
Formation of Kazakh culture. Lecture 9


Formation of Kazakh culture


Lecture plan
Formation of the Kazakh traditional culture.
Forms of folk poetry.
Musical creativity of akyns and zhyrau.
Musical instruments.




Oral-poetic tradition
• The oral-poetic tradition was known among the Turkic-speaking tribes already
in the VI-VIII centuries. The first surviving examples of ancient Turkic poetry
are found in the treatise "Codex Cumanicus", the works of Yusuf Balasaguni
and Mahmud Kashgari, as well as in the Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions.
• Kazakh folk poetry in the process of formation evolved from epitaphs to
heroic epics, among which stand out "Er Targyn", "Er Kokshe", "Koblandybatyr", etc. The epics "Alpamysh" and "Korogly", common to many peoples of
Central Asia, which are not purely Kazakh, also became widespread at this


Oral-poetic tradition
• Modern researchers distinguish three periods in the development of
Kazakh folk poetry:
• the Zhyrau period (XV century- the first half of the XVIII century);
• The poetic period (the second half of the XVIII century. - the first half of
the XIX century.);
• The Aitys period (the second half of the XIX century - the beginning of
the XX century).
• Initially, Kazakh folk poets were called "zhyrau". In modern times, the
term "akyn" is more often used, previously denoting only
improvisational poets participating in aitys - poetic competitions.


• The epic is a kind of literature, a heroic narrative about the past, containing a holistic
picture of people's life and presenting it in harmonious unity.Kazakh epic is one of
the main genres of oral creativity. It dates back to ancient times. In the OrkhonYenisei monuments, as well as in the tombstone epitaphs discovered by
archaeologists during excavations, the feats of arms of the batyrs and ancestors are
• Epic tales and songs are divided into two types: heroic and social epic.The main
theme of heroic epics is the protection of the native land. Their heroes are
courageous batyrs.They embody the best traits of the people: love of the land,
hatred of the invaders, fortitude, courage, nobility of thoughts. The first samples of
the heroic epic appeared more than a thousand years ago.


• People lived anxiously and restlessly then.The tribes that lived on the
territory of Kazakhstan, then united in alliances, then broke up again,
fought among themselves, defended themselves from foreign
invaders. And after the devastating attack of the Mongols, the
conquered peoples did not submit to the enemies. They have rebelled
against the Golden Horde more than once. And when it collapsed, the
Kazakh people entered into a difficult and long struggle with the
Dzungars and Kalmyks, protecting their lands from their raids.


Epic works
The memory of these events, how steadfastly and
bravely the ancestors fought, inspired people to
create new epic works. In the Kazakh heroic epic,
the defenders of the people courageously repel
enemy raids.
So Alpamys batyr is at war with the Kalmyk khan,
who ruined his homeland, and Kambar batyr frees
the poor from captivity. The most famous epic
works are: "Koblandy batyr", "Er-Targyn",
"Alpamys", "Kambar Batyr", etc.




• In the world folklore science, the most
controversial issues are questions about the
nature of myths. The myths of the Kazakh
people characterize the peculiarities of
thinking, attitude, worldview of the oldest
• Questions of worldview worried the
ancestors of modern Kazakhs. The evidence
of this is the presence of numerous mythical
stories about the origin of the world among
the Kazakh people. These myths occupied a
special place in the oral folk poetic creativity
of the Kazakhs.


Kazakhs called singers-storytellers Akyns, who performed
in front of the public with a dombra in their hands or
competed in aitys - song and poetic "disputes",
accompanied by dombrists-kuishi.In general, the concept
of "akyn" includes a very broad, collective meaning.
Truly talented was the performer who was able to
capture listeners with a filigree drawing of a verse, rapid
skillful improvisation and the energy of the action that
was going on over the edge.
Akyns-improvisers enjoyed well-deserved honor and
respect, were welcome guests and favorites of the
people. After all, once a good song was valued more than
a flock of sheep and a herd of horses.


• Almost until the twentieth century, Kazakhs adhered to the ancestral way of life,
and any significant family event was celebrated solemnly, furnished with
appropriate rituals, which were the reason for creating melodies, as a rule, which
served as an explanation of the ritual taking place. Examples of ritual actions,
almost entirely based on songs, are very interesting.
• For example, during the Kazakh wedding, aitys (poetry competitions) were certainly
held. At the beginning of which the performers necessarily started the song "Toy
Bastar"("Opening of the celebration"). And this ritual song simply told step by step
about the essence of the action being performed.
• The same descriptive narratives are the songs of the bride, who performs the ritual
of saying goodbye to her stepfather's house – "Tanysu", "Koshtasu". Or "Zhar-zhar"
and "Betashar" - edifying songs performed upon the arrival of a young wife in a new
family. The ritual songs of the funeral and memorial cycle were not only ritual in
nature, but also aesthetic functions.






