Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Jeopardy. Wider World 3. Unit 4

1. Jeopardy

Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Final Jeopardy

2. 1 - $100

I’ve got every ___ of House M.D. on DVD.
I love it.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

3. 1 - $200

I don’t like ___ films about two people who are
in love.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

4. 1 - $300

5. 1 - $400

What’s the (FAST) land animal in the world?

6. 1 - $500

Type question to appear here
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

7. 2 - $100

My favourite ___ in the Harry Potter films is
Draco Malfoy.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

8. 2 - $200

Last night I watched a ___ about animals in the
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

9. 2 - $300

10. 2 - $400

What’s the (BIG) country in the world?
the biggest/RUSSIA

11. 2 - $500

Tell us about favourite cartoon
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

12. 3 - $100

I watched an old Disney ___ on TV last week. It
was called Lady and the Tramp.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

13. 3 - $200

I’d like to be an ___ in films, but not in the
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

14. 3 - $300

15. 3 - $400

What’s the world’s (HIGH) building?
highest/BURJ EL KHALIFA (Dubai)

16. 3 - $500

Mime three types of films
Mime two movie characters
Mime one cartoon character

17. 4 - $100

The play was good, but some people in the ___
were talking and it was difficult to hear.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

18. 4 - $200

It was a ____ about fairies and wizards.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

19. 4 - $300

20. 4 - $400

Which planet is (NEAR) the sun, and which is
the (FAR)?

21. 4 - $500

Type question to appear here
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

22. 5 - $100

It was a really good ___ and I laughed a lot.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

23. 5 - $200

I wanted to watch the film because I had read a
very good ____ of it online.
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

24. 5 - $300

25. 5 - $400

What’s the second (POPULATED) country on
most populated/INDIA

26. 5 - $500

Tell us about favourite film
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

27. Final Jeopardy

Say good words to your groupmates
Wish them amazing summer holidays
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here
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