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New Zealand laws (extraordinary)


New Zealand laws


New Zealand laws
Few countries boast of
unusual laws that may
seem more than strange
- and in New Zealand
such laws also exist,
and we will talk about
some of them.


Whale protection
Recently, residents of the
capital of New Zealand could
admire a whale directly from
the waterfront. Kit stayed in
Wellington for a couple of
days, made a lot of noise, and
due to his appearance, the
Matariki salute was even
carried over. According to the
Law on Marine Mammals, “no
person should make a loud or
disturbing noise while near a
whale.” The maximum penalty
for violation is NZD 10,000.


Only for protestants
• According to the Law
of Rights of 1688 and
the English law, which
is still valid in New
Zealand: "Protestants
can have weapons for
their protection, in the
necessary conditions."


Killing by influencing the mind
Killing by influencing the
mind Laws against killing
are logical, but in New
Zealand there is one
exception. You are not
responsible for death either murder or
manslaughter - if your
actions "only affect the
mind" of a person (if they
are not sick or are not a
child). In principle, this
avoids slander in many


Nuclear weapon
• In 2017, New
Zealand passed the
Charter Abolition
Act, which removed
132 obsolete or
unused laws from
law books. However,
he still prohibits
communication with
convicted thieves.


Restless Maori
There is a Maori Society Development Act
which contains a list of crimes that are such only
if committed by the Maori. In New Zealand,
there is a Māori Warden department, which
consists of volunteers overseeing the order of
people from the Maori group. These caretakers
have a fairly wide range of rights that are aimed
at promoting the development of the Maori
people and preventing negative manifestations,
for example, they can prohibit the sale of alcohol
to the Maori or take away his car keys if there is
reason to fear bad consequences from behavior.
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