Folk instruments
• Since ancient times, music and its main carriers folk instruments – kobyz,
dombyra, sybyzgy, dauylpaz, kos syrnai, sherter, zhetygen, kerey, asatayak,
konyrau, etc. occupied a significant place in the traditional culture of the
• Their formation and development took place in close connection with the
formation of the musical culture of neighboring peoples, which was due
to the commonality of languages, way of life, customs, rituals, rituals, etc.
• One of the earliest musical instruments of the Kazakhs can be considered
- sybyzgy, which was made from the hollow stem of the kurai plant. The
very simple form and constant availability of the material made it
incredibly popular among Kazakh musicians. Its sound is very peculiar and
resembles something trembling, as if in agitation and trembling, as if
high-pitched flute sounds float somewhere in the distance.
• Sybyzgy was a favorite instrument on summer pastures, perfectly joined
the orchestra at weddings, was necessarily present at the birth of a child
or the arrival of an honored guest.


Folk instruments
• The ancient kylkobyz is a two-stringed whistling musical instrument that was
and remains the most popular among the Kazakh people. The very word"
bristle " is directly related to the intestines of a horse. The two strings of the
saber, consisting of more than a hundred Horsetail hairs, emit a whole range
of unusual sounds when they come into contact with the bow. Depending on
the strength of the strings, the viburnum can sing either nasavo, squeaky, or
with a juicy velvety baritone.
• In general, kobyz KUIS (musical plays) are distinguished by an amazing
sounding character: they can imitate the cry of wolves, the cry of swans, the
running of horses, and even the sound of an arrow.Initially, this tool was used
by shamans and folk healers in religious and magical rituals, but soon it was
adopted by "zhirau"-folk singers, storytellers of the national epic.However, the
most popular Kazakh musical instrument was and remains the beautiful
dombra. In the distant past, its strings were made from goat strings, which led
to the delicate, soft and melodic - velvety sound of the dombra known to




Kazakhstan identity was formed on the basis of the traditional worldview of the inhabitants of the
Steppe, whose primordial values ​were kindness and generosity, hospitality and mutual assistance, love
for children and respect for elders.




Functions of art:
Informative. Art acts as a source of information about the world or a person.
Educational. Art influences the moral and ideological development of an individual.
Aesthetic. Reflects a person's spiritual need for harmony and beauty. Forms the concept of the beautiful.
Hedonistic. Close to the aesthetic function, but does not form the concept of aesthetics, but gives the opportunity for
aesthetic enjoyment.
Predictive. The function of trying to anticipate the future.
Compensatory. It serves to restore psychological balance; it is often used by psychologists and psychotherapists.
Social. It can simply provide communication between people (communicative), and it can call for something
Entertainment (for example, popular culture).


Список литературы:
Раев Д.С. «Қазақтың шешендік өнері: философиялық пайымдау». –Алматы: Ценные бумаги. –2001. –228 с.
36. Сарсенбаева З.Н. «Этнос и ценности». – 2-е изд. перераб. и доп. – Алматы: Институт философии, политологии и
религиоведения КН
МОНРК, 2018.
37. Старр С.Ф. «Утраченное Просвещение: Золотой век Центральной Азии от арабского завоевания до времен
Тамерлана». – М.: Альпина
Паблишер, 2017.
38. Стеблева И.В. «Поэзия тюрков VI-VIII веков». – М, 1965.
39. «Полная энциклопедия живописи». – М., Астрель, 2009.
40. Шәлекенов У.Х. «Қазақ өркениеті – Алматы»; Қазақ университеті, 2009.
Эпические традиции Казахстана.https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/155341
Т.Джумалиева, А.Темирбекова «История казахской музыки» том 1 Алматы «Гылым»2000
С.Кузембаева, Т.Егинбаева «Лекции по истории казахской музыки» Алматы 2005
Т.Асемкулов «Казахский эпос: человеческий дух в поисках изначального смысла»
А.З.Бултбаева «Казахский эпос: История и современность»
А.Б.Кунанбаева «Проблема казахской эпической традиции (на музыкальном материале 1960-80-х годов)»
С.А.Елеманова «О генезисе, эволюции и стиле казахской традиционной песенной культуры (методологический


For seminar:
1.Formation of Kazakh culture. Musical creativity of akyns and zhyrau.
2.Musical instruments. Great Kazakh biys.
3. Speech etiquette in the Kazakh language. Cultural values ​and ethics of batyrs.
4.Kazakh arts and crafts. Sports games.
5. Traditions, rituals, customs of the Kazakh people. Rites cycle of life: birth, maturity,
death. Funeral and memorial ritualism. Wedding ceremony.
6. Museum-reserves: Botai, Sarayshyk, Bozok cultural object Beket-Ata, Aksu Zhabagly,
Korzhalgyn as a cultural geographic framework of national attachment.
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