Категория: КультурологияКультурология

UK national costume


UK national costume


What is national dress?
• National clothes are the property of
the people, the embodiment of their
culture and traditions, a reflection of
the worldview and way of life.
• Folk clothes carry the centuries-old
traditions and customs of the
regions, changing and improving.
Each nation has its own
characteristics in national dress.


Why doesn’t England have a specific national costume?
There is no specific national costume in England.
The world famous folk costume of
dancers performing an English
traditional dance called Morris. In the
distant past, this dance was ritual,
magical properties were attributed to
it, it was supposed to awaken the
earth. In ancient times, it was a male
dance, but over time, women also
began to participate in it.


Scottish national dress.
One of the most famous
national costumes in the
world is the Scottish kilt. In
the world, the symbol of
Scotland is three things:
kilt, whiskey and Haggis
pie. The pattern on the kilt
reflects belonging to a
particular clan.


National costume of Wales
The Welsh folk costume, now out
of use, resembled the folk
clothes of the English and
especially the Irish, but it also
had some specific features.
Women’s costume of the XIX
century. Consisted of a dark
waist-length sweater with long
sleeves and a peplum, two skirts
(lower and upper) and a light
checkered apron.
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