of morality The Eightfold
path; Not harming others;
"Pancha-shila" - five
commandments (do not kill, do
not steal, do not commit
adultery, do not lie, do not use
exciting drinks); Prohibitions
(apply to novices and monks)
The Church does not have a
single religious organization.
Buddhist Cult Prayer; Fasting;
Meditation; Rituals; Reading of
sacred books; Holidays; Missionary
work; Propaganda of the teaching;
Offerings to the temple; Mass
ceremonies; Traditional monks'
clothes Church
Buddhist Community Sangha
Buddhism was founded in the VI
century BC in the northern part of
India. Founder - Siddhartha
Gautama (Buddha)
Sacred books Sacred books
Tripitaka (three baskets)


Buddhist Temple of San Diego Photos
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