In Harmony with Nature
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

In Harmony with Nature

1. In Harmony with Nature

Lapshov Dima 10A


Harmony is an internal state in which a person lives, feels
their events, regardless of external circumstances and people
around them.


Harmony with nature means, in fact, harmony with oneself.
Feel relatively free and live in the same rhythm with the
whole world.


In nature, everything is interconnected, but each element within it
performs some function of its own.


How to learn to live in harmony with nature? There are some
rules for this


If you want to understand how to live in harmony with
nature, try to use as much natural as possible, rather than
artificial lighting. Wash your Windows more often and open
your curtains during the day.


Give up transport if you need to cover a short distance. Walk
or ride a bike.


Grow flowers. Make a living area on the balcony, arrange
flowers in pots on the windowsills.


If you learn to understand and feel nature and live in
harmony with it, it will be easier for you to perceive the
difficulties and problems that arise on the way.
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