PROJECT Media News as a Tool for Learning English

Media News as a tool for learning English

1. PROJECT Media News as a Tool for Learning English

Проект подготовил: ученица 9 «А» класса
Михальчук Мария
Руководитель проекта :Моисеева Полина
Учитель английского языка

2. Introduction

Today, the use of the media in
the field of education, namely in
the lessons of foreign
languages, is increasing every
day. With the use of information
technology, teachers are able to
use various media to enrich the
language environment of their
class, help accelerate the
learning process, improve the
learning of the subject, and
instill interest in the subject
being studied.

3. Factors in Learning English with Media News

As a rule, the texts of the news
program are written clearly and
clearly, which makes them perfect
for learning the language. In
addition, the news is about real life
issues. The news focuses on
issues that are important to people
and are in the spotlight today and
now. It makes sense to learn
English in the context of current,
relevant information from the life
of native speakers.

4. Tasks:

The advantages of using media
resources in the lesson are obvious,
but there are a number of tasks that
need to be addressed. Among them, it
is worth highlighting such as the need
to combine information from media
sources with the material of the
school curriculum, changing the habit
of learning a language exclusively
with the help of textbooks for the
active use of newspapers and news
sites, as well as creating a
personality-oriented learning


News feeds and sites are some of the best sources
for improving English.
It’s much easier to concentrate, learn and remember
new information if you are watching, listening or
reading about something that really interests you,
therefore, if you are more interested in politics,
watch (listen, read) news about politics, sports about
sports, art - cultural news, business news - business
news in English.
First you need to find news sources on topics that
are necessary, exciting and like.
I picked up some news sites in English specifically
designed for language learners.

6. News sites to help you learn English

New York Times - the ability to watch and read news
according to their level.
BBC News - presents stories from many countries,
offers news in video format and written format, as well
as many excellent radio programs.
Voice of America - provides subtitles in English,
commentators speak slowly and clearly, about a third
slower than a normal broadcast. This gives novice
students great opportunities.

7. Practice

Bank robber throws cash in air,
shouting ‘Merry Christmas’
A man with a white beard was being
held on $10,000 bond for allegedly
robbing a Colorado bank and
throwing the stolen cash into the air
while shouting, “Merry Christmas” to
passersby, police and local media
reported on Tuesday.
David Wayne Oliver, 65, was
arrested at a nearby Starbucks
coffee shop after he held up the
Academy Bank in Colorado Springs
on Monday afternoon, according to
a police report.
•Throw cash in airвыбрасывать наличные
в воздух
•Was being held boldдержали в тюрьме
•Allegedly robbing-якобы
•Held up-задерживать
•According to- согласно


Грабитель банка выбрасывает деньги в
воздух, выкрикивая «Счастливого
Рождества» Мужчину с белой бородой
задержали на 100 000 долларов за то, что
он якобы ограбил банк в Колорадо и бросил
украденные деньги в воздух, выкрикивая
«Счастливого Рождества» прохожим,
сообщили во вторник полиция и местные
СМИ. 65-летний Дэвид Уэйн Оливер был
арестован в близлежащем кафе Starbucks
после того, как он задержал Банк
Академии в Колорадо-Спрингс в
понедельник днем, согласно сообщению

9. Statistics of ways to learn a foreign language

Group activities
Group Activities
Reading of books
Online Learning
Watching TV shows
Study abroad
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