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Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

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Spread the sentences into two columns:
1.Learning English is necessary for your future job.
2.Learning English takes a lot of time.
3.If you know English you can listen to English songs and understand them.
4.There are a lot of books in Russian – there is no need to read them in English.
5.If you can speak English fluently, you can travel everywhere in the world.
6.It is more difficult for us to learn English than any Slavonic language.
7.Knowledge of English gives you a chance to earn a lot of money.
8.Most interesting films are translated in Russian.
9.Learning English is interesting.
10.If you want to learn English you should make efforts and be patient.

2. Agree or disagree.

Agree or disagree.
American English doesn’t differ from the British
2. There are two English-speaking countries in the world.
3. English is an international language.
4. There are many borrowings from other languages in
5. All dictionaries are always made into two languages.
6. Some words came to Russian from English.
7. There are 20 letters in the English alphabet.
8. English is one of the most popular foreign languages in
9. English is one of the richest languages of all the
languages in the world.
10. There are about 300 000 words in the English language.


4. Esperanto

In the past there have been many important languages. These have all been
languages that many countries have used. The most important of these have been
Latin, French, Spanish and English. At one time, Latin was the international language.
A hundred years ago, it was French. Now it is English.
One man tried to make a new language – a language that everyone would use.
His name was Ludovic Zamenhof. He was born in 1859 in in Bielostock, Poland. He
wanted to make a new language because the people of Bielostock spoke many
different languages – Russian, Polish and German – and didn’t want to learn each
other’s languages. Zamenhof thought they would learn a new language. He called his
language ‘’Esperanto’’. Although he had to work during the day as an eye doctor, he
used all his free time to make his new language. He spent 15 years on his first book
about Esperanto although it was only 14 pages long.
Esperanto is very easy to learn. At one time, many people were interested in
learning Esperanto. They believed it was the answer to many of the world’s problems.
Esperantists – people who speak Esperanto – met and spoke Esperanto together.
They even wrote books in the language.
Although there are many good things about Esperanto, it has never become an
international language and perhaps it never will. So many people speak English in
business, travel and education that there is now no need for a new language.

5. Main idea

Circle the correct answer.
The text is about…………… .
1. A language that was made up.
2. An eye doctor who lived in Poland.
3. Learning languages for business.

6. Looking for detail

Answer these questions about the text.
What was the most important international
language a hundred years ago?
Why did Dr. Zamenhof want to have a new
How long did it take him to write his book?
What can Esperantists from all over the world
Why do you think Esperanto has not become
the international language?
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