Категория: КультурологияКультурология

Customs and Traditions of English-speaking Countries


Customs and Traditions of English-speaking
Created by: Chebakova K.
group 2ПСк-1
Teacher: Rodnenko I.M.


St. Andrew’s Day – День Св.Эндрю (30 ноября)
This is the Patron Saint of Scotland Day. The
severity and stubbornness of the Scottish character
can not be better and more clearly expressed in the
emblem of the national flag of Scotland - the
thistle. There is a legend dating back to the time of
the Viking raids on Scotland.


So, in the IX century. Vikings landed on
the east coast of Scotland with the
intention to seize and plunder the
country. The Scots gathered all their
fighting forces and took up a position
across the River Tay. They arrived in the
evening and set up camp, settled down
to rest, believing that the enemy would
not attack until the next day.


However, the Vikings were nearby. Finding no guards
and sentries around the Scott camp, the Vikings crossed
the Tay with the intention of suddenly capturing the
Scots and slaughtering them in their sleep. To this end,
they took off their shoes in order to make as little noise
as possible when moving to the camp. But suddenly one
of the Vikings stepped on a thistle. He cried out from the
sudden and sharp pain. Hearing the scream, the Scots
raised the alarm in the camp. The Vikings were forced to
retreat, and the Scots chose the thistle as their national
emblem as a sign of gratitude for the timely and
unexpected help.


St. Valentine's day – день Святого Валентина
(14 февраля)
Valentine's Day is a holiday of Catholic origin,
which is celebrated on February 14 in many
countries of the world. Named after one of the
two early Christian martyrs named Valentine Valentine of Interamna and Valentine of Rome.


Those celebrating this holiday give gifts
to loved and dear people, flowers,
sweets, toys, balloons and special cards
(often in the shape of a heart) with
poems, love confessions or valentine's


Mother's Day –День матери (22 марта)
Mother's Day, March 22. An analogue of
our March 8. This holiday has its roots
in the Victorian era, when children from
an early age had to earn money by hard
work, being far from home. And only
one day a year they could spend with
their family. Now it is a holiday in
England, when children give their
mothers flowers and touching gifts.


Harvest Festival – Праздник Урожая (1 августа)
Harvest Festival, in Ireland, the
imminent arrival of autumn is celebrated
with the holiday of Lugnasad, which
means "the wedding of the Meadow". Its
essence is in gratitude to the gods for a
good harvest. On this day, the Irish eat a
loaf of grain from the new harvest, light
bonfires on the hills, bake traditional
blueberry pies and make straw dolls.


Groundhog Day – День сурка (2 Февраля)
A very beloved annual holiday by
Americans. They believe that the
groundhog can predict the approach of
spring, you just need to observe his
behavior. According to legend, if a
groundhog quietly crawls out of its hole,
then winter will soon end. If he looks
out and hides again, then the cold will
last at least another month. Very often
Groundhog Day is celebrated with
festivals, which attract many tourists.


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