Mystical creatures: vampires



in the lower mythology of the peoples of Europe, a
living, half-dead or dead man, leading a nocturnal
lifestyle, sucking blood from people, sending
nightmares. It is believed that the "unclean" dead
became vampires — criminals, suicides who died
prematurely or infected from the bites of other


Vampire nests are well-known in Austria, East
Germany, Turkey and India. From the middle
of the XVIII century, ghouls began to spread
across the cities of Western Europe and North
America. The first documented case of
vampirism in England dates back to 1819.


Perhaps the first historically attested outbreak of
vampirism in Europe - or at least the first wave of
panic about the invasion of vampires - occurred in
the twenties of the XVIII century in East Prussia
and the Habsburg Monarchy. It was then, in 1718,
Austria received a part of the territory of Bosnia,
Serbia and Romania under the Pozharevsky Peace.


1.In China, vampires were
described as an image with red
eyes and crooked claws.
2.As you know, vampires are
afraid of garlic and sacred
3.The most famous of the
vampires is Count Dracula,
about whom fairy tales and
legends are composed.
4.Vampires don't drink blood
the way they show us in the
movies. They do not bite the
victim, but cut her skin with a
sterilized scalpel.
5.Vampires don't reflect in
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