What can you say about the pictures?
I’m the World’s Most Powerful Woman!
I’m the World’s Most Powerful Woman!
Comprehension Check
What’s on your mind?
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

What can you say about the pictures?

1. What can you say about the pictures?

2. I’m the World’s Most Powerful Woman!

3. I’m the World’s Most Powerful Woman!

4. Comprehension Check

True or False. Merkel is the first female Chancellor of
True or False. People call Merkel “the reformer.”
True or False. Merkel ranked as the world’s most powerful
woman for the third year in a row.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Why were the following women hailed as powerful?
Hillary Clinton
Dilma Rousseff
2. Who was the youngest women in the list?
3. Who was the oldest?

5. Vocabulary

a. relating to the profession or skill of
preserving or creating friendly
relationships between countries
b. a woman whose husband has died and
who has not married again
c. a change that is intended to correct a
situation that is wrong or unfair, or make
a system work more effectively
d. works to help people in some way rather
than to make a profit
e. a person who founds or establishes
something with another.
f. to make a formal decision, usually after a
discussion and a vote at a meeting

6. What’s on your mind?

Who is the most powerful woman in Korea?
Explain your answer.
What are the qualities of powerful women?
Would you like to be a powerful woman?
Why or why not?
What should you do to be like them?
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