Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Against all odds. Lesson



План урока
от 3 декабря 2020
Прочитать еще раз текст на стр 64.
Слайд 3 Написать True \ False \ Not Stated
( только номер предложения и T / F / NS )
2. Слайд 4 Прочитать интервью - диалог
3. Слайд 5 письменно ответить на 3 вопроса.
3. Задание должно быть выполнено до 9 декабря до 10:00


Read the text on page 64 one more and mark the statement
True ( T ), False ( F ), Not Stated ( NS )
1. Joe and Simon were two adventurous mountaineers who set out to climb
Everest. ______
2. Their ascent and descent up and down the mountains were difficult. _____
3. Both climbers knew that they had to get off the mountain when Joke broke
his leg. ____
4. At first Simon tried to do his best to get his injured friend down to safety. ___
5. The pitch black of that night prevented Simon from lowering his friend
properly. ____
6. Joe had the chance to grab hold of the cliff. ____
7. Simon held on to the rope for over an hour, trying to hold Joe’s weight on the
other end. ____8. Simon grew weaker and weaker. _____
9. Simon knew that he wouldn’t forgive himself if he didn’t save his friend. ___
10. Joe wasn’t killed by the fall. ____
11. Joe was saved by other mountaineers. ____
12. It took Joe 6 days to reach the safety. _____


Joe: Simon lowered me down but suddenly I struck my elbow against something
solid. It was a vertical icy wall. I made an attempt to thrust the ice-axe into the
icy rock but I didn’t manage to do it. I realized that I was hanging hundred
meters above the ground. I shouted so that Simon would stop lowering the rope
down. I realized that the only way out of this situation was to climb the rope up.
Unfortunately it was impossible because my fingers were frostbitten. I knew it
was the end.
Simon: I didn’t get the signal from Joe. The whole situation was unclear. I didn’t
know what to do. I was frozen with cold. I tried to hold the rope tightly but I
felt that I was being drawn to the edge of the cliff. Sooner or later I would be
pulled down to the edge of the crevasse. Then I took off my rucksack, reached
for the knife and cut the road.
Joe: I flew 50 metres down and fell on a flat slope. I didn’t believe in miracles
but that time I survived.
Simon: I got to the camp where our common friend was waiting for us. I was
completely sure that we had lost Joe. Four days passed. And then, one night we
woke up because we heard the voice. It was Joe’s voice. We went in the direction
of this voice. It was incredible. Simon was terrible injured but alive.


Answer the questions:
1. Do you think Simon made the right
2. What would you have done?
3. Why?


Thank you for
your work!
Thank you for your work!
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